危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (2024)

Tokyo Food Safety Information Center»Good things to know» Maximum danger – Pufferfish prepared by a non-professional

As pufferfish contain a deadly poison, improper preparation will result in food poisoning and can lead to death. Do not attempt to prepare pufferfish unless you are a profession and do not allow other non-professionals to attempt to prepare pufferfish.

Pufferfish toxin is deadly

Pufferfish toxin causes paralysis, resulting in difficulty breathing. There is no specific medication for treating pufferfish toxin and pufferfish toxin is characterized by its extremely high fatality rate.

Symptoms of pufferfish poisoning

Pufferfish poisoning proceeds extremely rapidly, with death occurring around four to six hours after eating pufferfish.

  1. Between 20 minutes and 3 hours after eating, numbness begins to occur in the lips, the tip of the tongue, and the fingertips. This is accompanied by pain such as a headache or stomachache and may also result in continuous and violent vomiting. A person experiencing pufferfish poisoning will totter or stagger when attempting to walk.

  2. Before long, sensory paralysis, slurred speech, and difficulty breathing will occur. Blood pressure will also drop.
  3. Thereafter, total body motor paralysis will occur and the sufferer will become unable to even move a finger.
  4. Consciousness remains clear until immediately prior to death. Once consciousness is lost, the heart and breathing will stop, resulting in death.

Cases of food poisoning due to pufferfish in the last 10 years (nationwide)


No. cases

No. patients

No. deaths


26 33 1
2007 29 44 3
2008 40 56 3
2009 24 50 0
2010 27 34 0
2011 17 21 1
2012 14 18 0
2013 16 21 0
2014 27 33 1
2015 29 46 1



The fatality rate (the percentage of patients who die) of pufferfish poisoning is extremely high in comparison with other forms of food poisoning. The fatality rate for food poisoning due to pufferfish for the last 10 years (from 2006 to 2015) is 2.8%.

Types of pufferfish which have caused food poisoning in Tokyo

危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (1)

Takifugu xanthopterus (Striped puffer)

危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (2)
Takifugu snyderi (Vermiculated puffer)
危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (3)
Takifugu porphyreus (Genuin puffer)
危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (4)

Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer)

危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (5)
Takifugu poecilonotus
(Finepatterned puffer)

Cases of pufferfish poisoning in Tokyo (1993-2015)







Responsible party, etc.



750Takifugu xanthopterus (Striped puffer) liverRestaurant (sushi)
1995 3 111Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer) liver Fishedpufferfish

Pufferfish (species uncertain)

As above


Pufferfish (assumed)

As above

1996 2 520

Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer) miso soup (liver)

As above


Takifugu porphyreus (Genuin puffer) stew

As above

2000 2 820

Takifugu snyderi (Vermiculated puffer) and Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer) stew (liver)

As above


Pufferfish (species uncertain)

As above

2001 2 110

Takifugu porphyreus (Genuin puffer) ovaries

Found pufferfish

111Takifugu poecilonotus (Finepatterned puffer) liver, etc. pufferfish
20031110Takifugu rubripes (Ocellate puffer) liver soup (souvenir)


2007 1110Pufferfish dishRestaurant
2008 1 1 1 0 Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer) liver その他
2011 1 2 1 0

Takifugu rubripes (Ocellate puffer) liver


Note: No food poisoning due to pufferfish occurred in 2004-2006, 2009, 2010, and 2012-2015.

How does pufferfish poisoning work?

The substance which causes pufferfish poisoning is called tetrodotoxin and is found in the liver and ovaries of pufferfish, as well as the skin and muscles in some species. This poison does not get destroyed during normal heating as part of cooking. Tetrodotoxin is extremely deadly and is said to be 1,000 times stronger than potassium cyanide.

The amount required to kill a person is aid to be around 10,000 mouse units. Assuming 1,000 mouse units of poison per gram of pufferfish, just 10 grams is enough to cause death.

The liver and ovaries of pufferfish exceed 10,000 mouse units per gram, meaning the tiniest amount will cause poisoning and can lead to death.


Mouse units are the unit used to represent the amount of pufferfish toxin, with one mouse unit equaling the amount of poison required to kill a 20 gram mouse in 30 minutes.

