Kurrat's Magician Leveling Guide 50-60 (2024)


  • 1 Welcome Magicians!
  • 2 Bloodgill Goblins (Lake of Ill Omen)
  • 3 City Guards (Various)
  • 4 Bats n' Bugs (Solusek B)
  • 5 Seafuries (Ocean of Tears)
  • 6 Cyndreela (the Feerrott)
  • 7 Nallar Q`Tentu (Neriak - 3rd Gate)
  • 8 Dyrna Nlith (High Keep)
  • 9 Nyzil Bloodforge (Butcherblock Mountains)
  • 10 Durkis Battlemore (Butcherblock Mountains)
  • 11 Frost Giant Elites (Great Divide)
  • 12 Suits (Wakening Lands)
  • 13 Brownies (Lesser Faydark)
  • 14 Lava Duct Crawlers (Solusek B)
  • 15 Undertow's Temple (Kedge Keep)
  • 16 Plane of Mischief

This is a guide for leveling Magicians in the expansion levels; level 50-60. We will cover locations, pros and cons, loot, and other tips and tricks. Many people only level their mage to level 55 to be a Call of the Hero (COTH) bot, but for those who enjoy the class and don't have time to find groups for leveling post 55 I hope this guide will help you on your journey. I will make several assumptions about your character and your knowledge of the game for this guide to work.

  • You are at least level 49
  • You have some basic +mana or intelligence gear
  • You have a Torch of Alna
  • You have a Shovel of Ponz
  • You are current on Fire and Earth Pet spells
  • You are current on Burnout and Damage Shield spells
  • You understand basic magician leveling mechanics
  • You will be acquiring your new spells as you level through the 50's

Level Range:49-52

Pros and Cons

  • Underwater, which is fun and/or annoying
  • Often camped
  • Come in two pulls


  • Sometimes get a junky Harpoon
  • Words and Runes
  • Nothing here really, this is an experience camp

This is a fun easy camp, the a bloodgill goblin are all under water around the temple of Veksar. Bring an Enduring Breath item if you have one, otherwise don't forget to buy your Summon Waterstone spell. This is often a contested camp, and it greens out at 52. The upper Bloodgills come in two pulls, you can use root nets to split one out, and nuke one down. You can also pull them to land with SoW and kite one with the pet kills one by itself, or have the pet facetank both and nuke one down quickly. The Bloodgills areound the entrance to Veksar come single but are more often camped.

Level Range: 49-57

Pros and Cons

  • Fine steel weapons
  • Close to merchants
  • Usually zonelines nearby
  • Often NPC guildmasters or high level KOS npcs
  • Often overcamped depending on location and class
  • Ruins factions
  • Experience slows way down at 55


  • Cash flow is good with guards, can range from 150-500 plat an hour depending on location
  • Use your summoned Bags Gift of Xev is huge for guards
  • Some decent coin loot
  • Words and Runes etc

City Guards are always a good option. No matter your racial choice, there is a place for you to hunt guards.

  • Kelethin is the best place for guards (if you don't care about faction) but with pathing issues and merchants assisting I would be careful here. You can use Cancel Magic to pull mobs down from below the platforms, just type /target Guard_<name> and cast it. Watch out for strange pathing and the gate guards. This is a high plat per hour spot, similar to Grobb.
  • Oggok is a popular location, sometimes hard to get singles, and there is a neutral merchant anyone can sell too. I believe this greens out early and probably tops out around level 50.
  • Steamfont has several single pulls you can do AFK style. They are generally found on the path and one is at the windmills.
  • Kaladim has tons of guards inside you can kill, as well as many outside in Butcherblock. You can sell at the druid ring.
  • Freeport is a great zone,but it's a bit lower level and will green out quickly for you. Great place to run tight cycles, near the docks in East Freeport are excellent. There are three higher level guards in North Ro near the Inn.
  • Grobb is another popular location, and I believe you can sell outside at the hand merchant. This tops out in low 50's but excellent plat per hour, often camped by enchanters. Watch out for the various guild trainers.
  • Neriak Foreign quarter greens out early, Commons guards all duel wield and have high damage and are higher level. Third gate guards are clerics, and best avoided because they complete heal.
  • Halas I've never done, but I know there are some guards in Everfrost on 6min40sec timers are an excellent laid back camp. They are the Mcmarrins, look for them at the passes between the snow maze and the tundra.
  • Rivervale is another place I've never done, but it's definitely popular, it's lower level than other cities. This would be more of a plat farm.
  • Felwithe these guys are paladins, this place is for necromancers, not mages!

