What Makes a Cake Rise? These 4 Things Are Essential to Fluffy Cakes (2024)

Beautiful cakes don't have to come from your local bakery; they can be made in your kitchen. Sure, baking powder or baking soda plays a part in ensuring your cake rises (without a sunken center) as expected, but that's not the only way to guarantee success from the oven.

If your cake didn't rise or had a dense texture instead of the light and fluffy one you wanted, there are factors to keep in mind during your cake-baking adventures. Successful baking requires attention to every detail, and following these guidelines will help your cakes rise with a tender and airy crumb. Every time.

What Makes a Cake Rise? These 4 Things Are Essential to Fluffy Cakes (1)

What Makes a Cake Rise

It's essential to learn what makes a cake rise to prevent it from sinking (or rising and then deflating after cooling). Read through these four factors for preparing and baking cake correctly, and you'll never have to wonder why your cake didn't rise again.

1. Leavening Agents

Breads, cakes, cookies, and nearly all baked goods require a leavening agent. These are the key ingredients that make a cake rise. There are two types of leavening agents, chemical (baking soda and baking powder) and biological (yeast).

Since we're talking about cake and not yeast bread, we'll focus on chemical leavening. The reaction of baking soda or baking powder with the liquids in the batter releases carbon dioxide, which forms air bubbles to help your cakes be light and airy.

Baking soda and baking powder aren't interchangeable. So what's the difference? Baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) only activates when combined with liquid AND an acidic ingredient. So it's common to see baking soda quick bread recipes like pancakes or muffins.

If your recipe has baking powder, it's a complete leavener. It will do the trick without the addition of an acidic ingredient. Pay attention to how much of each or just one of the leavening agents you'll need to get your recipe right.

Test Kitchen Tip: Always keep an eye on the expiration dates of your leavening agents. Using an expired leavener will result in a flat, dense cake.

2. Creaming Your Butter Mixture

"Creaming" is the part of the recipe when you beat the butter (or shortening) and sugar with a mixer ($32, Hamilton Beach). When creaming two or more ingredients, usually with a hand mixer, the end result should be a smooth mixture with no separation. Creaming incorporates air that helps your cake rise and shouldn't be cut short if you want a fine, even cake texture. Follow the timings for beating in the recipe closely and measure your ingredients correctly.

3. Introduction of Eggs into the Batter

Eggs alone can help make desserts like angel food cake light and fluffy without requiring leavening agents. The cake you make will determine how much beating eggs need. In a traditional yellow cake, you'd beat eggs individually into the batter for 1 minute each. Sometimes the yolks and whites are beaten separately.

Make sure to follow the timings in the recipe when beating in eggs and whether you need to have your eggs at room temperature first. Too many eggs in the batter can result in a dense or compact cake.

How to Make Sure Your Cake Always Comes Out Moist

4. Oven Temperature

The oven's heat can cause baking powder to react further and cause more air bubbles while setting the cake's structure. Correct oven temperature is necessary to allow the cake to rise before the structure sets. If the oven is too hot, the cake will set too fast before the air bubbles have formed. If the oven is not hot enough, the cake will rise too much, then fall in the center before it is set.

Bake a cake mix cake for a test run to check your oven temperature. (Make sure you've preheated your oven, too.) If the cake is done properly within the time range on the package, your oven is most likely baking at the proper temperature. Use an oven thermometer ($7, Walmart) to see if the temperature matches the setting.

You can also consult your manufacturer's directions or an appliance expert on adjusting the temperature up or down. Keeping your oven clean can also help it stay consistently heated.

What Makes a Cake Rise? These 4 Things Are Essential to Fluffy Cakes (2)

Practice Your Baking Skills with Our Classic Cake Recipes

If for some reason you're still wondering why your cake deflated after cooling, use our cake troubleshooting guide to learn the various reasons why cakes fall and ensure it never happens again. Don't throw the flat cake out, either! Give your cake a new look by turning it into cake pops or cut it up and serve it with ice cream.

Now that you've got the basics for how to prevent the cake from sinking, give your new baking knowledge a try with our double chocolate cake or champagne cake with strawberries.

What Makes a Cake Rise? These 4 Things Are Essential to Fluffy Cakes (2024)


What Makes a Cake Rise? These 4 Things Are Essential to Fluffy Cakes? ›

Most cakes will call for a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda. These create the bubbles you need for the cake to rise.

