Electric Vehicle Myths | US EPA (2024)

On this page:

  • Myth #1: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of power plant emissions.
  • Myth #2: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of battery manufacturing.
  • Myth #3: The increase in electric vehicles entering the market will collapse the U.S. power grid.
  • Myth #4: There is nowhere to charge.
  • Myth #5: Electric vehicles don’t have enough range to handle daily travel demands.
  • Myth #6: Electric vehicles are not as safe as comparable gasoline vehicles.

Myth #1

Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of power plant emissions.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging.

    Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions. Generating the electricity used to charge EVs, however, may create carbon pollution. The amount varies widely based on how local power is generated, e.g., using coal or natural gas, which emit carbon pollution, versus renewable resources like wind or solar, which do not. Even accounting for these electricity emissions, research shows that an EV is typically responsible for lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than an average new gasoline car. To the extent that more renewable energy sources like wind and solar are used to generate electricity, the total GHGs associated with EVs could be even lower. (In 2020, renewables became the second-most prevalent U.S. electricity source.1 ) Learn more about electricity production in your area by visiting EPA’s Power Profiler interactive web page. By simply inputting your zip code, you can find the energy mix in your region.

    EPA and Department of Energy's (DOE’s)Beyond Tailpipe Emissions Calculator can help you estimate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with charging and driving an EV or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) where you live. You can select an EV or PHEV model and type in your zip code to see the CO2 emissions and how they stack up against those associated with a gasoline car.

Myth #2: Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of battery manufacturing.

  • FACT: The greenhouse gas emissions associated with an electric vehicle over its lifetime are typically lower than those from an average gasoline-powered vehicle, even when accounting for manufacturing.

    Some studies have shown that making a typical EV can create more carbon pollution than making a gasoline car. This is because of the additional energy required to manufacture an EV’s battery. Still, over the lifetime of the vehicle, total GHGemissions associated with manufacturing, charging, and driving an EV are typically lower than the total GHGs associated with a gasoline car. That’s because EVs have zero tailpipe emissions and are typically responsible for significantly fewer GHGs during operation (see Myth 1 above).

    For example, researchers at Argonne National Laboratory estimated emissions for both a gasoline car and an EV with a 300-mile electric range. In their estimates, while GHG emissions from EV manufacturing and end-of-life are higher (shown in orange below), total GHGs for the EV are still lower than those for the gasoline car.

Electric Vehicle Myths | US EPA (2)

Estimates shown2 from GREET 2 2021 are intended to be illustrative only. Estimates represent model year 2020. Emissions will vary based on assumptions about the specific vehicles being compared, EV battery size and chemistry, vehicle lifetimes, and the electricity grid used to recharge the EV, among other factors.

Above, the blue bar represents emissions associated with the battery. The orange bars encompass the rest of the vehicle manufacturing (e.g., extracting materials, manufacturing and assembling other parts, and vehicle assembly) and end-of-life (recycling or disposal). The gray bars represent upstream emissions associated with producing gasoline or electricity (U.S. mix), and the yellow bar shows tailpipe emissions during vehicle operations.

Recycling EV batteries can reduce the emissions associated with making an EV by reducing the need for new materials. While some challenges exist today, research is ongoing to improve the process and rate of EV battery recycling. For more information on EV battery development and recycling, visit:

Myth #3: The increase in electric vehicles entering the market will collapse the U.S. power grid.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles have charging strategies that can prevent overloading the grid, and, in some cases, support grid reliability.

    It is true that the increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road will lead to increased electricity demand. Yet, how that impacts the grid will depend on several factors, such as the power level and time of day when vehicles are charged, and the potential for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging 3 among others.

    • EVs can be charged at off-peak times, such as overnight, when rates are often cheaper. Even with a mix of charging times (so not all nighttime charging), research indicates that sufficient capacity will exist to cover EVs entering the market in the coming years.4 And further down the road, when renewables make up a larger part of our energy mix in many regions, switching to more daytime charging (when some renewables like solar generate energy) with some energy storage capability should allow the grid to handle increases in EV charging.5 California leads the country with more than 1 million electric vehicles and EV charging currently makes up less than 1% of the state’s grid total load, even during peak hours.6
    • EV charging consumed less electricity than water heating and air conditioning in a typical U.S. household in 2020, according to recent data released by the U.S. Energy Information Agency.7
    • Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging allows EVs to act as a power source that may help with grid reliability by pushing energy back to the grid from an EV battery. This is done by allowing EVs to charge when electricity demand is low and drawing on them when that demand is high.

