Multigrain Bread vs. Whole Grain Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread (2024)

Multigrain Bread vs. Whole Grain Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread (1)

When you compare multigrain vs. whole-grain vs. whole wheat bread, they may seemvery similar. However, they are actually different when it comes to ingredients and nutritional value.

Multigrainvs.Whole-Grain Breadvs.Whole Wheat

When you seedozens of various bread typesin a grocery store,itcan be confusingto choose one that will be satisfying and delicious. Althoughall loavesof brown, earthy-tasting breadmight seemthe same at first glance, there are essential differences between multigrain, whole wheat and whole-grain bread. Let’s explore the variety of bread types and what they stand forso you can select a product you feel good about.

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What Is a Grain?

First, it helps to know a little bit about grains. A grain is a seed harvested from a grain-producing plant such as wheat or oat. A whole grain is an entire seed,which mayalso be called the kernel. A whole grainhas three edible partsprotected by a husk:

  • The bran:The bran is the outer layer of the seed. It is rich in fiber, B vitamins and antioxidants.
  • The germ:The germ is the embryo and the innermost layer of the seed. It canpotentially sprout into a new plant. The germ contains protein, healthy fat, minerals and anabundance of B vitamins.
  • The endosperm:The endosperm is the middlelayer and makesup the largest part of the seed. The endosperm contains protein, carbohydrates and a small number of minerals and vitamins.

Refined grains do not contain every part of the seed and areless nutritious than whole grains.

What Are the Different Bread Flavors?

In the United States,people eatwhole wheat and multigrain breadthe most often. Though the flavors and textures vary depending on the manufacturer, here’s a bit about each kind of bread and what makes them unique:

  • Whole wheat:Whole wheat bread typically has a soft, moist texture and nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness.It’sextremelyversatile and can be used to hold a range of sandwich fillings, including peanut butter and jelly or meltedcheese.
  • Multigrain:Multigrainbreadtypically includes a range of grains,soyou can expect an earthyflavor and a texture similar to whole wheat bread.Sometimes,multigrainbreadalsohasa slightly sweet taste to itlike whole wheat. Multigrain bread can be used to make just about any sandwich. However, fillings like pickles or mustard can help balance its sweet, earthy flavor.
  • Whole grain:The flavor and texture of whole-grain bread depend on the types of grains used. For example, whole-grain bread might include whole flax seeds, which would lend a nutty flavor and grainy texture.Whole-grain breadmakes a hearty base for egg and cheese sandwiches, creamy chicken salad or bacon with avocado.


Wheat is another grain type. Thus, when we talk about100% whole wheat bread, the loafcontains the entire grain of wheat andall nutritiouspartsas ingredients.

Multigrainbread containsvarioustypes of grains.Youmightfindwheat,flax, barley, oats and evenseedsin multigrain vs. whole wheat bread that only consists of one grain type. The word “multigrain” simply means there are several kinds of grains in the bread.

Whole-Grain vs. Whole Wheat Bread

Whole grain bread means the bread contains whole grains — typically wheat — and additional grains. This type of bread can contain any type of whole grain — barley, wheat, oats or a combination of these. However, not every grain in a loaf of whole-grain bread needs to be included in its entirety. It’s important to look at the ingredients list to see which grains are whole and which ones are not. Whole grains should have “whole” in front of them.

Whole wheat breadcontains whole grains of wheat. In other words,it’sa type ofwhole-grainbread.When it comes to a choice between whole wheat vs. whole-grain bread, you can benefit from either! Any type of bread made with whole grains is the most nutritious option, whether it’s whole wheat or whole grain.

Whole-Grain vs. Multigrain Bread

Multigrain breadis made ofseveral types ofgrains, some of whichmay be whole.In contrast, whole-grain bread contains the entire grainplusits three edible layers — thebran, endosperm and germ. Whole-grain bread may include a variety of grains andcan alsobe considered multigrain.

Multigrain Bread vs. Whole Grain Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread (2)

How Is Bread Made?

Now thatwe’ve coveredthe differences between whole wheat, whole-grain and multigrain bread, let’s explore the breadmakingprocess. Whilethere are various ways to consume whole grains, bread involves eating grains in their ground form.Instead of crunching on hard kernels, thebreadmaking process makes it easier to chew, digest and enjoy the benefits of healthy whole grains.

What Are the Main Ingredients in Bread?

In general, any type of bread is made with flour, water and yeast. Water is used to turn the flour into adough, whilethe yeast causes the dough to rise, creating the soft, fluffy bread we love to eat.