What makes cake fluffy and rise? ›

Most cakes will call for a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda. These create the bubbles you need for the cake to rise.

What is the secret to making a fluffy cake? ›

Most cakes begin with creaming butter and sugar together. Butter is capable of holding air and the creaming process is when butter traps that air. While baking, that trapped air expands and produces a fluffy cake. No properly creamed butter = no air = no fluffiness.

What are the 4 basic components of a cake? ›

Flour, sugar, egg and fat form the basic components of all cakes. Understanding the function of each of these ingredients in cake baking can give us a better idea of where we can substitute super foods such as flax, chia, or mushrooms.

What are the 4 main ingredients found in the production of most cakes? ›

These basic ingredients for baking a cake are; flour, eggs, fat (usually butter), sugar, salt, a form of liquid (usually milk), and leavening agents (such as baking soda).

What makes a cake mix fluffier? ›

"Adding an additional egg creates a richer, fluffier cake," says Waterson. Tack on an additional egg than what's called for on the box while mixing, and mix as normal. Egg whites: Egg yolks contain more fat than egg whites. For a light, airy cake, swap out whole eggs for egg whites.

What substance makes cake Fluffy? ›

It is important to note that baking soda is responsible for making cakes and pastries to be light and fluffy. The chemical name and formula of baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and \[NaHC{{O}_{3}}\]. Baking soda reacts with tartaric acid and generates sodium tartrate, water and carbon dioxide.

Why is my cake flat and not fluffy? ›

If you end up with a flat cake, there are a few possible causes. Overbeating the flour will overwork its gluten, so fold in dry ingredients with a light hand. Remember to add the raising agent – self-raising flour already contains this, but if you use any other flour you need to mix in baking powder.

What makes things fluffy when baking? ›

Baking soda becomes activated when it's combined with both an acidic ingredient and a liquid. Upon activation, carbon dioxide is produced, which allows baked goods to rise and become light and fluffy (1).

What are the 4 main cake making methods? ›

There are four main methods for cake making:

creaming or all in one (Victoria sponge or fairy cakes);  whisking (Swiss roll);  melting (ginger cake);  rubbing in (rock cakes).

What are the essentials for a cake? ›

These include mixing bowls, measuring cups and spoons, an electric mixer, a spatula, cake pans, parchment paper, a cooling rack, and an oven. Additional tools like a wire whisk, offset spatula, and a cake tester may also be useful for specific recipes.

What is a secret ingredient for cakes? ›

Vinegar is a secret ingredient that can make your cakes light and fluffy.” One of the great things about using vinegar in cakes is that it's versatile.

What are the 4 main ingredients in baking? ›

Flour, water, and leavening agents are the ingredients primarily responsible for the characteristic appearance, texture, and flavour of most bakery products. Eggs, milk, salt, shortening, and sugar are effective in modifying these qualities, and various minor ingredients may also be used.

What is the top ingredient in a cake? ›

What Are The 5 Basic Ingredients Of A cake?
  1. Flour – The Main Structure Of A Cake. ...
  2. Sugar – Sweetness, and Flavor. ...
  3. Salted or Unsalted Butter – Fat That Makes A Cake Moist. ...
  4. Eggs – Binds All The Ingredients Together. ...
  5. Baking Powder or Soda – Makes The Cake Rise.

Which ingredients should be added to make the cake fluffy give reason? ›

  • The most important ingredient that must be added while making a cake is baking soda. It helps to make the cake fluffy by producing carbon dioxide in the cake when it is heated and leaves small holes (bubbles) in it. ...
  • Hence, the ingredient that she has forgotten to add that makes the cake fluffy is Baking soda.
Jul 3, 2022

What makes a cake fluffy milk or water? ›

One common ingredient swap that is known to help make cakes remarkably moist is using milk instead of water. Try switching out any water in your recipe for full-fat milk or buttermilk for a moist, decadent texture.

Does cake become fluffy after adding baking soda? ›

Baking soda when treated with acids, produces hydrogen gas that provides fluffiness to the cakes.

Does baking soda make cake fluffier? ›

Baking soda becomes activated when it's combined with both an acidic ingredient and a liquid. Upon activation, carbon dioxide is produced, which allows baked goods to rise and become light and fluffy (1).

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