Level Range: 49-53

Pros and Cons

  • Easy to get to
  • Nearby neutral merchants
  • Trains happen here, luckily you should be fighting at the zone line to SolA
  • Somewhat dangerous when Noxious spider spawns
  • Exp ZEM mod isn't great, camp really slows down at 52


  • Trash loot is mostly just words, little coin
  • Guano harvester has some great items
  • Noxious spider has some decent caster items

Camp DetailsThere are two ways to break into the Bats n' Bugs (BnB) area in SolB. You can clear in from the Nagafen's Lair Lavastorm entrance, or you can clear in through the Solusek's Eye back entrance to Guano harvester. I recommend learning the way through Guano. This is the camp you will want anyways.

SolB Route

SolA Route

On the SolA route you drop down into the corridor at the lava river and follow it around. Once you zone into Guano, the first pull will likely be two bats. I recommend nuking one down quickly, then zoning or chain summoning a second pet. After that it's all simple single pulls. The only real danger here at this camp is that the Noxious spider paths all the way up to camp. You need to be ready to handle a Lava duct crawler or Nox. You should be able handle all the bats plus the beetles and sometimes Nox. Grab yourself a bag while you're here. Experience tops out at 52, but you could stretch it to 53.

  • Purple line is Noxious spider Route
  • Yellow dots are Lava beetles
  • Brown dots are Sonic bats
  • Red dot is Guano harvester

Level Range: 49-57

Pros and Cons

  • Great loot
  • Often Overcrowded
  • Great experience
  • Quag
  • Corrupted Cyclops
  • Takes time to travel
  • Surrounded by water


  • Perfect loot for mages, gems and jewelry cash drops!
  • Decent coin loot
  • Ice Giant Toes off of Gornit

This is some of the best experience 50-55 you're going to get solo. The Cyclops on Seafury island respawn in just a couple of minutes. If it's not heavily camped I recommend finding a nice spot on the beach to camp at and pull the mobs in. If there are a lot of people, the best thing to do is find a single spawn point and camp it.

This map has most of the spawn points (roughly) I'll leave the rest up to you to find, most points have at least one pather that walks through. The only truly safe spot and in my opinion the best, is the tree spawn north of the pirates along the water. I spent maaaany hours here and other than the occasional runner I had zero issues with pathers.

Level Range 49-55

Pros and Cons

  • Not often camped
  • Surrounded by annoying low level mobs
  • Raids often show up


  • Gems
  • Words
  • Bronze

Cyndreela is a necromancer who summmons a pet and has approximently two thousand hit points. She will buff herself, so the first thing to do when breaking in is to dispel her twice. Just nuke her down and let your pet clean up her pet. Each spawn after will be way easier. This is a decent AFK camp.

Level Range: 49-57

Pros and Cons

  • Easy to get too
  • Mind numbingly boring
  • Good city ZEM
  • Easy single pull
  • No faction


  • Absolutely nothing
  • Zilch
  • Nada

This is a quest giver in the Neriak Third Gate library. He isn't on any faction and respawns in 400 seconds (6m 40s). He's a necromancer that buffs and casts but doesn't summon a pet. This is super straight forward AFK style camp. He will green out once you hit 58. This is slower then Dyrna, but a good back up plan if she is camped. If you root him at his spawn, you can LOS his spells.

Level Range:49-57

Pros and Cons

  • Easy exp
  • Hard to get camp sometimes
  • Slows down 55-57


  • Clawed Knuckle Ring
  • Random junk

Dyrna Nlith in High Keep is a low 40's necromancer. She doesn't summon a pet and has around 2000 hp. There's a green named Flayer Hopkins that will aggro with her, but he's nothing to worry about. This camp is super easy, just summon a pet, buff it, nuke her down. Rinse and repeat every 6 minutes and 40 seconds. If you're evil there is a wizard guy in the jail behind that will aggro you as well, watch out for him. The biggest struggle at this camp is remembering to tab back over to kill her.

Level Range:49-60

Pros and Cons

  • Easy exp
  • Hard to get camp sometimes
  • Slows down 56+


  • Bloodforge Hammer
  • Random Bits
  • Coin

Easy single spawn in a high ZEM zone, he spawns by the anvil, just pull him back to where he is the picture, super tiny on the left! Great easy afk camp, easiest way to kill him is nuke for 50% damage.

Level Range:56-60

Pros and Cons

  • Solid blue to 60
  • Difficult solo kill, not the most efficiant
  • Always open


  • Nothing

This guy is a much harder Nyzil, and a good spot to go if you can't get the Nyzil camp. His guardhouse is the first you encounter on the road to the docks from Kaladim. There are two guards in the front, ignore them and set up camp on the back end shown here.

