Navage Nasal Care | Troubleshooting (2024)

An important reminder:The Naväge Nose Cleaner requires the presence of a genuine Naväge SaltPod® capsule to operate. That is, the power button can only be pushed in to turn on the motor and open the drain valve when a new SaltPod has been placed in the crushing chamber and the lid has been clicked shut – and not reopened.

1. Yikes, I’m getting water down my throat!

The key to success with Naväge is making your nasal cavity into a closed system, separate from the oral cavity. That’s what makes it possible for the rinse to go in one nostril, out the other, and not down your throat. It's the result of closing the soft palate. For most new users this happens naturally, without thinking about it. But not for everyone. If you run into trouble, some tips follow. Or, you can just give our awesome customer service team a call. They are daily Naväge users themselves and can be reached at (800) 203-6400.

  1. Relax – The more relaxed you are, the easier it is. Nasal lavage is safe and effective, and it is practiced every day by tens of millions all over the world including over 1,000,000 Naväge users. For some new users there’s a learning curve and it may take 3 or 4 or even 5 tries, but be assured that you’ll master it, too. Best of all, just like riding a bicycle, once you’ve got it, you’ve got it forever!
  2. The Nose Pillows should be in snug, but not too snug. Press the pillows in firmly to create a seal. Once the cycle starts, back off a little to increase the flow. Don’t block the tips against the inside walls of your nose. Less pressure usually results in more flow.
  3. Reverse the direction of flow. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180 degrees and the saline will then flow in the opposite direction. This can make a huge difference, so you should try irrigating both ways (Fig 8).
    Navage Nasal Care | Troubleshooting (1)
  4. Breathe normally through your mouth.
  5. Press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth and sing/say “hung”, holding the “ng” sound. This will help close the soft palate, block the throat, and separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity!
  6. Again, if you’re in that small group for whom there is a learning curve, don’t give up! There are countless online reviews like this one: “Absolutely love this. Once you get the hang of it, it works better than anything I have ever bought! So hang in there, it’s worth it!” Persistence pays.

2. The Power Button won’t push in – New User Tips

For the Power Button to work, a new Naväge SaltPod capsule must be placed in the Crushing Chamber foil-side down and the Lid clicked shut. The device only works when loaded with a genuine, unused SaltPod. This is an important safety feature to avoid the painful stinging that is caused by running plain, unsalted water through your nose. It is also super convenient and eliminates the uncertainty and mess of measuring and mixing. This is critical: If you reopen the Lid, the Power Button will no longer work with that particular SaltPod, even if you re-close the Lid. The Power Button will be locked out and it won’t be possible to push it in. No peeking!

3. The Power Button won’t push in – Experienced User Tips

Navage Nasal Care | Troubleshooting (2)

This is especially important if you haven’t used your Nose Cleaner for a while. Rinse the device with hot water for at least 30 seconds in the three places marked A, B, and C (Fig. 9). This will melt salt crystal buildup that can interfere with device operation. Time it – 30 seconds is the magic number and it's longer than you think! After rinsing, lift the Drain Pull (C) to verify that it is not stuck.

4. The button pushes in all the way but the pump doesn’t start.

Visually reconfirm that the batteries are installed in the right direction. Fresh AA batteries should last at least 3 to 4 months of twice daily use.

5. My nose is completely blocked and I can’t breathe through either nostril.

For nasal irrigation to work, there must be room in the nose for the rinse to go in one nostril and come out the other. 100% blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinus condition. If you are extremely congested, space is limited in the nasal cavity and irrigating will be slow at first. You may need to start and stop a few times to loosen the mucus and break up the congestion. We suggest the following tips when you're really stuffed up:

  1. Irrigate for about 10 seconds;
  2. Gently blow your nose;
  3. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180° to reverse the flow, and irrigate in the opposite direction for about 10 seconds;
  4. Gently blow your nose and relax for a couple of minutes;
  5. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180° again;
  6. Repeat until the rinse begins to flow into the bottom tank.

This repeated “back and forth” motion will help reduce congestion and allow the rinse to flow from one nostril to the other. Persistence pays!

6. Still need help?

We want Naväge to work for you, and we are sincerely committed to your 100% satisfaction. Extensive experience has taught us that most problems are solved by following the instructions above, but be assured that if these don't work for you, we will do whatever is needed to get you back on track. For additional assistance, check out ourinstructional videosorcontact us directly atsupport@navage.comor by calling (800) 203-6400 from 8:30-5:30, M-F, Eastern Time.Our customer support reps are daily Naväge users themselves, and they are caring, knowledgeable, and eager to assist you.