The flour is the ingredient that determines whether bread has whole grains in it or not. Flour is a powder made from grains thathavebeen ground up during a milling process. Wheat is the most commonly used grain in the UnitedStates, withroughlythree-quarters of grain productsmadefrom wheat flour.

The Breadmaking Process

To make bread, manufacturers typically take the following steps:

  1. They pour flour into a mixer and then add water and yeast.
  2. Themixercombines the ingredients and kneads the dough to form a certain consistency.
  3. Thedough goes through a fermentation process, which causes it to rise.
  4. Thedough is then divided into balls, shapedintoloaves and baked.

The final step involves cutting the loaves of bread into uniform slices and packaging them.

The Common Types ofBreadFlours

Here are the main types of wheat flour that are commonly used to make whole-grain, whole wheat or multigrain bread:


All-purposeflour, also called white flour, isrefined wheat flour. Refined flour is the result of a milling process that removes the bran and the germ from the whole grain.Ithas a finer texture and longer shelf life than whole wheatflour but also hasfewer nutrients. To replace some of the nutrients lost during the milling process, manufacturers might put certain ingredients back in,like B vitamins and iron. This createsanenriched all-purpose flour.

The ingredient list on the packaging should tell you the type of flour used and whether it’s refined, whole wheat or both.Since flouris theprimaryingredient in bread, it will be the firstingredientlisted. Some bread may be made mostly with white flour and contain just a small amount of whole wheat. For example, multigrain bread might contain 75% refined flour and 25% whole wheat flour.

Bread Flour

While bread flour is not specifically whole wheat or whole grain, it is commonly used to bake bread. It has a higher protein and gluten content than other bread flour types, helping bread to rise properly. This comes in handy for yeasted or artisan breads, which need a strong flour to provide more volume and a chewier crumb.

WholeWheat Flour

Whole grain and whole wheat bread are made from flour that includes the entire ground-up wheat kernel.Whole-grainbread might also include other grains, though wheat is still typically the main ingredient. Any package that claims to use whole grainsmust contain the same proportionof bran, endosperm and germ as the pre-processed kernel in the “whole grain” ingredient.

Wholewheat flourcan beconsidered whole grain because wheat is a type of grain. When you see “whole wheat” on a package, it means it contains all the wheat grain parts. However, if you only see the words “wheat flour,” you’re likely looking at a product that contains refined flour. Wheat flour isonly about 25% wholewheat,andthe rest is refined flour.

White Whole Wheat Flour

White whole wheat flour and regular whole wheat flour are made of the same components. However, red wheat is used in whole wheat flour, while the white variant comes from using hard white wheat. White whole wheat flour also contains the bran and germ of the wheat kernel, although in smaller quantities compared to regular whole wheat flour, giving the bread a lighter texture and milder taste. It’s a more nutritional alternative to all-purpose flour.

WhatAboutStoneground Wheat?

Stonegroundis not a type of flour butdescribes the method used to grind the wheat grains and make the flour for the bread. Stone milling is a traditional process that involves crushing entire kernels between stones. The first milling machine,which used stones to grind grain, was introduced in thelatefifth century B.C.Modernsteel rollers, on the other hand, press the grains and separate their parts. When manufacturers mill white flour, they keep the bran and germ separate from the endosperm.

Whenthey mill wheat flour using rollers, they rejoin the bran, germ and endosperm.Stonegroundwheat usually means the whole grain is included in a loaf of bread, though you’ll still want to check the ingredients list.

What to Look for in Bread Packaging

A loaf of bread might claim to be whole wheat, but if it’s not the first ingredient listed,itcould still be primarily made of refined flour. Here’s what to look for to ensure you’re getting wholegrains.

The Whole Grain Stamp

The Whole Grains Councilcreatedthe Whole Grain Stampto help consumers quickly find healthy and reliable grain products.Thesymbol ensures that all the grain used in a product is whole grain. This means that if you choose whole-grain bread withthis stamp, no matter the type of grains used, you’ll know each kernel is complete and nutritious.

Multigrain Bread vs. Whole Grain Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread (3)

Whole Grain Ingredients

Ingredients are listed in the order of the amount used in a food product.Forexample, if the main ingredient in a loaf of bread is enriched flour, it will be the first element listed. Use the ingredient list to show you exactly what you’re about to buy.

