Peppy dialogues (New Leaf) (2024)

  • 1 Greetings
    • 1.1 Seen Too Often
  • 2 Chat
  • 3 Favors
    • 3.1 Delivery
    • 3.2 Request for Bug or Fish
    • 3.3 Request for Fruit
  • 4 Seasonal/Weather
  • 5 Festivals/Events
    • 5.1 Birthday
      • 5.1.1 Inside other villager's house
  • 6 Actions
  • 7 Emotions
    • 7.1 Sad
    • 7.2 Angry
    • 7.3 Thinking
  • 8 Camping
  • 9 Festivals
    • 9.1 Festivale
    • 9.2 Summer Solstice
    • 9.3 New Year's Eve
  • 10 Town Ordinances
  • 11 Woken up


  • "Hi there! Do you, like, need me for anything?"
  • "Hmm? What's up, [catchphrase]?"
  • "Hiya, [player]! What's going on, [catchphrase]?"
  • "Hey! Good evening! What a lovely night, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Hey, how lucky am I? You're so chatty today, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Oh! It's you again, [player]. Yeah, let's party all night long, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Time again for another talk? Of course, [player]!"
  • "Woohoo! Want to talk, [player]?"
  • "You love to yak, don't you? Me TOO! (Waves one hand) Let's talk!"
  • "You want to talk again? Awesome, [catchphrase]!"
  • "You're looking so YOU today, [player]!"
  • "Woohoo, [player]! Still running around, I see! What do you want to talk about, [catchphrase]?"

Seen Too Often[]

  • "Ohmigosh! Hi again! Nice Afternoon, right? What's up?"
  • "You want to talk again? Awesome, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Time again for another talk? Of course, [player]!"
  • "There you are again for the umpteenth time today, [player]! Wait! Has it been a thousand times already? Infinity times? Number... exceeding...brain capacity!"
  • "I keep seeing you again and again, [player]. Or, NO! Am I stuck in a time loop? I've got to break out! I mean, I like you, but that's just too much!"
  • "Woohoohoo! How many times have I seen you today, [player]? Or, wait, have you been CLONED? Ohmigosh, I hope I'm friends with all of you!"


  • "Hey, [player]! I keep hearing people say you're, like, totally a [reputation]. I'm way jealous that you're the center of attention right now! That's supposed to be my job!"
  • "Just an average day in [town]! But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be dressing up to the nines! We can't slack off in the style department just because there's no big event to attend!"
  • "Pete's super busy making deliveries today. He'd better be careful with all my fan letters! I'm expecting him to drop off, like, a whole bunch of 'em. I'd better clean up my mailbox to make room!"
  • "What's the word in [Town], [player]? C'mon, I'm dying to hear the latest gossip! Hmm... You're not talking. Oh! You must be keeping a sworn secret! Spill the beans, [catchphrase]!"
  • "What do you think of this look? Yeah, I'm trying to be SO very cute today. I think my outfit would totally flop if it wasn't for the cute [clothing] I have on!"
  • Day before New Year: "I am gonna party SO hard at the Countdown this year. It's time to ring out the old and ring in the new! You're coming to the celebration, right, [player]? It wouldn't be the same without you!"
  • Moving out (last day)
    • Initial lines: "I've done it! I mean, I've made up my mind. And my mind says I'm gonna move! It hasn't been an easy decision, let me tell you. But it's the best one in the long run, you know? Thanks for everything, [player]. You've been my shining star!"
    • "Hmm... Now, where did I put that silly mountain bike? UGH! I'll never find it in all of these boxes!"
    • (Does Distress emotion) "Promise me you'll try to enjoy life in [Town] without me. You'll have to have fun for the both of us!"

About Other Villagers[]

  • "Anytime I see [male villager] and [female villager] hanging out together, I'm all like, look at those two! They seem to have the perfect relationship. Nothing too serious, but totally not shallow, either. Sometimes I forget that friends are for fun, you know? We could learn a lesson from those two!"
  • "Do you think [Villager 1] and [Villager 2] are good buddies? They seem like they would be. I mean, it's not like they're BFFs or anything...but they don't hate each other. That's a good start!"
  • Villager is moving out: "I ran into [villager] the other day, and [they] said [they] was thinking of moving away from our happy town! I sure hope [villager] was just pulling my leg. Who would ever want to leave this place?!"


