How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (2024)

  • Weight Loss on Keto: Everyone Is Different
  • Calculate Your Macros With the Keto Calculator
  • Average Weight Loss on the Keto Diet
  • Common Keto Weight Loss Pitfalls
  • Don’t Discount Other Signs of Progress
  • Keto Diet Results

Weight loss is one of the most common goals of the ketogenic diet. If you’re using keto to drop pounds, you’re probably wondering how quickly you can expect to see keto diet results.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (1)


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Since everyone is different, it’s hard to get an exact answer, but this article will cover the average weight loss rate for most keto dieters, tips for successfully losing weight on keto, and how to avoid common weight loss mistakes.

Weight Loss on Keto: Everyone Is Different

Everyone’s body is different, which means the weight loss rate for each person is different too. Your individual keto diet results can vary depending on four main factors.

Your Health Situation

Are you overweight? What’s your energy level? Do you have thyroid problems? Do you have insulin resistance or other blood sugar issues? What is your metabolic state?

Your overall health determines how fast you lose weight. For instance, if you have any hormonal or metabolic issues, the process might be slower than expected. That’s OK.

Your Body Composition

How much body fat do you have to lose? What’s your muscle mass? What’s your BMI (body weight to height ratio)? If you have a lot of excess weight you’ll likely experience more and faster weight loss in the beginning.

Your Daily Habits

Your exercise and eating habits make or break your weight loss efforts. What does your keto meal planlook like? Are you eating clean keto foods like coconut oil, avocado, and MCT oil, or do you choose high-fat junk foods like processed meats? Are you watching out for hidden carbs? Are you exercising? The energy you spend on a daily basis and your way of eating impact how efficiently your body burns fat.

Your Individual Fat Adaptation Period

Your body needs time to become fat-adapted, and the time it takes to get there depends on your metabolism. For instance, if you’re coming off a standard American diet (SAD), and your adult body has never run on ketones before, your adaptation period might take a little longer. You’ll lose weight when your body is in a state of ketosis.

The key to keto diet results is consistency. That means eating keto-friendly foodsincluding healthy fats, veggies, and quality meats. Treat the keto diet as what it is — not simply a diet plan, but a lifestyle and metabolic shift in your health.

Set Yourself Up for Weight Loss Success

Before you embark on your keto weight loss journey, it’s important to get the basics right.

Some people think shifting from the high-carb standard American diet into a paleo or low-carb diet is enough to enter ketosis. But this isn’t always the case. It’s important to make sure you’re running on ketones instead of carbs. Otherwise, you’re not going to burn fat or lose weight.

Figure Out Your Keto Macros

Use the keto calculatorto get your personal keto macros. Having a nutritional target based on your body composition will make it a lot easier to enter and remain in ketosis (and lose weight). It might seem like a lot of work to track your macros, but once you get an idea of how many grams of carbs, proteins, and fats are in the foods you eat most often, it will start to become second nature.

Calculate Your Macros With the Keto Calculator

What unit of measurement do you prefer?

How active are you?

What is your weight goal?

Maintain your weight

Keep at 0%

Gain muscle

Enter 1 to 50%

Lose weight

Enter -1 to -50%


  • 5 to 10% is a small gain/loss
  • 10 to 20% is a moderate gain/loss
  • 20%+ is a large gain/loss

What is your body fat %?

2-5%10-13%Essential Fat

How much do you want to consume?

We’ve prefilled these consumption amounts for beginners to intermediate keto-ers for the best results. If you’re more advanced, adjust as needed.

Protein Ratio

Grams of protein per pound of lean body mass

Adequate protein should be eaten on a ketogenic diet. For most people, it is undesirable to lose muscle mass. Set this ratio at a minimum of .8g/lb of lean body mass. Increase the ratio based on your strength goals and exercise demands.

Net Carb Intake

It is highly recommended that on a ketogenic diet, you keep your carb intake to 5% or less of total calories. This works out to be an average of 30g net carbs a day.

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  • The FREE Perfect Keto Recipe Book
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Give Your Body Time to Get Into Ketosis

Getting into ketosisusually takes anywhere between 2-7 days. It all depends on your specific body and metabolic state. Don’t rush this step if you want to avoid the keto fluor any other potential adverse effects. Women especially should allow time to get into ketosis to avoid over-stressing your system.

