Using a Sinus Rinse to Clear Congestion (2024)

A sinus rinse is a drug-free means of flushing mucus, pollen, and other irritants that have collected in the nose and sinuses. Also known as nasal irrigation or a saline rinse, this effective remedy for congestion also helps keep mucous membranes moist.

A sinus rinse can help relieve stuffiness due to issues such as the common cold, the flu, allergies, sinus infections, and COVID-19. It can be used on its own or along with cold or allergy medications.

This article discusses sinus rinses, how they are used, how to do it, and the different saline nasal rinses available.

Using a Sinus Rinse to Clear Congestion (1)

What Sinus Rinses Can Help With

Sinus rinse products and systems perform the same action as a neti pot, but many find these choices easier and less intimidating to use.

Using a sinus rinse can help improve symptoms such as:

  • Nasal dryness
  • Sinus pressure
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal irritation from dust, fumes, animal dander, grass, pollen, smoke, and environmental pollutants
  • Post-nasal drip

After using a sinus rinse, your sinuses should be cleared out, making it easier for you to breathe (especially at night) and reducing the extent to which mucus has caused you discomfort.

Could You Have a Sinus Infection?

Saline Rinse Options

There are various different brands of sinus rinses on the market. Which you should use largely comes down to personal preference.

These products contain a sterile squeeze bottle and sinus rinse solution packets, which you mix with previously boiled or distilled water to create saline (basically mild salt water).

Here are just a few that you may find at your local drugstore include:

  • NeilMed Sinus Rinse: This squeeze-bottle system allows you to control the pressure of the rinse while providing a therapeutic and soothing experience.
  • SinuCleanse Soft Tip Squeeze Bottle: The soft tip of the dispenser helps make rinsing more comfortable.
  • SinuCleanse Micro-Filtered Nasal Wash System: This comes with a built-in micro-water filter to provide natural soothing relief for nasal congestion and sinus symptoms.
  • Dr. Hana's Nasopure Nasal Wash: This angled bottle doesn't require you to bend over the sink or title your head to use it as many other squeeze bottle sinus rinses do.

You will likely also see pre-filled saline nasal sprays/mists on the shelf right alongside these and products like them. One popular example is Arm and Hammer Simply Saline. These are convenient in that you do not need to mix the rinse solution prior to use, but they do not dispense as much fluid as squeeze-bottle options. As such, some may find them more beneficial for nasal irritation.

Rinse Devices

If chronic sinus congestion is a concern for you, and particularly if options like the above are not providing adequate relief, you might consider a sinus rinse device.

One top seller is the Naväge Nasal Care Retail Starter Kit. This battery-operated, handheld device flushes your sinuses with saline solution (which you mix with provided packets). It is more forceful than a squeeze bottle solution, which may be helpful for some.

Other sinus rinse systems function similarly but resemble dental water picks when it comes to their design. One example is Health Solutions SinuPulse Elite, which plugs into an electrical outlet and has two modes: a light spray and a stream for more substantial irrigation.

These systems are pricer and larger than squeeze bottles, which may make them inconvenient or impractical for some.

How to Use a Sinus Rinse

Sinus rinse devices/systems differ depending on their design, so be sure to read and follow provided instructions.

In general, most saline rinse products contain a squeezable plastic bottle containing 8 ounces of water, saline solution packets, and a tube extending from the cap into the bottle.

Typical instructions for preparing a sinus rinse include:

  1. Wash your hands before handling the sinus rinse supplies.
  2. Unless pre-filled, you will need to fill the provided bottle with lukewarm distilled or previously boiled water. (Most bottles hold about 8 ounces.) Never use plain tap water, as it's not sufficiently filtered for this use.
  3. Pour the rinse packet into the bottle, put the cap back on, then shake to dissolve.

To use the sinus rinse:

  1. Stand in front of a sink, lean forward over the sink, and tilt your head down.
  2. Open your mouth and place the bottle opening singly against the opening of your nostril.
  3. Continue breathing through your mouth and gently squeeze the bottle until the solution starts draining from the opposite nostril. It is OK if water drains through your mouth or touches your throat, but do not swallow it.
  4. Continue squeezing the bottle until you have used 1/4 to 1/2 of the bottle.
  5. After rinsing, tilt your head forward and lean toward the opposite nostril. Gently blow your nose to clear your sinuses. Avoid pinching your nostrils completely to keep from putting pressure on the ear drums. You may need to shake your head a bit to shift any trapped liquid and help get it all out.
  6. Repeat using the other nostril.