  • "Hey, [player], ever wanted to be a pop star?"
    • Sure, I have! "Me too! Well, let me tell you what I think the next generation of stars should be like! They can't just sing and dance. People look up to pop stars. They have a responsibility! I think they should encourage people to waste less energy! Yeah, I'll be the first one to do it! I'll sing and dance while barely moving at all. I'll be a low-wattage star... and barely shine at all, [player]."
  • "Hey, what do you think of my whole look today?"
    • Cute: "Cute? Really? Yay! That's totally what I was going for, [catchphrase]!"
    • Cool: "Cool? Really? Awesome! I knew I could pull that look off, [catchphrase]!"
    • It's so you. "No one pulls off the 'it's so you' look better than I do. Well, I bet you could pull it off. But no one else ever will!"
    • Subtle: What? Subtle? Waaaah! No, take it back! There's nothing subtle about me! Nothing, [catchphrase]! Nothing!
    • What is it?! "What is it? What IS it? What? Is? It? Hold on. Now that I think about it... I don't know either, [catchphrase]!"
  • "I'm a big fan of fairy tales, but I always forget the endings! Can you help me remember one? So what did that nasty, evil witch give to the beautiful princess?"
    • Poison apple: "Hmm... A poison apple? Are you sure about that? Well, I bet you're right, [player]... Then she got to take a long nap, but some random prince woke her up with a kiss? EW!"
  • "So if you were to try any of these extremely, extreme things, which would it be?"
    • Tightrope walking: "Me too! I've tried it on a clothesline. But it didn't turn out so well. Still, a girl can dream, [catchphrase]!"
    • Skydiving: "Really? Me too! I just hope I wouldn't get SO excited that I'd forget my parachute, [catchphrase]!"


  • Selling clothes: "Hey, [player], you have [a/an] [clothing], right? I've totally dreamed about getting one! Can I buy it from you?"
    • No, thanks. "No deal? No way, [catchphrase]! All right then... I guess I'll have to make a better offer time, [player]."


"I borrowed something from [Villager] a while back... And now I need to return it. But it's been so long that I can't do it face-to-face myself. Would you do it for me?" (Player is prompted to choose between two options: "I'll take care of it!"/"No problem!" and "I can't right now."/"Sorry, but I can't.")

  • I'll take care of it! "Really? I knew I could count on you, [player]!" (Hands over present) "I know it's asking a lot but make sure you get it done today, OK?"
    • What didja want? "I borrowed something from [Villager], and you said you'd return it for me, [catchphrase]. I put it in a package for you to deliver. Promise me you won't forget, [catchphrase]!"
    • [Already delivered] "Thanks for making that delivery to [Villager]! You really helped me out, [catchphrase]. So how'd it go, [catchphrase]?" -Here's the story...- "That's how [Villager] took it? Well, who knew [Villager] would be nicer about it than I thought!"
  • Sorry, but I can't. "Hmm. I guess I really should return it myself anyway, [catchphrase]."

"So [Villager] really wanted something from me... and I totally spaced out about it, [catchphrase]. I've got it right here, but now I'm too busy to take it over to [Villager]'s house. Could you do it for me?" (Player is prompted to choose between two options: "I'm on it!" and "Sorry.")

  • I'm on it! "I'm so glad! This will help me out a bunch, [player]." (Hands over present) "I know it's asking a lot but make sure you get it done today, OK?"
    • [Already delivered] "Thanks for making that delivery to [Villager] for me, [catchphrase]! What happened when you handed it over, [catchphrase]?" (Here's the news...)
      • [If the player chooses "Here's the news..." and it went well] "That's great! Tried it right out of the box, huh? I'll have to go see how it looks for myself!"

"You totally know [Villager], right? Well, the last time we were talking... our neighbor left something in my house. Could you return it to [Villager] place? I'm just too busy!" (Player is prompted to choose between two options: "I'll take care of it!"/"No problem!" and "I can't right now."/"Sorry, but I can't.")

  • No problem! "Yay! [Villager] will be so happy to get this back!" (Hands over present) "I know it's asking a lot but make sure you get it done today, OK?"
    • [Already delivered] "Thanks for making that delivery to [Villager] for me! How did it go?" {Here's the news...} "Good. I'm glad I was able to return it to our neighbor!"
  • I can't right now. "OK, that's fine. I guess I'll just take care of it later."

Request for Bug or Fish[]

"Hey, word is you're way into catching fish, [player]. I hope that's true! Because I heard that owning a [fish] is the next big thing in aquatic décor! I've just got to have one! Will you go out and catch one for me, [catchphrase]?" (Player is prompted to choose between two options: "Consider it done!" and "Sorry, no.")

  • Sorry, but no. "Hmm... Really? You won't? Well, forget I ever asked."