Test Your Ketones

Testing your ketone levelsis the best way to track if you’re in ketosis or not, at least in the beginning. The most accurate tool is a bloodketone meter. If your levels remain above 0.5 mol/L, then you’re in nutritional ketosis. A less expensive option is to use urine test strips.

Eat a Clean Ketogenic Diet

The quality of your food matters, not just your macros. Sure, you can stay in ketosis by eating processed cheese singles and ham slices, but that’s not going to nourish you in the best way possible. Focus on quality keto foodslike avocado oil, fresh leafy greens, wild fish, and grass-fed beef instead.

Move More

You’ll lose pounds faster if you increase your daily physical activity. Keep in mind you don’t have to go to the gym 6 times a week or jog every morning — just move more in your everyday life.

For instance, take a short 2-minute break from sitting in your chair every hour, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk during your errands if possible, get a standing desk, or take phone calls standing up and pacing around. These small calorie-burning movements add up at the end of the day.

Average Weight Loss on the Keto Diet

As you know by now, not everyone loses weight at the same rate. But below is a general outline of what people typically lose when following the keto diet.

First Week: Fast Water Weight Loss (2-10 pounds)

In the first week of the keto diet, many people see a very quick drop in weight — anywhere from a few pounds to as much as 10. That’s because when you lower your carb intake, your body releases a lot of water weight (not fat).

Why does this happen?

Carbs need water to stay in your body. When your body doesn’t use glucose immediately, it stores it as glycogen in your muscles and glycogen binds to water. Each gram of glycogen is stored with 2to 3 grams of water[*].

When you first switch to keto, your body will burn all the glycogen reserves first before using fat. Once it runs out of glycogen, the water that was needed to store it gets eliminated. That’s why the number on your scale changes so drastically in the first week of the keto diet.

While this isn’t fat loss, it’s a sign that your body is working its way into ketosis: fat-burning mode. This rapid water loss may also lead to dehydration and constipation, so drink more water than you normally would each day to keep things moving.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (4)


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Short- and Medium-Term: Steadier Weight Loss (1-2 pounds per week)

After a week or two, weight loss will usually happen at a slower, more steady pace. This is also the time when you’re getting fat-adaptedas your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat, which means you’ll actually be losing fat now.

A safe average loss is around one to two pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week.

Here’s what studies say about losing weight on the ketogenic diet:

  • One study found obese patients lost 13.6 kg (30 pounds) after 2 months on the keto diet, and over 88% of patients lost more than 10% of their initial weight by the end of the study. Lean mass was practically unaffected.[*] That’s 3.5 pounds of pure fat per week.
  • Another study found that obese patients weighing 101 kg dropped 10 kg (22 pounds) after 8 weeks. They lost an extra 2 kg (4.4 pounds) by week 16 and 3 more kg (6.6 pounds) by week 24. In total, they lost 15 kg (33 pounds) in 5.5 months.[*] That’s 1.3 pounds per week.
  • One study of volunteers with obesity and type 2 diabetes who weighed 108 kg dropped 11.1 kg (24.5 pounds) in 24 weeks.[*] That’s 1 pound per week.
  • A fourthstudy found 120 overweight hyperlipidemic patients lost 9.4 kg (20.7 pounds) of fat mass in 24 weeks. [*] That’s 0.8 pounds per week.
  • Ameta-analysis that took data from 13 different studies found patients consistently lost more weight on the ketogenic than on a low-fat diet.[*]

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (5)

Weight loss varies depending on how long you’re on the keto diet, how much weight you have to lose, and your health condition. People seem to lose the most fat during the first 2-3 months of the keto diet, although you can continue losing weight as long as you follow the diet.

Long-Term: Slower Weight Loss

As you get closer to your goal weight, weight loss slows down. As your weight decreases, your total daily caloric needs also decrease. So even if you continue on a deficit of calories to lose weight, it will now make a smaller difference.

You might have some weeks where it seems you haven’t lost anything, then you’ll weigh a week or two later and be down 3-4 pounds. The key is to stick with it and not get discouraged. Just make sure you’re still in ketosisand give your body time to do its thing.

One study found that after one year on the keto diet, men and women between 30-69 years who weighed between 90-100 kg lost a total of 14 kg (30.8 pounds).[*]

However, most of that weight was lost in the early stages of keto. They:

  • Lost 7 kg (15 pounds) after 4 weeks
  • Lost another 5 kg (11 pounds) between weeks 4 and 12
  • Didn’t experience major changes from 12 weeks to 12 months (barely 1-2 kg)

This means the keto diet is effective for fast and sustained fat loss. You’ll see the biggest changes if you stick with it for a few months, and you won’t gain the weight back if you stick with it for the long-term.

