Gluten Free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe (vegan, low FODMAP) (2024)

Gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe, anyone? This one is a big deal for me because it’s not only gf, but also dairy free, vegan AND low FODMAP too. But most importantly, they just taste like the stuffing balls I really miss!

My gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe is so incredibly simple and quick to make. Plus, it’s basically a copycat recipe of the stuffing I used to eat every Christmas!

Note: I’ve updated this recipe for 2023 here with tons more helpful information, links to products and air fryer method too. But I’m leaving this post up for those who have it saved!

I haven’t had stuffing balls like these in YEARS. Whilst there’s a few amazing options for gluten free stuffing in the free from aisle, there’s one *massive* problem for me.

Even though they’re gluten free, I STILL can’t eat them! That’s because shop-bought stuffing is always sage and onion flavour and guess what? I’m intolerant to onion!!

(don’t ask why – my IBS doesn’t like to ever give me much explanation for anything)

So even though this awesome gf Paxo stuffing exists and it’s exactly the kinda stuffing I’ve always craved… it’s not much use to me! And I know there’s quite a lot of onion dodgers out there who will feel me on this subject too.

That’s why I refuse to have a stuffing-less plate for another year in a row! That’s where my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe comes to the rescue.

If you didn’t guess already, my recipe creates stuffing balls that look AND taste exactly like the Paxo stuffing that I really miss.

Each stuffing ball has a lovely, crispy exterior with a light, moist texture in the middle. Every bite is packed full of lovely herby sage, with that lovely onion flavour from the chives.

Just add gravy and you’re in pure roast dinner heaven! Oh and the other awesome part is that it’s just as easy to make as the Paxo packet mix.

Once you’ve made your dry mixture, all you need to do is add hot water and butter/dairy free margarine. You can make it in 5 minutes and bake it in 25!

Oh and yes – you can happily stuff your turkey with this stuffing too if you so wish!

And you know what? Even if you can eat onion, my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe is sososo much easier to make than 99% of stuffing recipes on the internet.

Before I came up with this recipe, I was a bit miffed that every recipe started with frying fresh onion. Plus, then they always called for an egg to be added at some point too. So then, they’re not vegan either.

But crucially, that’s already more effort and more ingredients than I’m happy with. I really wanted my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe to be a copycat of my fave Paxo stuffing… and I think I’ve done it!

So yeah, I’m really happy with this recipe! Not only in taste/texture and ease to make, but also in how it’s suitable for so many different people.

It’s gluten free, dairy free, vegan AND low FODMAP… but I guarantee you that nobody would ever know the difference. This is just simple cooking at it’s finest!

Ok, so here’s all the ingredients you need for my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe. Consider this your shopping list.

Once you’ve got all of these ingredients in your cupboards, you’ll be able to make this recipe whenever you like!

Ingredients for my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe

Dry Ingredients

  • 140g gluten free breadcrumbs
  • 3 tbsp dried chives
  • 3 tbsp dried sage
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • 1 tbsp gluten free flour

Wet Ingredients

  • 265ml boiling water
  • 30g butter or dairy free/vegan alternative

You basically just mix the dry ingredients together, then add the wet. Roll into balls and bake in the oven!

See the recipe card below for timings etc

This year, I’ve tried to dedicate a few blog posts to all the key components of my ULTIMATE Christmas roast.

You’re currently reading my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe, so why not give these a go while you’re here too? ??

My best gluten free/low FODMAP Christmas roast dinner recipes:

  • My BEST EVER super crispy roast potatoes
  • Gluten free Yorkshire pudding recipe that rises like crazy
  • My low FODMAP gravy recipe without any meat drippings
  • My roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon recipe
  • My sticky roasted parsnips and carrots recipe

I’ve still got a couple of Christmas posts to go up, so keep checking back here on the blog for the links.

Here’s a few tips for pulling off my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe first time:

  • Use gluten free breadcrumbs like these. Do NOT use fresh gluten free bread for your breadcrumbs. I’ve tried making this recipe using fresh bread blitzed into breadcrumbs and it did not work at all!
  • I also recommend using ALL dried herbs for two reasons. Firstly, it’s quicker, easier and you’ll have loads leftover to make this again in the future. Secondly, fresh herbs hold a lot more moisture and won’t work as well when you roll these into balls.
  • Don’t add any salt to the dry mixture. Gluten free breadcrumbs always seem to have salt in them, so adding any extra can make this waaay too salty.

Ok, that’s my top tips! Here’s my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe!

Gluten Free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe (vegan, low FODMAP) (5)

Gluten-free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe

My gluten-free stuffing recipe is the stuffing you've been dreaming of! Roll into balls and bake or use to stuff a turkey or chicken.

SERVINGS: 12 balls

PREP TIME: 5 minutes mins

TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes mins


4.62 from 18 votes


Dry Ingredients

  • 140 g store-bought gluten-free breadcrumbs don't use fresh bread, buy them in a packet!
  • 3 tbsp dried chives
  • 3 tbsp dried sage
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • 1 tbsp gluten-free plain flour or cornflour

Wet Ingredients

  • 265 ml boiling water
  • 30 g butter use a dairy-free alternative to make it dairy-free and vegan


  • Pre-heat your oven to 180C/200C fan.

  • Start by mixing together all your dry ingredients in a bowl.

  • Then add your boiling water and butter to the bowl. Mix thoroughly and allow to rest for 5 minutes.

  • At this point you can either use it to stuff a turkey (or a chicken) or follow the steps below to create stuffing balls. You can also roll any leftover stuffing into balls and follow the timings below to serve alongside your roast dinner.

  • Roll into 12 balls and place onto an oiled baking tray.

  • Pop them into the oven for 25 minutes or until they're nice and golden on the outside.

  • Enjoy!


Serving: 1g | Calories: 68kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 5mg | Sodium: 103mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g

Thanks for reading all about my gluten free sage and chive stuffing balls recipe! If you make it, I’d love to see how it turned out with your roast so don’t forget to take a snap of your creations and tag me on Instagram!

Any questions about the recipe? Please do let me know by following me onInstagram and leaving me a comment on a recent photo!

Thanks for reading,

Becky xxx

Oh and don’t forget to pin this for later!

Gluten Free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe (vegan, low FODMAP) (7)

Gluten Free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe (vegan, low FODMAP) (8)
Gluten-Free Recipe

Gluten Free Sage and Chive Stuffing Balls Recipe (vegan, low FODMAP) (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.