Request for Fruit[]

"I'm SO hungry... I really, really want some fruit! Any kind! Will you bring me some, [player]?" (Given the option between "Sure, I'll do it!" and "I'm kinda busy...")

  • Sure, I'll do it! "Yay! You'll make me SO happy if you get me that, [player]!"
    • [Player brings a fruit] "My tummy is already growling for it, [player]! (Eats) Yeah! That's some good stuff right there, [player]. I could eat a ton of these. Hey, I really should thank you for that. Here's a little something. It's [a/an] [item]!" (Hands over item) "Thanks for helping me out, [player]."


  • Winter: "On cold days, I try to visualize that it's summer, [catchphrase]. That way I can stay warm! OK, here I go... Oh, wow. It IS hot today, isn't it? Like, it's 100 degrees or something!
  • Snowy: "Hey, you still out kicking up snow, [player]? Watch that your toes don't get cold!"



Inside other villager's house[]

  • "Hey! It's [player]! I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away once you heard I'd be here!"
  • "Yoo-hoo, [player]! Let's dance! We've really got to live it up in honor of [birthday villager]!"
  • "Do you think [birthday villager] liked the present? I bet you make sooooooo happy."
  • "I wish it was MY birthday! I'm glad it's [birthday villager]'s special day, but I'm totally bummed out! Promise me you'll come to my next birthday party, [player]! And bring me an awesome gift!"
  • "Birthday bashes are the best! Seriously, I'm always looking for an excuse to par-TAY!"
  • "This has been SUCH a fun party! I got to see you, AND I got to eat cake. It's, like, the perfect day! Wouldn't it be nice if every day was someone's birthday? Just imagine all the parties, [catchphrase]!"
  • "[Birthday villager] must be pretty happy. Not only is it [his/her] birthday, but the coolest people in town are here! By the way, when I said the coolest people in town, I totally meant you and me."


Being pushed for too long

  • "Hey! You SO clearly don't want to be good friends with me. You'd better stop that, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Knock it off! Why are you pushing me?! Do you think it's cute or something? Because it's NOT!"
  • "That's seriously annoying! You DO know that, right, [catchphrase]?!"

Calling with a Megaphone

  • "Eeeek! That's totally awful! Why would you DO that, [catchphrase]?"
  • "What's up with you? Don't you think it's awful, [catchphrase]?"

Falling into Pitfall Seed

  • "AAAAAAACCCCCKKKK! Not cool, everyone! I'm, like really furious with you right now!"
  • "NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Super OWIE-OW! What's going on in this town? It's, like, the pits!"
  • "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Who in the WORLD dug a pitfall right here where I was walking?!"

Hitting with a Net

  • "OUCH! Why are you doing that? Cut it out already, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Hey! You SO clearly don't want to be good friends with me. You'd better stop that, [catchphrase]!"
  • "THAT HURTS! Why would you keep smacking me like that, [catchphrase]?"
  • "That's so irritating! Why not throw [food] at the back of my head, [catchphrase]?"
  • "Now just hold on! What's gotten into you? You DO know that makes me like you a LOT less, right?!"



  • "Oh boy... It is SO not like me to be all blue. Why can't I just be happy again?"
  • "Sigh... I'm having, like, the worst day ever. Being sad makes me so...SAD!"
  • "Sniff... Sorry, [player], but I think I need to be alone right now. I'm, like, sad."


  • "I think we need to take a break, [player]. Why don't you just leave me alone for a while, OK?"
  • "Look, I don't want to hear it! You need to just step away from this situation, [catchphrase]!"
  • "My feelings are, like, super hurt right now! You shouldn't treat me like that, [catchphrase]!"
  • "ARGH!!! I am so...GRRR! Seriously, you should stay away from me today. I'm in a MOOD!"
  • "I am in the WORST MOOD EVER! If you know what's good for you, you'll walk away now, [player]!"
  • "AHHH!!! I'm usually good at keeping my cool, but that is SO not gonna happen right now! I am MAD!!!"


  • "Oh bums! I was trying to remember something, but it's gone. Like, poof! There goes my thought! Sorry, but I need to concentrate for a while and try to re-remember that thing I was trying to remember!"
  • "Um...I know you want to chat and all, but I need to use my brain power to concentrate right now!"
  • "Can we chat later? I want to make sure I have something clever to say, but that's not going to happen now!"