We're here to help!

Navage Nasal Care | Troubleshooting (2024)


Do doctors recommend the Naväge? ›

Often referred to as 'Nature's Decongestant', the Naväge nasal hygiene system is promoted by doctors who specialize in the field. According to Dr. Howard Levine, “Nasal irrigation is clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion safely and effectively without drugs.

Is it okay to use tap water in Naväge? ›

New User Water Tip

It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 85°– 90°F (29°– 32°C). WARNING: DO NOT USE TAP WATER UNLESS STERILIZED BY BOILING.

Is Naväge better than sinus rinse? ›

While the Navage provides a more controlled flow of saline solution and the convenience of premixed packets, the Neti Pot is a more budget-friendly option that can be used with a homemade saline solution.

Can Naväge clear a sinus infection? ›

It also assists with flushing out thickened mucous, irritants like pollen, ragweed and smog, and bacteria and viruses from the nose and sinuses. There have been multiple studies from major universities finding that nasal rinsing can provide significant benefits for people with chronic nasal issues.

What are the side effects of a sinus rinse? ›

When nasal rinses are done properly, the side effects, if any, are typically minor and temporary. The most common issues resulting from a nasal rinse are a burning or stinging sensation in the nose and mild irritation in the nasal passages.

Does Naväge get rid of phlegm? ›

Absolutely! Yes, the Naväge will remove mucus!

What are the negatives of Navage? ›

The underlying problem is that viruses and bacteria from your nose may be transferred to the device, under the right circ*mstances of temperature and humidity, the germs may colonize and then be reintroduced into the nose upon subsequent use.

Is it safe to use Navage every day? ›

You can use the Naväge Nose Cleaner as often as you wish! We suggest you use Naväge twice a day, just like brushing your teeth. However, Naväge is completely natural and drug-free, and health professionals agree that it's safe to use as often as needed or wanted.

What is the best time of day to do a nasal rinse? ›

The solution made with the SINUS RINSE™ packet will not burn or sting because it is pH neutral. Moreover, the ingredients in each packet are identical, taking the guesswork out of preparing the solution and giving you the same solution each time you make it. Nasal rinses can be done at any time of day.

Can you use Naväge if one nostril is clogged? ›

For nasal irrigation to work, there must be room in the nose for the rinse to go in one nostril and come out the other. 100% blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinus condition.

Will Naväge help me breathe better? ›

Naväge provides fast relief from sinus congestion in 30 seconds or less. Easier than a Neti Pot, Naväge helps suck out mucus, allergens, dirt, and germs so you can breathe easier and sleep better– without drugs. Naväge is easy to use, even if you've had trouble with regular nose-cleaning methods.

Will Naväge help with clogged ears? ›

In fact, the cautions section of the Owner's Manual states "do not use if you have an ear infection or if your ears are blocked." We recommend you discuss your use of Naväge with your personal physician to help determine if it is right for you.

Why do I feel more congested after a sinus rinse? ›

This may due to too much or too little salt in the saline solution. 5 It is also possible that the irrigation may actually cause nasal congestion, but this will typically resolve on its own.

Why does Naväge go down my throat? ›

If you are pushing too hard and one of the pillow tips gets blocked against the nasal wall, then the suction will decrease or stop, and you may get water down your throat, slow flow, or no flow at all. That's why you should try backing off a little.

How do I disinfect my Naväge? ›

Deep cleaning: Spray parts with an anti-bacterial spray every 10 uses. Let sit 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly, but do not rinse underside of Mechanical Module. The Naväge Nose Cleaner is not dishwasher safe.

Is nasal irrigation recommended by doctors? ›

Some ear, nose, and throat surgeons recommend nasal irrigation for their patients who've had sinus surgery to clear away crusting in the nasal passages.

Does nasal irrigation reach all sinuses? ›

The blockage creates perfect conditions for the growth of micro-organisms that cause infections. Please note: There is no clinical evidence that saline from nasal irrigation devices of any type consistently enters into and rinses inside the frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid sinus cavities.

Does Naväge clean both nostrils? ›

One side of the nasal cavity is cleaned as the rinse flows into it; the other side as the rinse flows out of it. The beauty of Naväge is that it's so easy to change the direction of flow, either from left-to-right, or from right-to-left.

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