Navage Nasal Care | Doctors Love Nasal Irrigation (2024)

If you snore, are frequently all stuffed up, or find it hard to get enough air while exercising, you are not alone! According to WebMD, at least 17 million people suffer from chronic congestion and a staggering 50 million have nasal allergies.

The good news is that this is a problem with solutions. Some of them are natural and healthy. Others not so much. Antihistamine sprays are effective for a short period, but they also come with a price: over time they become addictive and can destroy vital tissue in the nasal cavity.

Saline nasal irrigation is a better alternative. It’s an all-natural way to flush, moisturize, and bathe the nasal cavity with saline.

Using products such as Naväge Nasal Care not only avoids steroids and pills, but helps to avoid allergies, post-nasal drip, and congestion.

Requiring no special-skill set or training, the Naväge Nasal Care system is a completely natural way to prevent snoring, relieve allergies, and drastically improve breathing indefinitely. Not only is it a cost-effective solution to a number of problems, but it completely avoids the necessity for drugs or surgery in many cases.

Plus, theNaväge Nose Cleaneris the world’s only irrigator with gentle powered suction, a game-changer for nasal irrigation. Often referred to as ‘Nature’s Decongestant’, the Naväge nasal hygiene system is promoted by doctors who specialize in the field.

According to Dr. Howard Levine, “Nasal irrigation is clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion safely and effectively without drugs. Naväge sets the new standard for personal nasal care with its exceptional convenience, consistency, and ease of use.” Dr. Levine is an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician, former head of the Nasal Sinus Department at the Cleveland Clinic and past-president of the American Rhinologic Society.

“Nasal irrigation is a simple, inexpensive treatment that relieves the symptoms of a variety of sinus conditions, reduces use of medical resources, and could help minimize antibiotic resistance.”-Blake Papsin, M.D., Canadian Family Physician Journal

Navage Nasal Care | Doctors Love Nasal Irrigation (2024)


Navage Nasal Care | Doctors Love Nasal Irrigation? ›

I have suffered with sinus infections for years and the Naväge is a life saver. I even got one for my granddaughter who also suffers from allergies and sinus infections. It's just amazing!! I love this as well, help the product to dry properly.

Does navage nasal cleaner really work? ›

I have suffered with sinus infections for years and the Naväge is a life saver. I even got one for my granddaughter who also suffers from allergies and sinus infections. It's just amazing!! I love this as well, help the product to dry properly.

Is Naväge better than sinus rinse? ›

While the Navage provides a more controlled flow of saline solution and the convenience of premixed packets, the Neti Pot is a more budget-friendly option that can be used with a homemade saline solution.

Is Naväge recommended by doctors? ›

Often referred to as 'Nature's Decongestant', the Naväge nasal hygiene system is promoted by doctors who specialize in the field. According to Dr. Howard Levine, “Nasal irrigation is clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion safely and effectively without drugs.

Is it OK to use tap water with Naväge? ›

New User Water Tip

It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 85°– 90°F (29°– 32°C). WARNING: DO NOT USE TAP WATER UNLESS STERILIZED BY BOILING.

Is it OK to use Naväge everyday? ›

You can use the Naväge Nose Cleaner as often as you wish! We suggest you use Naväge twice a day, just like brushing your teeth. However, Naväge is completely natural and drug-free, and health professionals agree that it's safe to use as often as needed or wanted.

Does Naväge get rid of phlegm? ›

Absolutely! Yes, the Naväge will remove mucus!

What is the best time of day to do a nasal rinse? ›

The solution made with the SINUS RINSE™ packet will not burn or sting because it is pH neutral. Moreover, the ingredients in each packet are identical, taking the guesswork out of preparing the solution and giving you the same solution each time you make it. Nasal rinses can be done at any time of day.

How long does it take for Naväge to work? ›

A Naväge cycle can last from about 10 seconds to a minute, depending on personal anatomy and congestion. Most cycles last from 20 to 30 seconds. The cycle is complete when the upper tank is empty. For persons with a deviated septum the irrigation cycle may take longer depending on how deviated the septum is.

Why do I feel more congested after a sinus rinse? ›

Your congestion can feel worse after a sinus rinse if you use only water rather than the saline solution. It can cause swelling in the nasal passages, making symptoms worse. Water from the neti pot can get stuck in your sinuses if you don't tilt your head correctly.

How to clean a deep inside nose? ›

Performing a nasal rinse
  1. Fill the device with saline solution.
  2. Keep your head over a sink or tub and tilt your head sideways to the left.
  3. Gently pour or squeeze the solution into your right nostril. ...
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Gently blow your nose to remove remaining water or mucus.
May 2, 2022

What happens if you use tap water for sinus rinse? ›

While rare, nasal rinsing can cause serious health problems when unsterilized water, including tap water, is used. Tap water is safe for drinking and bathing or showering. However, it can contain bacteria, including amoebas, that can cause serious or life-threatening infections in nasal passages.

What are the negatives of Navage? ›

The underlying problem is that viruses and bacteria from your nose may be transferred to the device, under the right circ*mstances of temperature and humidity, the germs may colonize and then be reintroduced into the nose upon subsequent use.

Is bottled water ok for Navage? ›

Always use one of these types of water:

Distilled. Micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron) Commercially bottled; freshly opened. Previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature; used promptly.

Can you Navage too much? ›

You can use the Naväge Nose Cleaner as often as you wish! We suggest you use Naväge twice a day, just like brushing your teeth. However, Naväge is completely natural and drug-free, and health professionals agree that it's safe to use as often as needed or wanted.

How does Naväge not go down your throat? ›

The key to success with Naväge is making your nasal cavity into a closed system, separate from the oral cavity. That's what makes it possible for the rinse to go in one nostril, out the other, and not down your throat. It's the result of closing the soft palate.

Will a nasal rinse help with sinus pressure? ›

When done properly, sinus rinsing can be an effective, natural way to help relieve sinus pressure. In recent years, sinus rinsing, using a neti pot or sinus rinse kit, has grown in popularity. Sinus rinsing also is known as nasal rinsing, sinus flushing or nasal irrigation.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.