For a loaf of nutritious bread, the first ingredient should include the word “whole.” If whole grain is listed as the second ingredient, it could be included in a large amount or a small amount — there’s no way of telling. If a loaf of whole-grain bread does not include the 100%Whole GrainStamp, look forthese words in the ingredient list:

  • Whole grain
  • Whole wheat
  • Stoneground whole grain
  • Oats
  • Oatmeal

The following words do not describe whole grains:

  • Enriched flour
  • Wheat flour
  • Bran
  • Wheat germ

Adequate Fiber Content

It’s important to consider the nutrition facts when shoppingfor bread, no matter what the packaging says. Youshould look closelyat the fiber contentforeach serving.One slice of whole wheat bread can contain just under 2 grams of fiber, but there are whole-grain variants that contain3 grams per slice.

Fiber has a lot of benefits, from lowering cholesterol levels to helping your body remove waste. Fiber may also decrease your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. If you’re trying to shed some pounds, adding more fiber to your diet can help you stay fuller longer and eat less.Eating fiber-rich bread can help you meet your daily requirements.

Sell Quality Wheat Bread FromGold MedalBakery

Historians believe humans have been baking bread forat least 30,000 years. As you might imagine, milling and baking methods have changed over time and have led to a wide variety of bread types and tons of options.We bakehigh-quality whole wheat breadwith whole-grain flour, making it a great source of fiber. Whether you sell whole wheat, whole-grain or multigrain bread, Gold Medal Bakery’s products have a delicious taste that your shoppers will love.

If youhave morequestions about the different types of breador our private-label bread and co-packing services, pleasereach out to usat Gold Medal Bakery, where we’ve been baking the highest quality bread for over 100 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most commonly asked questions about wheat bread:

1. Is Multigrain Bread Whole Grain?

Multigrain bread is different fromwhole-grainbread. Multigrain bread contains several different types ofgrains thatmay not be whole grains. Whole-grain bread contains every part of a grain kernel, which includes the germ, endosperm and the bran.

2. IsWhole Wheat WholeGrain?

Whole wheatbread is whole grain because whole-grain bread contains all parts of a grain kernel, andwheat is a type of grain. Whole wheat bread contains all parts of the wheat grain kernel.

3. Is Multigrain BreadHealthy?

Multigrain bread isgenerally considered healthy, provided its main ingredientis whole grain.Multigrain bread tends to have a lower glycemic index than white bread, depending on the grains it’s made of.However, notall multigrain bread is wholegrain. If the first ingredient is wheat flour rather than whole wheat flour, it does not contain whole grains.

4. Does Multigrain Bread Have Fiber?

Multigrain bread does contain fiber. While it doesn’t contain as much fiber aswhole-grainbread, it contains more fiber than white bread. In addition, if multigrain bread is made up of whole grains, the fiber content is greater and creates a nutritious bread type.

5. Does Whole-Grain Bread Have Fiber?

Sincewhole-grainbread contains all three components of the entire grain, it is an excellent source of three types of fiber. These include soluble fiber, insoluble fiber and resistant starch.

6. Does Whole-Grain Bread Have Wheat?

Whole-grain bread is any type of bread that contains the whole grain kernel. Whether or notwhole-grainbread contains wheat depends on the type of grain it’s made of. Whole-grain bread can be made of various grains, including quinoa, corn, barley, rye, rice, triticale, millet, teff, sorghum and wheat. Whole-grain bread contains whole wheat if it is made up of the whole wheat grain kernel.

7.What Does Split-Top Wheat Bread Mean?

Split-top refers to a technique used during thebreadmakingprocess and does not describe whether the bread consists of whole grains. Split-top wheatbread maycontain both refined and whole wheat flour. Bakers might split the top of a bread loaf before placing it in the oven to relieve tension and help the bread expand evenly. The technique, called scoring, may also be used for aesthetic purposes.

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Updated: 3/19/2024

Multigrain Bread vs. Whole Grain Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread (2024)


Which is better, whole wheat bread or multigrain bread? ›

Whole wheat bread is healthier than multigrain bread. Because 100 per cent whole wheat bread has the whole grain which has nutrients like B vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium intact in every slice,” Dr Patel said.

What is the healthiest bread to eat? ›

Look for “whole grain,” “whole wheat,” or “whole meal” on the label. If a loaf contains 6 grams of fiber per 100 g, it's rich in fiber. Choose breads with plenty of intact grains, like oats, barley, and quinoa, as well as seeds, if you can eat these. Watch out for mass-produced sourdough breads.

Which is better multigrain bread or brown bread or white bread? ›

However, whole grain bread options like multigrain and brown bread are considered healthier choices as compared to white bread. Whole grain bread, such as multigrain and brown bread, retains more nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, compared to white bread.

