Risks and rewards of nasal rinses: What you need to know (2024)

There’s nothing like taking a deep breath and feeling the air move easily through your nose and into your lungs. But when allergies and colds leave you congested, flushing out clogged nasal passages can help you breathe a little easier.

Nasal irrigation, also known as sinus rinsing, is the practice of moving a saline (saltwater) solution through your nasal passages to clear out mucus and flush out debris and allergens. Irrigation devices, such as neti pots, squeeze bottles and rubber nasal bulbs, push the water through one nostril and out the other.

If you’ve never done a nasal rinse before, the process may sound uncomfortable. But the benefits and relief are well worth it if you take steps to perform the rinse safely.

Here’s what you need to know:

How does nasal irrigation work?

Rinsing out your sinuses and nasal passages offers relief for symptoms of sinus infections, allergies, cold and flu. In one study, patients with chronic sinus issues performed a daily nasal rinse and saw an improvement in symptom severity of more than 60%.

As saline solution moves through your nasal passages, it:

  • Clears out light mucus
  • Moistens nasal passages exposed to dry indoor air
  • Removes allergens such as dust, pollen and other debris
  • Thins out stubborn, thick mucus so it can be expelled while blowing your nose or coughing

Performing a nasal rinse

To flush your nasal passages, you’ll need an irrigation device and saline solution — which you can purchase as part of a kit or make at home. Once you have the supplies, plan to perform the rinse over a sink and take these steps, outlined by the National Institutes of Health:

  1. Fill the device with saline solution.
  2. Keep your head over a sink or tub and tilt your head sideways to the left.
  3. Gently pour or squeeze the solution into your right nostril. The water will come out the left nostril.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Gently blow your nose to remove remaining water or mucus.

Side effects of sinus rinsing

When nasal rinses are done properly, the side effects, if any, are typically minor and temporary. The most common issues resulting from a nasal rinse are a burning or stinging sensation in the nose and mild irritation in the nasal passages.

To make your nasal rinse more comfortable, make sure to use a saline solution instead of plain water, which can aggravate the inside of your nose. Saline allows water to move through your delicate nasal membranes with little to no burning and irritation.

Saline solutions often come prepackaged with nasal irrigation devices or can be homemade. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology recommends the following saline sinus rinse recipe:

  1. Mix 3 teaspoons of iodide-free salt with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and store in a small airtight container.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 8 ounces of lukewarm distilled or boiled water and perform a sinus rinse. (Use fewer dry ingredients to make a weaker solution if you experience burning or stinging.)

Safety tips for saline nasal washes

To avoid more serious issues associated with nasal irrigation, be sure to:

Use the right water

Never use tap water to rinse out your nasal passages — it isn’t filtered or treated and can contain bacteria. Tap water may be safe to swallow because your stomach acid kills any bacteria. But if you use tap water in a nasal rinse, the bacteria can continue to live. It can eventually cause infection and, in very rare cases, travel to the brain.

For a safe sinus rinse, use one of the following:

  • Boiled tap water, which is boiled for up to five minutes, cooled to room temperature and then used within 24 hours
  • Distilled or sterile water, which can be bought in stores
  • Filtered water that has passed through a filter meant to trap infectious organisms

Make sure the saline water solution is room temperature before rinsing with it. Using very hot water could scald or burn your nasal passages. If you’ve recently had surgery for chronic sinusitis, very cold water can increase the risk of developing bony growths in your nose.

Make sure the nasal irrigation device is clean

Plan to clean and air dry your neti pot or other irrigation devices after every use. Dirty or contaminated devices are a quick way to reintroduce bacteria into your nasal passages.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best cleaning method and remember to let the device dry completely. To avoid passing germs to others, do not share your irrigation device with anyone.

Only use nasal irrigation when you need it

Start by performing just one irrigation a day. If the rinse is helping, you can irrigate your nose up to three times a day. But nasal rinses should not be used as a preventive measure when you don’t have symptoms. It won’t prevent sinus issues and can cause infections to develop.

Your sinuses and nasal passages are lined with good mucus — it traps the irritants and germs that enter your nostrils and can kill some bacteria. Regular flushing can hinder those protective features and increase the risk of infection.

If you find yourself performing nasal irrigation all the time, reach out to your primary care physician about treatment for chronic sinus or allergy issues.

Risks and rewards of nasal rinses: What you need to know (2024)


Risks and rewards of nasal rinses: What you need to know? ›

Usually, there are no side effects. Some people experience burning or stinging in their noses after doing nasal irrigation. If this happens, reduce the amount of salt you use in your saline solution. Also, make sure that boiled water has cooled to lukewarm before you use it.