Common Keto Weight Loss Pitfalls

If you feel like you’re going through a weight loss plateauafter sticking with the keto diet for a few months, your habits or food choices could be hindering your progress. Below are common weight loss mistakes and what to do about them.

Mistake #1: Not Being In Ketosis

This one may seem obvious, but it’s common to exit ketosis without realizing it. This is why tracking your ketone levels is crucial. One of the biggest reasons people don’t see keto diet results is because they’re not in ketosis.

What to do:

  • Don’t stop tracking your ketones. An excellent way to keep your ketone levels up is by taking exogenous ketones. Just put a scoop in your favorite drink to get back into ketosis — it’s easy and delicious.
  • Decrease carb intake. Review what you’re eating daily and make sure you aren’t eating too many carbs.
  • Increase your fat intake. Make sure each meal and snack is heavy in healthy fat. Eating more fat can naturally reduce your carb and protein intake.

Mistake #2: Not Looking Out For Hidden Carbs

Some of the foods you eat can have more carbs than you realize. These hidden carbs can put you over your daily carb limit and bust your weight loss efforts.

What to do:

  • Eliminate processed foods.These often contain a lot of sneaky carbs, even those branded as “healthy.” Stick to whole foods instead.
  • Cut out artificial sweeteners.These can raise insulin levels and affect ketosis. Plus, they contain a lot of junk you’re just better off avoiding. If you must use a sweetener, stick with stevia or these top keto sweeteners.
  • Beware of hidden carbs.This articlecan help you look for any hidden carbs in your diet.

Mistake #3: Not Checking How Your Body Reacts to Dairy

You don’t have to be lactose- or casein-intolerant to have a problem with dairy. It can impede weight loss even if you’re digesting it with ease. Some dairy — like yogurt and whey protein — may elevate insulin levels and kick you out of ketosis. Figure out which camp you’re in.

What to do:

  • Measure your ketone levels.Do thisbefore and after consuming dairy to see how your body reacts.
  • Stick to high-quality dairy.Aim for organic or pastured dairy products such as those in this helpful guide.

Mistake #4: Eating Too Many Calories

Although it’s harder to overeat on a high-fat (and more filling) keto diet, it’s still possible to eat more calories than you need. If you don’t stay at a calorie deficit, you won’t lose weight.

What to do:

  • Track your calories.If you don’t see meaningful weight loss after several weeks, make sure you use theketo calculator.
  • Eat fewer nuts. Although some nuts are keto-friendly, they’re also high in calories and some contain more carbs than others. Coincidentally, they’re also easy to overeat, so measure your intake when snacking on nuts. Learn more about which nuts are best here.
  • Try intermittent fasting.Only eating within a certain period of time — which is the basis of intermittent fasting — can help you lose weight faster and reduce overeating. By fasting, you’ll find it a lot easier to stay in a calorie deficit.
  • Don’t go overboard.Make sure you aren’t eating too little. While a deficit is necessary, too little food can cause metabolic damage and do more harm than good.

Those who have yo-yo dieted a lot in the past might also need to give their bodies time to recover from damage. This might mean allowing your body to heal while focusing on healthy keto nutrition.

Don’t Discount Other Signs of Progress

When going keto, it’s important to focus on more than just weight loss — even if you have a lot to lose. Overall health should be the goal, so give yourself credit for any and all benefits you notice from the ketogenic diet. That could be:

  • Healthier hair, skin, and nails
  • More mental clarity
  • Fewer cravings
  • More energythroughout the day
  • Lower inflammation
  • Prevention of chronic diseases

Although losing weight is a good indicator of your progress, remember that it’s not all about the number on the scale. In fact, many keto dieters say they noticed differences in the mirror more than on the scale.

If you’re weight lifting at the same time, you might be replacing fat loss with muscle gain. This might not move the scale much, but it’ll show up on your body.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (6)


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Keto Diet Results

The ketogenic diet can help you lose weight and improve your overall health, so stick with it and don’t be afraid to try new keto hacks as needed. Track what you eat, stick within your keto macros, and test your ketone levels frequently to make sure you’re staying in ketosis. Most of all, give your body time to respond to the great changes you’re making. Soon enough you’ll have the keto diet results you want.