    Long term, higher electricity demand from EV growth may drive the need for upgrades to transmission and distribution infrastructure. Planning for this possibility is underway. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Build a Better Grid Initiative, launched as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will provide over $13 billion towards improving the reliability and efficiency of the grid over the next decade. Visit DOE’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Programs and search “grid infrastructure” to see where the initial investments will be made.

Myth #4: There is nowhere to charge.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles can be plugged into the same type of outlet as your toaster! When you need to charge while on the road, you’ll find over 68,000 stations in the U.S. available to the public.

    Many people can meet their driving needs by plugging in only at home. Most EVs can be charged with a standard 120 Volt (Level 1) outlet. To charge the vehicle more quickly, you can install a dedicated 240 Volt (Level 2) outlet or charging system. And for those who live in apartments or condominiums, EV charging stations are becoming a more common building amenity.

    Access to EV charging will increase significantly in the coming years as a result of government initiatives put in place as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including an investment of up to $7.5 billion to build out a national network of electric vehicle chargers along highways, and in communities and neighborhoods. In February 2023, the White House announced major progress toward a made-in-America national network of EV chargers.

    Interested in seeing how many chargers may be needed in your area? Use DOE’s EV Pro Lite Tool to get an estimate on charging needs in your state or metropolitan area as EV adoption grows.

    For up-to-date information on EV charging locations, visit DOE’s Alternative Fuel Data Center.

Myth #5: Electric vehicles don’t have enough range to handle daily travel demands.

  • FACT: Electric vehicle range is more than enough for typical daily use in the U.S.

    EVs have sufficient range to cover a typical household’s daily travel, which is approximately 50 miles on average per day.8 The majority of households (roughly 85%) travel under 100 miles on a typical day. Most EV models go above 200 miles on a fully-charged battery, with nearly all new models traveling more than 100 miles on a single charge. And automakers have announced plans to release even more long-range models in the coming years.

    Range estimates for specific EVs are available from the Find A Car tool on www.fueleconomy.gov—click on the car you are interested in, and check out the “EPA Fuel Economy” line in the table.

    How you drive your vehicle and the driving conditions, including hot and cold weather, also affect the range of an EV; for instance, researchers found on average range could decrease about 40% due to cold temperatures and the use of heat.9

Myth #6: Electric vehicles are not as safe as comparable gasoline vehicles.

  • FACT: Electric vehicles must meet the same safety standards as conventional vehicles.

    All light duty cars and trucks sold in the United States must meet the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. To meet these standards, vehicles must undergo an extensive, long-established testing process, regardless of whether the vehicle operates on gasoline or electricity. Separately, EV battery packs must meet their own testing standards. Moreover, EVs are designed with additional safety features that shut down the electrical system when they detect a collision or short circuit.

    For more information, visit DOE’s Alternative Fuel Data Center.

1 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): Renewables became the second-most prevalent U.S. electricity source in 2020.

2 Assumptions: EV with 300-mile range; vehicle lifetime of 173,151 miles for both EV and gas car; 30.7 MPG gas car; and U.S. average grid emissions.

3 Department of Energy (DOE), Federal Energy Management Program, Bidirectional Charging and Electric Vehicles for Mobile Storage.

4 U.S. Driving Research and Innovation for Vehicle Efficiency and Energy Sustainability (USDRIVE), Summary Report on EVs at Scale and the U.S. Electric Power System (pdf) (706 KB, November 2019); and DOE, Electric Vehicles at Scale – Phase I Analysis: High EV Adoption Impacts on the Western U.S. Power Grid (pdf) (15.3 MB, July 2020).

5 Nature Energy, Charging infrastructure access and operation to reduce the grid impacts of deep electric vehicle adoption, September 22, 2022.

6 E & E News: Renewable Energy, Why Electric Vehicles Won’t Break the Grid, September 19, 2022.

7 U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, Detailed end-use consumption and expenditure estimates, Tables CE5.3a (pdf) (436 KB) & CE5.3b (pdf) (371 KB) June 2023.

8 US DOT FHWA (2018). 2017 National Household Travel Survey.

9 AAA Electric Vehicle Range Testing Report (pdf) (7.3 MB, February 2019)

Electric Vehicle Myths | US EPA (2024)


Do we have enough electricity for electric cars? ›

Those working in the space are optimistic about the grid's ability to handle the load. The nation's electric grid is ready for electric-powered cars, say utility officials, dispelling an oft-heard talking point questioning the soundness of an electric delivery system burdened by new loads and demands.