  • First conversation: "Hi there! I'm just visiting your cute little town. You know, camping and all. It's really relaxing in [town]. So much fresh air and stuff! I'm completely adoring it!"
  • "I bet you weren't expecting to see super-stylish ME here! Actually, I wasn't expecting to be here either. But I'm SO glad I came. I took a bite of a famous [town] [fruit], and it was amazing!"
  • "I've got stars in my eyes! Oh, wait... Those are actually stars in the skies! Haha! Camping is the BEST!"
  • "Camp meals are, like, SO much more delish than regular meals. Must be all this fresh air! I mean, [food] is usually pretty yummy. But when you're camping, it's SUPER YUM!"
  • "I'm so glad I decided to camp out here in the wild. I thought I'd just get dirty and stuff... But all of this fresh air is doing wonders for my complexion! It's like a free beauty treatment!"
  • "I bet no one in town was expecting a superstar like me to come here for a camping trip! I hope I'm not causing a big fuss or anything. Go about your normal business, folks! Nothing to see!"



  • (Clap hands) "Hooray! Today is Festivale! It only happens once a year, so let's make the most of it! It's the one day when I can dance like a complete fool and no one will blink an eye, [catchphrase]!"
  • "Eep! Feathers! Falling from the sky! Didja see 'em, [player]? This is, like, the most magical day EVER! You want some feathers too, [player]? Sure you do. They're feathers, for pete's sake! And I know how to get 'em... but I'm not gonna spill the beans. Not yet, at least! Hee hee!"
  • "I love Festivale! It's the one day when everyone in [Town] comes together to cut a rug! Just listening to their cheers and laughter makes me feel so happy, [catchphrase]!"
  • "There must be a special Festivale guest here today -- someone who knows how to shake a tail feather!" (Flourish)

Inside house

  • "Ohmigosh! It sounds like everyone is having SO much Festivale fun outside, [catchphrase]! What am I doing sitting in here all cooped up? I should be outside dancing up a storm!" (Flourish)
  • "Listen to that music out there! Can't you feel the rhythm in your soul, [player]? I'm the queen of this dancing scene, and don't you ever forget it!"
  • "Sounds like everyone is having a rocking-good time outside! When I hear music, I've gotta dance!"

Summer Solstice[]

  • "It just doesn't FEEL like summer until the Summer Solstice, right? But it's offically here now! Who knows what kinda crazy trends I'm going to try out this summer? Just wait and see, [catchphrase]!"
  • "We gotta dance until the last rays go away! We won't have a day like this for another year, [catchphrase]!"
  • "There's only one problem with the sun being up all day long-you gotta avoid getting a sunburn! Like, ouch!"
  • "The sun probably decided to stay out all day and night 'cause it knows how bright I shine! It's totally competing with me! Well, bring it on, Mr. Sun! Let's see who sparkles more!"
  • "I wonder how long I could stay awake if the sun decided to stay up and never set? I bet I could stay awake forever! Sleep is for babies and puppies!"
  • "It's STILL light out?! What an amazing night, right?"
  • "I hope you're still having a blast, [player]. Gotta make the most of an extra-long day like today!
  • "Hooray for the Summer Solstice! It's like my day is twice as long today, [Player]. Sun, sun, sun!"
  • "Keep the groove going, [Player]! The big disco ball in the sky is going to keep turning for hours yet!"

New Year's Eve[]

  • "Can you believe it? The new year is almost here! And I have SO much stuff left to do!" (Shrugs) "I haven't even gotten started on any of my resolutions from LAST year!"
  • "Check out that stylish hat! I'm glad I'm not the only one to get all spruced up for the countdown!" (Clap hands) "We definitely don't want to start off the new year on the wrong foot, do we, [player]?"
  • Before countdown: "Looks like you're all ready for the countdown, [player]. That hat is, like, so totally festive!" (Clap hands) "Now we can both ring in the new year in style, [catchphrase]!"
  • "This year has been EPIC! I'm looking totally pumped for the next year, 'cause I bet it's gonna be epic too!"
  • "Why am I so nervous about the new year? I should be excited that we all get a fresh start!"

Town Ordinances[]

  • Night Owl: "I am totally in love with this town ordinance! No sleep at night? Who needs it?! Not me, for sure! Plus, the stores are open late, so I can spend my days playing and shop whenever I want, [catchphrase]!"

Woken up[]

  • "Snooooooze! Wha...?! Oh, hi, [player]! How weird! I was just dreaming about you!
  • Zzz...zzz...snort! What's going on?! Oh, hi, [player]. I almost fell asleep just standing here!

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Peppy dialogues (New Leaf) (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

Last Updated:

Views: 5468

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.