How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto (2024)


How Much Weight Can You Lose on Keto (and How Fast)? - Perfect Keto? ›

Keto Weight Loss Results After 90 Days on Keto

How much weight can you lose on keto and how fast? ›

If a person follows the 75% fat /20% carb/5% fat keto diet, average results may look like this: Weeks 1–2: rapid weight reduction phase due to water loss – up to ten pounds. Weeks 2–4: standard weight reduction – between one and two pounds per week. After the first month – slow weight loss – around one pound per week.

How much weight can I lose in 2 months with keto and intermittent fasting? ›

A safe average loss is around one to two pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week. Here's what studies say about losing weight on the ketogenic diet: One study found obese patients lost 13.6 kg (30 pounds) after 2 months on the keto diet, and over 88% of patients lost more than 10% of their initial weight by the end of the study.

How long to lose 40 pounds on keto? ›

With a rate of weight loss of 1-2 pounds each week, about 5-6 months is how long to lose 40 pounds on keto. There are other diets to help you lose 40 pounds fast. But, most of them aren't sustainable for the long term.

How long does it take to lose 50 pounds on keto? ›

Most doctors would agree that losing about one to two pounds per week is sustainable and healthy. That would put you around the 50-pound mark halfway through your first year of the keto diet.

How fast can I lose 20 pounds on keto? ›

“If the patient can maintain a steady calorie deficit, I expect them to lose one to two pounds per week,” says Dr. Seeman. So after 12 weeks, her clients are usually down around 20-25 pounds.

What is the 30 30 30 rule for weight loss? ›

The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state cardiovascular exercise. Beyond these steps, the 30-30-30 method doesn't require any changes to other meals or behaviors, restrictions or counting calories.

Can I lose 40 pounds in 1 month? ›

"40 pounds in one month is not normal, healthy, or sustainable," comments Collingwood, pointing out that it would equate to 10 pounds per week.

Do you lose weight faster on keto or intermittent fasting? ›

The takeaway: keto for short-term losses, intermittent fasting for long-term success.

How to speed up keto weight loss? ›

To maximize weight loss on a ketogenic diet, get adequate sleep, reduce stress, be more active and consume whole, nutritious, low-carb foods whenever possible.

What happens if I eat no carbs for a month? ›

Severe carb limits can cause your body to break down fat into ketones for energy. This is called ketosis. Ketosis can cause side effects such as bad breath, headache, fatigue and weakness.

Does keto work without exercise? ›

The rate of weight loss on the keto diet without exercise ranges from 1-2 pounds per week. Therefore, if you want to lose significant weight, reaching your goals may take a few months. Exercise is essential to any weight loss plan, as it helps burn calories, build muscle, and improve overall health.

Does exercise speed up weight loss in ketosis? ›

Exercising while in ketosis accelerates weight loss. This is because glycogen stores run out the longer and harder you work out. Combined with a very low-carb diet, which also reduces glycogen, you'll take your weight loss to the next level.

How much water should I drink on keto? ›

Rule of thumb states a person should divide their body weight in half and drink that many ounces of water daily. For example, if someone weighs 160 pounds, they'll need to take in 80 ounces of water a day. That amount could be more for someone on keto, since the diet alters your body's water and electrolyte levels.

What alcohol can you drink on keto? ›

Many low carb alcohol options are available if you follow a keto diet. For instance, pure forms of alcohol like whiskey, gin, tequila, rum, and vodka are all completely free of carbs. You can drink them straight or combine them with low carb mixers for more flavor.

How much weight can I lose in a month on keto? ›

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month on Keto? Individuals on a keto diet can lose an average of 10-12 pounds in their first month if they stay consistent with the diet and maintain a calorie deficit. However, weight loss can vary depending on starting weight, age, and activity level.

How much weight can you lose in 1 week on keto? ›

1 Week. The great news is, you'll start to see the weight drop off straight away - in the first week of going Keto. Anywhere between 2-10lbs of weight loss can be expected after 1 week. This is an incredible amount, however it isn't due to losing fat, but rather water!

How long to lose 30 pounds on keto? ›

Taking the time to make real changes in your daily routine will make this the best diet to lose 30 lbs. If you're looking to lose 30lbs in 3 months without exercise, it's possible with the keto diet. If you add in some exercise, you'll really set your weight loss on fire.

What happens on day 3 of keto? ›

Day 3. Buckle up. This will probably be the worst carb-flu day you experience. Your body is realizing it's not getting carbs anymore, and the transition process to begin breaking down fats for fuel can feel brutal at first.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.