Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (2024)

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The easiest poached eggs ever. Let me show you how to poach an egg in the microwave. After microwave poached eggs that are cooked in water, you will use this method time and time again.

You will love that microwave poached eggs don’t require any special tools, just a bowl, some water and your eggs.

Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (1)

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Microwave Poached Eggs Recipe

After sharing with you earlier this week how to cook soft boiled eggs in the microwave and hard boiled eggs in the microwave, it felt like the perfect time to show you how to master microwave poached eggs.

One of my favourite movies is Julie Vs Julia (check it out here). I love the concept of one person going through the favourite cook’s recipe book and trying them herself at home to improve her own French cooking.

The best bits are when she is trying to master the Julia Childs recipes and they fail or it’s the panic that such a recipe is too hard for what she would normally cook.

One of those featured that is outside of her comfort zone is poached eggs.

My chef hubby always rolls his eyes at that bit. Because as a chef, he could do it without even thinking and he often makes me flawless poached eggs.

But for many people poached eggs is hard, so when one our readers, that was loving our microwave month, said we must microwave a poached egg we jumped at the chance and followed his no fail method.

So, thanks Mr Baker for your great friendship and recipe suggestion and here is your microwave poached eggs!

Can You Poach An Egg In The Microwave?

Yes, you can. Poached eggs in the microwave are amazing, are fast and you don’t have to worry like you do with the pan on the stove that the temperature is wrong or they are not going to take.

Are Poached Eggs Safe?

Yes, poached eggs are safe. They are a lower calorie alternative to a fried egg and cook in water, rather than cooking in fat.

Because there is no fat and its just water, a poached egg carries the same calories as a boiled egg.

Poached Egg In Microwave With Water

You will notice there are many silicone egg cups available for microwaving poached eggs with. You really don’t need these, instead you can make poached eggs in the microwave with water.

You simply crack an egg into the water and microwave and it’s the most simple way to cook poached eggs ever!

Would you like easy & amazing microwave recipes from microwave experts? Click here and join the Recipe This Newsletter. We will then send you the BEST microwave beginner recipes direct to your email inbox along with other useful microwave resources.

Microwave Poached Eggs Recipe Ingredients

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Eggs – I recommend doing up to 4 poached eggs at once in the microwave. Though you can do them in batches and they don’t take long in the microwave to cook.

Water – The poached eggs need to be cooked in a microwave safe container in water.

Bowl – You can use any bowl you like that is microwave safe. We went with a classic cereal bowl for this.

Optional – I recommend our air fryer toast to go with this recipe as poached eggs on toast are delicious. Though start getting your toast ready first, as you want to eat your eggs as soon as they are cooked.

Then for the kitchen gadgets that we have used in this microwave poached eggs recipe it has just been our Panasonic Microwave Oven. We have this one and its wonderful for many types of microwave recipes.

How To Make Poached Eggs In Microwave?

Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (3)
  • Pour. Grab your bowl and run your hot water tap until the water is hot like it is when you do washing up. Then pour the tap water into the bowl until its about ¾ full.
  • Eggs. Next crack your eggs into the warm water. I recommend for best results 1-2 large eggs.
  • Microwave. Then carefully place your bowl with the warm water and the eggs into the microwave. Microwave your poached eggs for 2 minutes on full power.
  • Serve. Then grab your poached eggs and serve over toast.

And I am sure you can see now how easy it is to do poached eggs in the microwave.

How Long To Poach Egg In Microwave?

The poached eggs microwave time is JUST 2 minutes. Though note, this is based on my 800W microwave and if you have a higher wattage microwave, you may be able to do yours in just 90 seconds.

We also poached two eggs at once, and if you had a larger bowl I am sure you could do 4 eggs at once.

Well Done Poached Egg

Confession time. When we first did our poached eggs, hoping for soft boiled, they were hard.

I.e. no dippy yolk.

What we did wrong was we were in the middle of taking photos and the poached eggs were sat for a few minutes.

You want well done poached eggs, then allow the egg to sit on your plate for 5 minutes before slicing and it will carry on cooking.

Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (4)

Your microwave poached egg recipe is below, note you can print it out with or without photos, adjust servings, or click between metric and imperial depending on where you are in the world.

Though before you do, don’t forget to subscribe, and grab your FREE VIP Pass to Recipe This. You will get access to our latest recipes first, you will be able to request recipes, you will have access to free mini courses, free air fryer ebooks and useful air fryer cook time charts and so much more.

How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave

The easiest poached eggs ever. Let me show you how to poach an egg in the microwave. After microwave poached eggs that are cooked in water, you will use this method time and time again.