The amount of poison from ingested pufferfish is calculated as the amount of poison per gram for the part of the pufferfish eaten (mouse units/gram) × the amount eaten (grams). If this amount exceeds 10,000 mouse units, it can lead to death.

Pufferfish preparation is dangerous

As which parts are poisonous depends on the species of pufferfish, the ability to tell different pufferfish species apart is essential in pufferfish preparation. Many pufferfish species closely resemble each other in outward appearance, and some of these species contain poison in their muscle tissue.

For example, the edible species in the Lagocephalus genus and the Takifugu poecilonotus (Finepatterned puffer) closely resemble the poisonous Lagocephalus lunaris and Takifugu alboplumbeus. These latter contain poison not only in their livers but also muscles and skin and have resulted in accidents in the past.

There are other pufferfish species that resemble each other and, as shown in the able below, the parts which are poisonous differ for each, making it extremely dangerous if one is not able to differentiate them.

Due to the difficulty in identifying species as noted about as well as changing poisonousness throughout the year and due to individual variation, professional knowledge and skills are required when eating pufferfish. Many cases of pufferfish poisoning have occurred in the past due to amateurs with limited knowledge attempting to prepare pufferfish.





Reproductive organs

Gray to black skin with no distinct pattern

Takifugu porphyreus (Genuin puffer) (adult)


Not edible


Takifugu stictonotus (Spottyback puffer)

EdibleNot edibleEdible
Takifugu flavidus (Towny puffer)EdibleNot edibleNot edible

Takifugu obscurus

EdibleNot edibleEdible

Speckled body; species closely resemble each other
Takifugu snyderi (Vermiculated puffer)

Takifugu snyderi (Vermiculated puffer)

EdibleNot edibleEdible

Takifugu vermicularis (Purple puffer) 

EdibleNot edibleNot edible
Takifugu porphyreus (Genuin puffer) (juvenile)EdibleNot edibleEdible

Takifugu niphobles (Grass puffer)

EdibleNot edibleNot edible

Takifugu poecilonotus (Finepatterned puffer)

EdibleNot edibleNot edible

Takifugu alboplumbeus

Not edibleNot edibleNot edible

Takifugu pardalis (Panther puffer)

EdibleNot edibleNot edible

Has a silvery white and lustrous belt on the side of the body

Lagocephalus gloveri (Brown-backed toadfish)


Lagocephalus wheeleri (Blowfish)


Lagocephalus inermis (Smooth-backed blowfish)


Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Blueback puffer)

Not edibleNot edibleNot edible

Lagocephalus lunaris (Green toadfish)

Not edibleNot edibleNot edible

Note: Fishing areas and processing methods are restricted.

Avoiding pufferfish poisoning

It has long been known that pufferfish contain deadly poison. Pufferfish may be an appealing food, but it is also important to remember that one can lose one’s life depending on how the fish is prepared. Preparing and eating fished pufferfish or pufferfish received from someone else without the proper professional knowledge is extremely dangerous.

Internal organs such as the ovaries and liver in particular should never be eaten, regardless of pufferfish species. Specific, professional knowledge and skills are required in the preparation of pufferfish. Please only consume pufferfish prepared by licensed professionals.

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Tokyo Food Safety Information Center

Good things to know

危険がいっぱい ふぐの素人料理| Tokyo Food Safety Information Center (2024)


ふぐを食べて死んだ人は誰ですか? ›

1975年(昭和50年)1月16日、歌舞伎役者の八代目、人間国宝の坂東三津五郎さん(享年69歳)がフグ中毒により死亡、世間を騒がせました。 坂東三津五郎さんは前年から京都ロイヤルホテルに滞在。 正月公演「お吟さま」に出演、大入りで中日を迎えた日でした。

フグを自分でさばいて中毒死した人はいますか? ›

フグを釣り、自分でさばいて、フグの内臓の煮付けを食べた方が死亡しました。 釣り仲間が釣ったフグをもらい、自分で刺身にして食べた方が死亡しました。 知人が釣ったフグをもらい、自分で刺身、煮付けに調理して食べた家族3人が手足のしびれを発症しました。 フグによる食中毒の多くが、自分で釣ったフグを自分で調理したものです。