How many slices of whole wheat bread a day to lose weight? ›

In fact, studies have proved that people who eat 8 to 12 slices of bread a day still lose weight as long as their total diet is low in calories. The trick is keeping yourself from slathering that hearty bread with butter or margarine. Use a little olive oil instead for a taste treat and your heart health.

Is it OK to have multigrain bread everyday? ›

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has published research that shows that multigrain bread to be a lot more nutrient-dense than white bread. Besides this, there are many more reasons why you should make multigrain bread a part of your regular diet.

Which is healthiest whole grain or whole wheat? ›

Whole grains are healthier than whole wheat because they often contain more fiber. Though 100% whole wheat can be a type of whole grain, some products contain a mix of wheat and white flour. Look for labels that say whole grain or 100% whole wheat, as both are healthy choices.

What bread has the most health benefits? ›

Whole Grain Bread

Thanks to their high fiber and nutrient content, breads made with whole grains, including whole wheat, are generally the go-to healthiest breads that dietitians recommend. “Most people need more fiber in their diets, so finding high-fiber bread is often a good idea,” Dodd says.

What bread is safe to eat everyday? ›

To choose a beneficial bread, you can look for varieties made from 100% whole-grain and/or sprouted-grain flours. Make sure your bread is low in added sweeteners. A few good options include sourdough, rye, flax, and oat breads.

What is the most unhealthy bread? ›

The Least Nutritious Breads
  • White Bread. White bread doesn't rank too high when it comes to nutrition. ...
  • Specialty Breads: Ciabatta, Pita, Focaccia and Brioche. Most specialty-style breads, like ciabatta, pita bread, focaccia and brioche are made with refined white flour.

What is the healthiest bread at Subway? ›

Generally, Subway's “Hearty Multigrain” is going to be the healthiest choice. Compared to the Artisan Italian, Italian Herbs and Cheese, Jalapeño and Cheddar, Flatbreads and Wraps, it's a lower calorie option and notably has a touch more fiber and protein.

Is rye bread better than multigrain? ›

Wholegrain Bread

While multigrain bread is white bread with grains mixed in, wholegrain has grains (and often seeds) added to wholemeal flour for extra nutritional value. Wholegrain breads (including rye and sourdough varieties) have up to four times the fibre of white breads, making them one of the healthiest options.

Is multigrain really better for you? ›

Multigrain bread can be healthy for weight loss. When compared to refined grains, studies have shown that eating whole grains can help to reduce belly fat. Make sure to look for multigrain bread that is 100% whole grain if you want to benefit the most from it while trying to lose weight.

Will I lose belly fat if I stop eating bread? ›

Some popular trendy diets suggest avoiding all breads and carb-rich foods, but abstaining from all carbohydrates or breads is not necessarily a healthy way to lose weight. Really, all foods, including bread, can be a part of a weight loss diet, as long as they are eaten thoughtfully and in moderation.

Is 4 slices of bread a day too much? ›

'Healthy eating guidelines recommend starchy carbohydrates, which include bread, make up about a third of our diet,' Juliette explained. 'As a guideline, one to two medium slices is usually considered to suit most people (those or are very active may prefer more, those who are inactive may want less).

Is it okay to eat whole wheat bread every day? ›

Whole grains provide more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than refined. But overdoing whole wheat bread can add pounds, too. So account for it in your daily calorie budget.

Which is better for diabetics whole wheat or multigrain bread? ›

To recap, to help manage blood sugar, it is most important to choose bread that is: 100% whole grain, such as 100% whole wheat. a good source of dietary fiber, containing at least 3 grams per slice. low in added sugars, with only 1–3 grams per slice.

Is 100% whole wheat bread good for you? ›

Good bread makes your body happy

The benefits of eating 100% whole-wheat or whole-grain far surpass just the taste. Eating whole-grain foods within an overall healthy diet helps to lower your risk for many diseases, including: Stroke. Diabetes.

Why is it better to eat whole wheat bread? ›

Wheat bread has more of certain nutrients

Whole wheat flour features nutrients you won't find in refined white flours—unless they've been enriched to add those vitamins and minerals back in. You'll see higher levels of magnesium, selenium, and folate in whole wheat bread.

What is the healthiest bread to eat at Subway? ›

Generally, Subway's “Hearty Multigrain” is going to be the healthiest choice. Compared to the Artisan Italian, Italian Herbs and Cheese, Jalapeño and Cheddar, Flatbreads and Wraps, it's a lower calorie option and notably has a touch more fiber and protein.

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