This is a two pet fight so if you're using Dyzil's you'll need a long run way to resummon and then kite him around. If you're using 57 earth, let the root snap the aggro, don't forget to apply that DS right away. He runs when he is low so pull a ways back from the guardhouse. To pull him, type /target durkis to grab him through the wall and cast cancel magic, he will pop out without aggroing the two guards in the front.

Level Range: 56-60

Pros and Cons

  • Outdoors: easy to kite
  • Good faction/heads/toes
  • Near Thurgadin
  • Laid back easy camp


  • Thurg quest items
  • Various velium
  • Random vendor weapons

There is a plateau behind the giant fort that random giants will path through, the scouts are easy faction kills ( kill them to spawn more elites ) the berzerkers are light blue and will yield a small amount of experience. The elites are tough, have at least 6000 hit points, but a fully buffed 57 earth pet will take them down most of the time with no trouble. Just be ready to nuke or tank for a bit in case you get a low pet summon. I also did this spot at 56 with Dyzil's decoy, you'll need two per elite - this doesn't work as well now with pet aggro dumping onto the caster.

The red lines are the paths that most of the elites will walk on, this isn't exact, and they like to wander around the canyons below the plateau to the south and west. The red X's are the safer spots to sit and fight. The screenshots show the viewpoints from the two red X's, make sure you clear those two entrance mobs at the fort in case of a runner. Most of the mobs will wander on a north/south line.

Level Range: 57-60

Pros and Cons

  • Easy experience
  • Often camped
  • Some nasty pathers
  • No singles, have to break two pulls


  • Velious armor quest gems
  • Regular gems
  • Sentient Armor drops

a suit of sentient armor in Wakening Lands are a popular spot for quad kiting wizards and druids, and sometimes bards using charm. There are two camps, one has four suits in one house, this is known as 4s. The other has six suits, four inside a house, and two outside in a ruin, this is known as 6s. They most always come in pulls of two, the four might all aggro at lower levels. I don't come here until 57+ anyways, if someone wants to confirm that would be great.

So you start with a two pull, and these mobs have over 6000 HP. Start with your strongest pet, fully buffed and guard him back towards the wall. Run down to your suit house and pull using Scars of Sigil, and drag the two up towards your pet. It helps to swap targets right after you attack, you want the pet to attack the one you didn't nuke. Send the pet and kite the second around in tight circles, keep an eye on your pet's health versus the suit. You may need to nuke some if you summoned a low level pet. A method to mitigate this issue is to test your pet on low level mobs before you start this part.

Once that first suit goes down send your pet in, it will be below 50% health. Run a distance away and watch the health spam. When your pet gets to 15% or so start summoning a Greater Vocaration Earth, cast a Cadeau and send it in. It's important for the second pet to be Earth so it can root and snap that aggro immediately. Burn it out and reap the rewards. Repeat this method for second set of two suits and congratulations you have broken 4s or 6s!

This experience is about as good as it gets 57-60, it's mostly relaxing. Although if you are KOS to the Thanes and Dixies and Giants there are mobs that will go after you sometimes that path nearby. Keep your eyes open and watch the paths to find the safe places to sit. A corrupted Faun paths through 6s and that guy will wreck your day so fast you don't even know what hit you. Most people time the mobs and sit way up on the hill zone line to avoid issues like this. The red lines on the map are good places to sit and kite.

Level Range: 57-60

Pros and Cons

  • No loot
  • Safe zone
  • Modest experience
  • Hard to break the two pull
  • Not often camped
  • 1.7% exp per hour or so at 59, kind of slow


  • Brownie Parts
  • Random words

Brownies are a great afk style, laid back camp. You will need to break a two pull, so get your MR gear on and read on. Either use a Crystalline Silk Net or summon a max level Earth pet. There is a pixie camp nearby you can test the pet on first. The red 'circles' in the picture are where they spawn.

A. Net
Buff the pet and pull one of the brownies with root net, pull the other brownie far enough way to avoid cast range. Annul magic it twice, then spam Scars of Sigil until it dies. Your pet will be at 30-50% health, you can resummon or use the last bit of health on the second brownie, who will be coming right about when you finish the first. Sometimes things will go south on this fight, don't be afraid to gate after killing the first one and come back. The spawn time is fourteen minutes, so this tactic works really well.

B. Two at once
Pull a brownie with Annul magic, pull them both back a ways so you don't aggro stuff inside with the pet. Use a clicky to refresh your gems, annul the brownie again and start spamming Scars of Sigil. Make sure you keep your pet focused on the kill target. The first brownie should die when the pet is around 15-30% health. Be ready to summon a new (earth) pet and get it on the second brownie, don't forget to annul magic it twice.