Sinus rinses are commonly recommended for use two to four times a day. Sinus rinse bottles should not be shared among family members and should be washed and dried thoroughly between uses.

When Not to Use a Saline Rinse

With proper use, sinus rinses are safe for most people. Saline solution is not a medication and does not pose any risk of drug interactions.

The product is also safe for use in children, but a child should be old enough to understand what will happen when they use it and perform the rinse themselves.

That said, you should not use a nasal rinse if:

  • Your nasal passages are completely blocked.
  • You have an ear infection.
  • Your ears are completely blocked with mucus.
  • You are unable to position yourself to allow the solution to run out of your nostrils.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can a sinus rinse cause infection?

    Yes, but only if done incorrectly. A sinus rinse can cause an infection if you use non-sterile water, which can introduce bacteria into the sinus cavity. To avoid this, use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water. Also, clean your sinus rinse bottle/device between uses.

  • Can water get stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse?

    Yes, it is possible to get water stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse. This can happen if your sinuses are swollen or if your head is not tilted properly. If you feel like water is stuck, keep your head upright for a while and try blowing your nose. The water should work its way out.

  • Can a sinus rinse make you feel worse?

    If done properly, a sinus rinse should not have any side effects. However, some people may experience a burning or stinging sensation in the nasal passages after a sinus rinse.

  • How can I clean my sinuses naturally?

    In addition to sinus rinse, you can promote sinus draining by keeping your nasal passages hydrated. To do this, drink plenty of water and other fluids, use a humidifier or nasal steamer, take a hot shower, or apply a warm compress to your forehead, cheeks, and nose. When you sleep, use extra pillows or a sleep wedge to keep your head elevated, which helps to drain the sinuses.

3 Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Rabago D, Zgierska A. Saline nasal irrigation for upper respiratory conditions.Am Fam Physician. 2009;80(10):1117‐1119.

  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Is rinsing your sinuses with neti pots safe?

  3. UCLA Health. Ask the Doctors: Nasal irrigation may help, won't hurt COVID-19.

Using a Sinus Rinse to Clear Congestion (2)

By Kristina Herndon, RN
Kristina Herndon, BSN, RN, CPN, has been working in healthcare since 2002. She specializes in pediatrics and disease and infection prevention.

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Using a Sinus Rinse to Clear Congestion (2024)


Using a Sinus Rinse to Clear Congestion? ›

As long as you're taking care to clean containers properly and use boiled or distilled water, nasal irrigation is a safe daily ritual. Nasal irrigation can often provide relief when dealing with an irritating stuffy or runny nose. Take care to irrigate correctly. Use purified water (boiled or distilled).

Does sinus rinse get rid of congestion? ›

As long as you're taking care to clean containers properly and use boiled or distilled water, nasal irrigation is a safe daily ritual. Nasal irrigation can often provide relief when dealing with an irritating stuffy or runny nose. Take care to irrigate correctly. Use purified water (boiled or distilled).

When should you not use a sinus rinse? ›

If the rinse is helping, you can irrigate your nose up to three times a day. But nasal rinses should not be used as a preventive measure when you don't have symptoms. It won't prevent sinus issues and can cause infections to develop.

Can water get stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse? ›

Yes, it is possible to get water stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse. This can happen if your sinuses are swollen or if your head is not tilted properly. If you feel like water is stuck, keep your head upright for a while and try blowing your nose. The water should work its way out.

How do you flush mucus from your sinuses? ›

Moisten your sinus cavities.

Drape a towel over your head as you breathe in the vapor from a bowl of hot water. Keep the vapor directed toward your face. Or take a hot shower, breathing in the warm, moist air. This will help ease pain and help mucus drain.

What comes out during a sinus rinse? ›

Nasal irrigation, also known as sinus rinsing, is the practice of moving a saline (saltwater) solution through your nasal passages to clear out mucus and flush out debris and allergens. Irrigation devices, such as neti pots, squeeze bottles and rubber nasal bulbs, push the water through one nostril and out the other.