Are electric vehicles actually better for the environment? ›

Myth #1. Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline cars because of power plant emissions. FACT: Electric vehicles typically have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars, even when accounting for the electricity used for charging. Electric vehicles (EVs) have no tailpipe emissions.

What is the biggest argument against electric cars? ›

Among them: Battery materials are scarce, and must be mined in problematic areas. The grid supposedly can't handle the extra demand (it can), and we can't put enough renewable energy on the grid for EVs to make a maximum climate impact. Charging infrastructure is woefully inadequate.

Do electric cars produce more pollution than gas cars? ›

All-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) typically produce lower tailpipe emissions than conventional vehicles do, and zero tailpipe emissions when running only on electricity.

Can the US power grid support all electric cars? ›

A question that frequently comes up when discussing electric vehicles (EVs) is: “Can the grid handle it?” The short answer is “yes.” Getting that answer, however, takes working through a number of other key questions and doing a little bit of math.

Why are electric cars not the future? ›

While bigger batteries allow drivers to travel farther between charges, they also make the cars heavier, more dangerous, more expensive, and worse for the planet. The "range anxiety" that has resulted in massive batteries is another reason EVs don't work as a replacement for gas cars.

What is the break even point for EV emissions? ›

EVs generate most CO2 emissions in the beginning

27-71% lower than those of equivalent ICE vehicles. A driver in the US would reach the breakeven point at 41,000 km – or in around two years of driving, assuming an average annual distance traveled of around 19,000 km.

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The carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions that come with the process of lithium mining, extraction and overall production are worse for the climate than the production of fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

What pollutes more, gas or electric? ›

CLIMATEWIRE | The production of battery-powered vehicles creates more carbon dioxide than making those that run on gasoline, a new report says. But EVs overcome the emissions difference relatively quickly.

Why we should not go all electric cars? ›

Electric vehicles are not “zero” emissions—they create more emissions than internal combustion engine vehicles when they are produced, and they also cause emissions when they are charged, usually by burning fossil fuels.

Why should we get rid of electric cars? ›

Home and public charging stations also place a significant strain on the electric grid, resulting in an average of $11,833 in socialized costs per vehicle over 10 years. Those costs are shouldered by us through our electricity bills. We should be deeply concerned about rising utility costs.

Why electric cars won't save us? ›

Even assuming that the required EV targets were met in the U.S. and elsewhere, it still will not be sufficient to meet net zero 2050 emission targets. Transportation accounts for only 27 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the U.S.; the sources of the other 73 percent of GHG emissions must be reduced as well.

Are electric cars bad for your health? ›

Conclusions: The results of the current literature on electric vehicles and health suggest an overall positive health impact of transitioning to electric vehicles. Additional observational studies would help expand our understanding of the real-world health effects of electric vehicles.

How bad are Tesla batteries for the environment? ›

Most importantly, the production of EV batteries generates far more emissions than the production process for ICE vehicles. Producing the battery alone for a Tesla generates between 5,291 and 35,273 pounds of CO2 emissions, which is up to three times higher than the emissions to manufacture a gas-powered car.

What are the disadvantages of electric vehicles? ›

What are the downsides to electric cars?
  • Their batteries need rare metals. ...
  • Making electric cars creates more emissions. ...
  • They are only as green as their power sources. ...
  • Electric cars can be expensive to buy. ...
  • You can't drive as far in an electric car. ...
  • There aren't enough charging points.

How much electricity will be needed for electric cars? ›

“The average electric car kWh per 100 miles kWh/100 miles) is 34.6. This works out as 0.346kWh per mile. In other words, on average, electric cars consume 34.6 kWh to travel 100 miles (or 160km as there are 1.6km to a mile) and 0.346kWh to travel 1 mile or 1.6km.

Do we have the infrastructure to support electric cars? ›

In terms of charging infrastructure, it's very inadequate right now. There's just no way we have enough chargers at the moment to support massive numbers of additional EVs across the country. California probably has the highest penetration per capita of EV chargers. And even here they're not ubiquitous.

How much more electricity would be needed if all cars were electric? ›

Rhodes found Texas would need about 25% more power if all cars were electric. California, on the other hand, would need about 50% more. That power needs to get to cars, said Michael Hagerty with the Brattle Group, via “transmission lines, distribution systems and chargers.”

Is there enough lithium for electric cars? ›

While the world does have enough lithium to power the electric vehicle revolution, it's less a question of quantity, and more a question of accessibility. Earth has approximately 88 million tonnes of lithium, but only one-quarter is economically viable to mine as reserves.

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