Ferrero Food Service FAQ : all the answers about our products (2025)

What is Nutella® hazelnut spread?

Nutella® derives its unique tast from the combination of roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. Nutella® has no artifical colors or preservatives.

What does Nutella® taste like?

The blend of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, sugar, skim milk and a hint of cocoa gives Nutella® its unique taste. Combined with its creamy texture is delightful to the taste buds. The best way to find out is to try it yourself.

Nutella® should be stored at room temperature between 18-24 °C (between 64 and 75°F). Keep the container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place to maintain maximum flavor. Do not refrigerate Nutella®, otherwise it will harden and become difficult to spread. Excessive heat will accelerate the loss of flavor and may cause the oils found in Nutella® to separate.

What is the shelf life of Nutella®?

Nutella® has a 12 month shelf life even after opening for the portion packs (15g), jars (25g), the tub (3kg) and cartridge (1kg). Nutella® piping bag (1kg) has a 6 month shelf life.

Can I use the Nutella® Trademark on my menu and communications?

Nutella® is a registered trademark of Ferrero S.p.A. The use of Nutella® hazelnut spread in the preparation of other products does not automatically grant a right to use the Nutella® trademark. However, certain limited use is authorized by Ferrero S.p.A. under the terms and conditions set forth below.

What is the Nutella® Piping Bag?

NUTELLA® Piping Bag is delivered ready to go, it’s been designed to easily insert, fill and decorate recipes with NUTELLA®. It’s perfect for tasty croissants, crepes, pancake, muffins doughnuts or any of your creations. Simply snip, pipe and serve your delicious NUTELLA® creations!

See the Piping bag in action here.

Does Nutella® contain palm oil? Why?

Palm oil is used in Nutella® to give the product its creamy texture, as well as to heighten the flavour of its ingredients, thanks to the oil's odourless and tasteless properties. Furthermore, it is the best ingredient for giving Nutella® the right texture, and importantly avoiding the need for a hydrogenation process which produces trans-fats.

When is world Nutella® day?

Did you know? World Nutella® Day was established on February 5th, 2007, by Sara Rosso, an American blogger and a Nutella® lover just like you.

What company makes Nutella®?

The history of Nutella® is an inspiring tale of love and passion born in a small pastry shop in Alba with the creation of a unique and incomparable product. The year was 1946 and it marked the start of what was to become Ferrero.

How long does Nutella® last after opening?

Nutella® has a 12 month shelf life even after opening for the portion packs (15g), jars (25g) and the tubs (3kg). Nutella® piping bag (1kg) has a 6 month shelf life.

Ferrero Food Service FAQ : all the answers about our products (2025)


Why does Nutella not need to be refrigerated? ›

Keep the container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place to maintain maximum flavor. Do not refrigerate Nutella®, otherwise it will harden and become difficult to spread. Excessive heat will accelerate the loss of flavor and may cause the oils found in Nutella® to separate.

How long can you keep Nutella once opened? ›

Storage Conditions: Opened Nutella jars last up to 12 months when kept in a cool, dry place, whereas unopened jars can last a few months past the expiration date. Storing in the refrigerator may extend freshness but can also alter spreadability.

Is Nutella owned by Ferrero? ›

The Ferrero Group is now one of the world's largest sweet-packaged food companies with over 35 much-loved brands, such as Kinder®, Nutella®, Ferrero Rocher® and Tic Tac®, sold in more than 170 countries.

Why does Nutella say Ferrero? ›

After the Second World War, cocoa was extremely scarce. Founded as an Italian pastry shop in Piedmont, Italy, Ferrero turned this problem into a smart solution, creating a sweet paste made from hazelnuts, sugar, and just a little of the rare cocoa. The ancestor of Nutella® was born.

How long is Nutella good for after the expiration date? ›

In contrast, a sealed jar of another popular, nutty spread ― Nutella — will keep just one to two months past its printed date.

Does Nutella go bad in room temperature? ›

Nutella® should be stored at room temperature (between 64° and 72° F). Keep the container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place to maintain maximum flavor. Do not refrigerate Nutella®, otherwise it will harden and become difficult to spread.

Does peanut butter expire? ›

You can keep peanut butter in the pantry for six to nine months (unopened) and two to three months (opened).

Can you eat Nutella out of the jar? ›

Yep! According to one Reddit user, UD_Ramirez, it's all in the way you scoop your Nutella from the jar, and always going from the centre will stop you ever having to scrape dried bits of Nutella from the edge of the jar for good.

What does it mean if Nutella is watery? ›

Your Nutella might react to ambient temperature changes, especially hot weather, which causes the product to melt slightly. This melting leads to a separation of ingredients, primarily the oil in the spread. Therefore, if your jar of Nutella is kept in a warm place, you're more likely to find these watery conditions.

Why is the N in Nutella black? ›

After doing some research, according to multiple resources, the letter N is black because the name 'Nutella' was originally used by another brand. So they simply changed the colour of the letter to ensure there wasn't a trademark issue.

Why did Nestle sell to Ferrero? ›

Nestle, the country's fourth-largest candy company, has said it put its U.S. candy business on the market to focus on healthy foods. The Italian Ferrero, meanwhile, is trying to expand into new territory — and will become the third-largest U.S. candy-maker in the process.

Did Ferrero buy out Nestle? ›

To most people, Ferrero is simply the first part of the name of individually wrapped hazelnut chocolate pieces that you often see out around Valentine's Day and Mother's Day — Ferrero Rocher. But on Tuesday, the European chocolate company announced it was buying Nestle's U.S. confectionary business for $2.8 billion.

What is the old name for Nutella? ›

Originally sold as a solid block, Ferrero started to sell a creamy version in 1951 as Supercrema gianduja. In 1963, Ferrero's son Michele Ferrero revamped Supercrema gianduja with the intention of marketing it throughout Europe. Its composition was modified, and it was renamed "Nutella".

Who owns Ferrero? ›

Why is Ferrero so popular? ›

The precious gold packaging and high-quality ingredients contributed to the immense success of Ferrero Rocher. It's marketed as a means of celebrating life's golden pleasures, including the joy of being with family, special love, and true friendship, among others.

Is it OK to eat Nutella from the jar? ›

Yep! According to one Reddit user, UD_Ramirez, it's all in the way you scoop your Nutella from the jar, and always going from the centre will stop you ever having to scrape dried bits of Nutella from the edge of the jar for good.

Can I put Nutella in the microwave? ›

You can quickly melt Nutella by scooping it into a bowl and microwaving it gently. Or if you'd like to melt a larger amount, simply put the jar of Nutella into a bowl of hot water. If you only need a little Nutella for spreading, heat a metal knife or spoon then use it to scrape up the softened Nutella.

What food doesn't need refrigeration? ›

  • TOMATOES. Keep your tomatoes juicy, tasty and ready for your next Tomato and Ricotta Pizza by storing them at room temperature rather than in the fridge.
  • POTATOES. ...
  • ONIONS. ...
  • PICKLES. ...
  • CUCUMBERS. ...
  • AVOCADOS. ...

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.