What is the risk of nasal rinse? ›

Sinus Rinse Dangers. A potentially serious infection from nasal irrigation, like a Naegleria fowleri infection, is possible with a sinus rinse. Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba that lives in pipes linked to tap water, ponds, lakes, and rivers.

What are the benefits of a nasal rinse? ›

Sinus rinsing can remove dust, pollen and other debris, as well as help to loosen thick mucus. It can also help relieve nasal symptoms of sinus infections, allergies, colds and flu.

Does sinus rinse have side effects? ›

Side effects usually do not occur with use of this product. However, if the inside of your nose is very dry and irritated, stinging may occur. If this effect lasts or gets worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Can water get stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse? ›

Yes, it is possible to get water stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse. This can happen if your sinuses are swollen or if your head is not tilted properly. If you feel like water is stuck, keep your head upright for a while and try blowing your nose. The water should work its way out.

Is the NeilMed sinus rinse safe? ›

It should not do any harm, even if you have high blood pressure or a heart condition. If you follow our directions, tilting your head forward, the chances of solution reaching the back of the throat are very small.

How bad is it to use tap water for nasal rinse? ›

Conclusion: Despite standardized instructions for the preparation of saline irrigation solutions, many patients use untreated tap water. The extremely rare, but typically fatal, risk of meningoencephalitis from Naegleria fowlerii makes this a potential health hazard.

Who should not use a nasal rinse? ›

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Use purified water (boiled or distilled). Choose non-iodized salt over iodized. And never attempt nasal irrigation if you have clogged ears or an ear infection. If you're unsure whether it's safe to try nasal irrigation, reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance.

Will a nasal rinse help with sinus pressure? ›

When done properly, sinus rinsing can be an effective, natural way to help relieve sinus pressure. In recent years, sinus rinsing, using a neti pot or sinus rinse kit, has grown in popularity. Sinus rinsing also is known as nasal rinsing, sinus flushing or nasal irrigation.

Does sinus rinse raise blood pressure? ›

Is the sodium in nasal sprays enough to raise blood pressure if used daily to flush the nose? No, salt water or sodium nasal sprays or washes do not contribute to oral sodium intake. The salt load in the diet can affect Blood Pressure (BP). Most Americans ingest 2-3 times the sodium/salt that is needed.

Is bottled water safe for nasal rinse? ›

Other choices are distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), commercially bottled or, as mentioned earlier, previously boiled water cooled to lukewarm or body temperature. Always rinse your nasal passages with NeilMed® SINUS RINSE™ packets only.

Why do my ears hurt after a nasal rinse? ›

A: Since the Eustachian tube drains into the back of the nose, there is potential for a pressurized rinse to regurgitate irrigant into the middle ear space. This will temporarily diminish hearing and cause some pain, but will resolve with time.

What comes out during nasal irrigation? ›

Nasal irrigation, also known as sinus rinsing, is the practice of moving a saline (saltwater) solution through your nasal passages to clear out mucus and flush out debris and allergens. Irrigation devices, such as neti pots, squeeze bottles and rubber nasal bulbs, push the water through one nostril and out the other.

Why do I feel more congested after a sinus rinse? ›

This may due to too much or too little salt in the saline solution. 5 It is also possible that the irrigation may actually cause nasal congestion, but this will typically resolve on its own.

Why use baking soda in nasal rinse? ›

Nasal washes or rinses containing baking soda can be particularly helpful in thinning the mucus out and making it clear. People with allergic rhinitis and acute or chronic sinusitis might consider using baking soda nasal rinses regularly. This can help keep airways clear from mucus and reduce the risk of infection.

What happens if you swallow nasal rinse solution? ›

The solution should flow into one nostril and out of the other, but it will not harm you if you swallow a little. Avoid blowing your nose for about 15 minutes (this is especially helpful if the solution sometimes gets trapped in your ears).

Can sinus rinse cause fluid in the ear? ›

Because your ear, nose and throat are interconnected, using sinus rinses or neti pots can sometimes cause water to get stuck in your ears. If this happens, try one of the self-care tips mentioned above to drain the water from your ear or book an appointment with a hearing care specialist.

Can sinus rinse cause ear problems? ›

Some people begin to experience discomfort in their ears or Eustachian tubes when using neti pots or other sinus rinses. They'll notice pressure changes in their ears and/or feel like they need to pop their ears often.

How do I unblock my nose naturally? ›

Here are 7 home remedies for sinus congestion and blocked noses you can try.
  1. Use a humidifier.
  2. Take a hot shower.
  3. Drink plenty of water and liquids.
  4. Try a warm compress.
  5. Elevate your head.
  6. Essential oils.
  7. Herbs and spices.

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