ふぐ料理で死ぬことはありますか? ›

ふぐ中毒の症状 ふぐ中毒の経過は非常に早く、食べてから死亡までの時間は4から6時間位です。 食後20分から3時間までに、口唇、舌端、指先のしびれが始まります。 頭痛、腹痛などを伴い、激しい嘔吐が続くこともあります。

ふぐ食中毒で何人が死亡しましたか? ›

3 全国でふぐ食中毒による死者が発生しています


フグで死ぬ人は年間何人くらいいますか? ›

わが国では年間に約30件のフグ毒中毒が発生し、患者数は約50名で数名が死亡している。 フグ毒中毒は釣り人や素人による家庭料理が原因になることが多い。 フグ毒による中毒症状は食後20分から3時間程度の短時間で現れる。

フグ毒の後遺症は残りますか? ›

もし、ふぐ中毒を疑った場合は、一刻も早く医師の診察と適切な治療を受ける必要があります。 回復した後は、後遺症が残ることはありません。 しかし、免疫はできないため、ふぐ毒を摂取すれば何度でも中毒になります。

フグ中毒になった芸能人は? ›


テトロドトキシンの解毒方法は? ›

ふぐ毒はテトロドトキシンと呼ばれる神経毒で、毒力は青酸カリの約1,000倍といわれています。 ふぐ毒は加熱や水さらしなど通常の調理方法で無毒化や除去をすることは出来ません。 ふぐ毒は人の体にしびれや麻痺の症状を起こしますが、解毒薬はなく、症状が出た場合は人工呼吸等の対症療法を行って回復を待つしかありません。

ふぐを食べたら死ぬ? ›


ふぐの毒は神経を麻痺させる作用があり、有毒部位を食べると20分~3時間後に口や指先のしびれが始まり、やがて麻痺が全身に及び、致死量の毒を摂取していた場合には呼吸困難により死亡します。 ふぐを食べた後にこのような症状が現れたら早急に医師の診察を受けましょう。

フグで死んだ武将は? ›

ふぐの毒であるテトロドトキシンによって殺害されたとされている、歴史上の人物とは誰だと思います。 以外に皆さん聞いたことが無い名前かもしれませんね。 その歴史上の人物とは「井伊直平」という人物です

なぜふぐには肋骨がないのでしょうか? ›


フグの毒抜き方法は? ›

通常、フグの卵巣には肝などと同じようにテトロドトキシンという毒素が多く含まれているため、そのまま食用にすることはできません。 しかし、その卵巣を2年以上塩と糠に漬けることによって、毒素を消失させることができるのです。

一番やばい食中毒は何ですか? ›

1. 過去5年間の食中毒患者数ランキング

事件数ではアニサキスが1位でしたが(事件数が多い食中毒ランキング(2019~2023年))、ノロウイルスによる食中毒は1事件あたりの患者数が多く、大規模食中毒事故のリスクの高い原因物質といえます。 それぞれの原因物質に関する特徴、対策、関連記事等については以下の通りです。

フグ毒で死んだ有名人は? ›

本名は守田 俊郎(もりた としろう)。 青年期より敵役や老役を得意とし、重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)にも認定されたが、フグ毒にあたって急逝した。

フグ毒で死ぬ確率は? ›

またフグ中毒の患者数は718人で死亡者は49名、死亡率は6.8%で、 近年は、法的規制や 医療の進歩により死亡率が低下していますが、 中毒事故は後をたちません。 危ない食べ物とし て周知されているにもかかわらず、 珍味を好む美食家や素人の調理による中毒が後をたたず、 死に至るケースもあります。

フグで死んだ横綱は誰ですか? ›


フグで死んだ有名人は誰ですか? ›


日本で初めてフグを食べた人は? ›

1887年(明治20年)の暮れ、当時初代内閣総理大臣を務めてい博文が春帆楼という旅館に宿泊した際、荒天で漁がなく、困り果て女将が打ち首を覚悟でふぐを食事に出します。 実は博文は若い頃にふぐを高杉晋作たちと食べてその美味しさを知っていまし。 しかし博文は初めて食べたかのように「こりゃあ美味い」と絶賛。

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