Prep Time1 minute min

Cook Time2 minutes mins

Total Time3 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast, Main Course

Cuisine: Microwave

Servings: 2

Calories: 63kcal



  • 2 Large Eggs
  • Air Fryer Toast optional

Kitchen Gadgets



  • Let your tap run until you have warm/hot water. Then pour into your microwave safe bowl.

    Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (7)

  • Crack 1-2 large eggs into the warm water.

    Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (8)

  • Then place the bowl into the microwave.

    Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (9)

  • Microwave your eggs for 2 minutes on full power.

    Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (10)

  • Once cooked quickly remove the eggs, place over toast, and slice into for the perfect yolk. Or leave 3-4 minutes if you would like a well done poached egg.

    Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (11)


Quantity – I recommend 1-2 eggs for an equal cook. You could do them in batches if feeding more or use a much bigger bowl.

Thanks for reading how to make a soft poached egg in the microwave on Recipe This. We have many more microwave recipes for you to check out next. Though if you would like some toast to go with your poached eggs do check out our air fryer toast recipe.


Calories: 63kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 164mg | Sodium: 62mg | Potassium: 61mg | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 238IU | Calcium: 25mg | Iron: 1mg

Nutrition InfoPlease Note: Nutrition values are our best estimate based on the software we use at Recipe This and are meant as a guide. If you rely on them for your diet, use your preferred nutrition calculator.

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Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (12)
Recipe This | How To Poach An Egg In The Microwave (2024)


How do you cook an egg in the microwave without explosions? ›

Pierce yolks and whites with fork four or five times to bottom of container (piercing is necessary to prevent "exploding" during cooking). If using a mug or ramekin, cover with plastic wrap, pulling back small area for venting. If using an egg cooker, place lid on cooker base, lining up notches. Twist to secure.

What are the steps to poach an egg? ›

Crack an egg into each cup. Place the poacher in the simmering water and put the lid on the skillet. Simmer until the whites are set and yolks are still runny, 3 to 4 minutes. Lift the poacher from the water and slide the eggs out of the cups to serve.

How do you poach an egg successfully? ›

Crack eggs into a dish first

Slide the eggs into the boiling water. Turn off the heat and cover the pan. Leave to cook in the hot water for 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon.

Is poaching eggs in the microwave good for you? ›

Yes, poached eggs are still healthy if you cook them in a microwave. You might find it easier to just heat the water in the microwave and then poach the eggs in the hot water because poaching is more like steeping a bag of tea than it is like actually boiling something.

Will an egg cook in water in a microwave? ›

Place the egg in a 2-cup glass measuring cup. Cover with cold water by one inch. Microwave on 50% power for 4 minutes. Let the egg rest in in the hot water for 2 minutes (it continues gently cooking and prevents too much pressure from building up).

Is it safe to microwave an egg in water? ›

Water is a great heating medium—especially in a microwave which works by activating water molecules to heat your food. Submerging your egg in water allows the egg to cook more evenly, preventing those heat pockets from exploding.

Why should eggs not be microwaved? ›

Microwave Wisdom: Why Not to Microwave Eggs in Shells

Microwaves heat so quickly that steam builds up faster than an egg can 'exhale' it through its pores and the steam bursts through the shell. For the same reason, when microwaving, always prick the yolk of an unbeaten egg with the tip of a knife or a wooden pick.

What are two tips to safely microwave eggs? ›

According to the Egg Board, before microwaving, you should always break the yolk of an unbeaten egg with the tip of a knife or a wooden toothpick. This allows steam from the yolk to escape safely. The trouble is, as anyone who loves fried eggs knows, a fried egg with a broken yolk kind of misses the point.

Why do my poached eggs keep exploding in the microwave? ›

Tip: If you like a fully done yolk, you will need to pierce the yolk with a fine skewer, before you microwave it, or else it will explode due to the steam build up in the yolk. The yolk should remain encapsulated within the white.

Can you poach an egg in a silicone cup in the microwave? ›

Grease a silicone egg cup with some butter all over the bottom and sides. Break an egg and pour it into the egg cup. Prick it with a toothpick. Place it on a microwave safe plate and cover it with a microwave safe domed lid.

How hot does water have to be to poach an egg? ›

When cooking poached eggs, the water should be kept at a low simmer at around 180°F (82°C). Doing so will prevent the egg whites from separating from the yolks. After the eggs have been added to the saucepan, gently cook at this temperature until they reach the desired doneness, anywhere between 3 and 5 minutes.

Can you poach eggs in an air fryer? ›

Using an air fryer to poach eggs can be a good alternative to the traditional stovetop method. When learning how to poach an egg in an air fryer, consistency is key in achieving well-executed poached eggs. Air fryers circulate hot air uniformly within the chamber, ensuring even and controlled cooking.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.