Check out this guide for this interesting spot, this is a more advanced camp.Kurrat's Lava Duct Crawler Guide for Magicians

Level Range: 57-60

Pros and Cons

  • Underwater - this can be annoying!
  • Hard to get a rez if you screw up
  • Interesting loot
  • High ZEM zone
  • The experience here is good still at level 60
  • Difficult camp to pull off


  • Blazing Wand
  • Squallsurge Shawl
  • Sharkbone Warhammer
  • Sharkskin Drum
  • Various runes/words/etc
  • Some coin

This camp is a bit dangerous, but rewarding and almost always open, since few people exp down in Kedge. The first thing to do is learn the path to the mermaid temple and Seahorse caves. It's actually pretty easy and only one mob see's invisibility the whole way down. Estrella of Gloomwater spawns at number 8 on the map and will see through invis, at level 60 she will not aggro if you hug the wall and swim by on the far side on the room. Beware!

The red lines on the map are more or less where you are going straight on the same plane in the room / tunnel. The green circles are where you descend or ascend. The hallway at number 7 is a safe hall if you're out of LOS. The purple X is the best place to camp after you've set up and start breaking in. When going down Tube 'D' there is a small hallway half way down, you don't want to go all the down that tube into the shark room.

So once you reach number 7, summon a pet, buff yourself and med up to full. This is the hard part, you need to break a two pull, and it definitely requires root nets. There are two ways to do this, both risky, both work fine. You can break the pull in two 100% and not worry about the second, or keep the second one rooted. I'll break each way down below.

Kill both at once:

Swim up the small tube to the grate and go in and to the left where the purple X is. Have the pet attack the tiny fish to find out what level you've summoned, you need to get a max level or second to max level pet (58/60 hits if focused, 56/58 hits if not for the G.Voc pets.) Once you've summoned the right pet, buff him and start clearing the weird recessed ceiling tiles, there are little piranhas in there. You can also test pet level on those guys, be careful not to get too close to Undertow's room and aggro his guards. Once you've cleared all the piranhas (minus the two closest to Undertow's room, those are too close!!) med up to full and then rebuff the pet.

Swim close enough to see his guards, they are either a druid or a ranger class and have a good amount of hit points. Cast root on one, and swim back to the purple X. Control your pet and make sure he doesn't go into the room after the rooted one. The second guard will be here by then, put the pet on him and cast Annul Magic twice. Then use a GCD item such as Star of Eyes to spam cast Scars of Sigil, if all goes well the mob will die when your pet is around 30-50% health. You'll have a little time left before the root breaks and the second mob comes. Sometimes you can just nuke this second one down before your pet dies, but often you will need to summon a second pet. Pop that earth pet and send it on the mob, make sure to dispel it twice just like the first. Congrats! The camp is easy peasy from here on out.

Use COTH to single one out

Swim up the small tube to the grate and guard the pet near it, clear the small fish that swim around it so you can sit in the X spot. Stay close to the ground so you don't aggro the piranhas, you can clear some if you want but it usually isn't necessary to do this. Root one of the guards and pull the other in to your pet, then root him as well. Swim back down to the hallway safe spot in 7 and cast COTH on yourself, make sure you use your /pet get lost social macro right before COTH finishes casting so your pet doesn't screw up the aggro drop. Immediately summon a new pet buff, cast DS and swim back up to the rooted guard. Kill it at your leisure, no need to nuke it down. Make sure to Annul Magic it twice and haste pet as well afterwords. Med up and then pull the second guard to the X, be aware that you can get piranhas sometimes doing this, you can also fight in Undertows room, which is where you want to fight them in the future. Congrats! You've broken the two pull and can move on to the next spawns.

If Undertow is up, med up to full or almost full mana, then burn him down. He's a wizard with a ton of hit points, make sure you dispell him as well. If his PH is up, it's usually a easy green con, just kill it and mark the time, respawn is 8 hours. After you've cleared Undertow's room you can kill the mermaid at number 10 on the map. Coralyn Kelpmaiden spawns here and has a couple neat drops. If you're looking for mobs to kill swim back down to 7, there are two mermaid two pulls right outside that hallway. Use the same techniques you used to kill Undertow's guards to split these pulls. The spawn time is 22 minutes you can pretty easily kill 5 mobs every cycle and get some great experience.

Level Range: 55-60

Pros and Cons


Kurrat's Magician Leveling Guide 50-60 (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.