How to clean a deep inside nose? ›

Using a squeeze bottle, bulb syringe, or neti pot, pour or squeeze the saline solution slowly into the upper nostril. Allow the solution to pour out your other nostril and into the drain. Breathe through your mouth, not your nose, at this time. Repeat on the opposite side.

Can you overdo sinus rinse? ›

But using it too often can irritate your nasal passages. And it might be counterproductive to use it daily for a long time.

Is it OK to do a sinus rinse with just water? ›

Tap water isn't safe for use as a nasal rinse because it's not adequately filtered or treated. Some tap water contains low levels of organisms — such as bacteria and protozoa, including amoebas — that may be safe to swallow because stomach acid kills them.

Is it bad to do a sinus rinse before bed? ›

However, we recommend that you rinse at least one hour before leaving your home or going to bed in order to avoid the occasional, accidental drainage of the small amount of leftover solution or liquified mucus from the nasal passages, which may drip back or may come out of the nose if you were to lean forward.

What happens if sinus rinse doesn't come out of other nostrils? ›

What if your saline irrigation doesn't work? If you find that the saline passes through one nostril easily but doesn't easily come out the other side, you may have a deviated septum. Another clue is when a routine cold routinely lingers or progresses to sinusitis.

Does sinus rinse clear the Eustachian tube? ›

Saline washes involve rinsing the nasal passages with a saltwater solution. This can help clear excess mucus and debris from the nasal passages and Eustachian tubes, promoting drainage and relieving congestion. Nasal irrigation can be performed using a neti pot, squeeze bottle, or nasal irrigator device.

Does drinking water unclog sinuses? ›

Staying hydrated is crucial when you're dealing with congested or infected sinuses. Drinking plenty of water can help to thin out mucus and make it easier to expel. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and avoid sugary or caffeinated beverages, which can actually dehydrate you.

How can I unclog my sinuses fast? ›

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose: Tips & Home Remedies
  1. Avoid common irritants. Cold sufferers with nasal or sinus congestion should avoid irritants such as smoke and strong perfume.
  2. Drink water. ...
  3. Take a decongestant as directed. ...
  4. Take a hot shower. ...
  5. Use a humidifier. ...
  6. Relax with a warm compress.

What drinks remove mucus from the body? ›

Drinking enough liquids, especially warm ones can help with mucus flow. Water and other liquids can loosen your congestion by helping your mucus move. Try sipping liquids, like juice, clear broths, and soup. Other good liquid choices include decaffeinated tea, warm fruit juice, and lemon water.

Can you push mucus out of your sinuses? ›

Massaging the sinuses is thought to help sinus pain and congestion by relieving pressure and helping the sinus drain out mucus. The gentle pressure and warmth from the hands may also help by increasing blood circulation to the area.

Does sinus rinse actually reach sinuses? ›

However, the openings of the sphenoid, ethmoid and frontal sinuses are located at the top of the nasal cavity. Irrigation can only reach these openings when the head is positioned upside down.

How do you get rid of sinus congestion permanently? ›

Depending on the underlying cause, medical therapies may include:
  1. Intranasal corticosteroids. Intranasal corticosteroids reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. ...
  2. Oral corticosteroids. Oral corticosteroids are pill medications that work like intranasal steroids. ...
  3. Decongestants. ...
  4. Saline irrigation. ...
  5. Antibiotics. ...
  6. Immunotherapy.
Jun 18, 2019

How do you drain sinus congestion fast? ›

How to relieve sinus pressure
  1. Sinus rinse. Whether the pressure is due to a sinus infection, allergies or something else, Dr. Takashima recommends starting with a saline rinse kit. ...
  2. Keep your head elevated. ...
  3. Warm compress. ...
  4. Drink plenty of water. ...
  5. Try a decongestant. ...
  6. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. ...
  7. Sinus massage.
Feb 14, 2024

How to unstuff your nose? ›

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose: Tips & Home Remedies
  1. Avoid common irritants. Cold sufferers with nasal or sinus congestion should avoid irritants such as smoke and strong perfume.
  2. Drink water. ...
  3. Take a decongestant as directed. ...
  4. Take a hot shower. ...
  5. Use a humidifier. ...
  6. Relax with a warm compress.

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