Everyday Life during the Depression - Great Depression Project (2024)

Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

The New Deal Gas and Grocery, 1935, in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The Great Depression and the New Deal changed everyday life for people in both overt and subtle ways. Click image to enlarge. (Courtesy of the Museum of History and Industry.)

The Great Depression transformed American social and political institutions and the ways individual people thought about themselves and their relationship to the country and the world. Though no two people had the same understanding of the Depression, everyone felt challenged and changed by the experience.

By 1932, three years after the initial crash, near thirty million Americans had lost their source of income, from unemployment or loss of a family breadwinner. This included more than a quarter of the population of Washington State. Of those lucky enough to have consistent work, many, perhaps most, took pay cuts or worked reduced schedules. Though there had been devastating economic depressions before, the 1930s crisis encompassed both urban and rural regions and devastated middle-class and working-class people alike.


Bellingham Families during the Depression: Changes in Everyday Life by Annie Morro

The Banking Crisis of 1933: Seattle's Survival during the Great Depression Bank Closures, by Drew Powers

Life in Raymond, Washington, during the early years of the Great Depression, by Jacob Monson

The Great Depression in Kitsap County, 1929-1932, by Lauren Champa

Emerging Opportunities in Dark Times: Japanese Americans in the Northwest, 1933-1934, by Yukio Maeda

The 1932 Seattle Sports Scene: Helping the Emerald City through Hard Times, by Brian Harris

Changing Advertising Trends in the Seattle Times During the Great Depression, by Yifeng Hua

The Rainy City on the “Wet Coast”: The Failure of Prohibition in Seattle, by Kayta Katherine Samuels

Responding to Anti-Semitism in the Jewish Transcript: Seattle's Jews during America's Great Depression, by Stephanie Fajardo

Murders, Gambling, and Suicides: Crime in Seattle during the Depression, by Sarah Lawrence

Challenging Gender Stereotypes during the Depression: Female Students at the University of Washington, by Nicolette Flannery

The Town the New Deal Built: Mason City, Grand Coulee Dam, and Visions of New Deal America, by Allison Lamb

Nevertheless, the pain was not equally distributed. Indeed some businesses did well even in the dark days of 1931 and 1932 and most families did not lose livelihoods or face privation. The impact varied according to industry, class, race, location, and luck. The construction trades and the lumber industry suffered greatly, and in the mill towns and lumber camps of Washington State, unemployment surged (see "Life in Raymond"). Workers in other kinds of factories often lost their jobs but those with advanced skills were less likely to be hurt. White collar jobs fared better than blue collar jobs and those lucky enough to work for a city, county, state, or at one of the military facilities generally held on to jobs. Farm families were mostly well positioned (see "Kitsap County"). Farm prices fell but not so drastically that many Washington farmers were forced to sell or abandon their homesteads. Indeed, the farm population grew during these hard times, as people who years before had left farmsteads for city jobs returned, moving in with relatives or friends.

Washington's tiny communities of color were hit especially hard. Employment discrimination doubled in intensity and African Americans and Asian Americans were pushed out of jobs, including domestic service and farm labor, that whites had previously shunned. Japanese Americans, the state's largest minority population, had built a thriving small business sector in Seattle in the decades before the Great Depression. Now many of those residential hotels and restaurants struggled for customers (see "Emerging Opportunities in Dark Times"). The crisis encouraged some families to leave. Seattle's Japanese American population fell during the 1930s, with some moving to rural areas and others to Japan.

For Washington residents of all backgrounds who lost jobs, the challenges were daunting. With no unemployment insurance and typically with only one breadwinner, the loss of wages had an immediate and devastating effect on families, often leading to eviction and homelessness. People squeezed in with relatives when possible or begged landlords to stay on rent-free. Wives and teenage children joined unemployed husbands in the desperate search for work. Minimal help with food or rent was sometimes available from churches and charities, and in some counties, governments raised property taxes in an attempt to feed the hungry. The need far outstripped these local resources.

Sudden poverty produces psychological damage. Families broke apart under the strain. Divorces escalated, as did informal divorces as one partner or another (mostly husbands) abandoned their family. Young people also fled, quitting school and setting off on the road. Marriage rates and birth rates plummeted as people worried that they could not afford to start families. Acts of domestic violence multiplied and the suicide rate increased dramatically (see "Murders, Gambling Suicide").

New Deal period

When Franklin Roosevelt assumed office in March 1933, the economy was nearly stalled. Congress quickly passed a sequence of emergency measures to rescue the banking system, to send emergency aid to the states, and to begin to re-employ the millions who were out of work. Federal funds to Washington State were funneled through the Washington Emergency Relief Administration, a state agency that dispersed some money directly to the poor in the form of cash grants while also launching dozens of public works projects that created new jobs. Soon there would be more jobs coordinated with federal agencies. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) would employ thousands of young men in the forests and national parks of Washington State. The Civil Works Adminstration set up small public works jobs, while the Public Works Administration planned huge new infrastructure projects that included Bonneville and Grand Coulee dams on the Columbia River (see "Mason City, Grand Cooley Dam"). In 1935 many of the jobs and construction programs were consolidated under the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

With federal help, the state economy began a dramatic recovery, faster than many other states. By 1937, income payments in Washington (our best measure of economic activity) had returned to 93 percent of the 1929 level. Nationally, the level was 88 percent. Employment in the region's key industry, forest products, keyed the recovery. In 1937, there were almost as many workers employed in the woods, sawmills, paper mills, furniture, and wood products factories as in 1929, although wages remained well below normal. Other parts of the economy had rebounded, though not so dramatically (see "Economics and Poverty").

New concerns/ new possibilities

After 1933, the expansion of the New Deal meant that the government now intervened much more clearly in people’s daily lives, employing them and giving them aid, as well as providing new forms of social insurance. The political mood also changed. A wave of labor strikes and unionization allowed for a new way of thinking about the power of ordinary people and racial and gender divisions. Some responded to the crisis by looking for different forms of social, political, and economic organization, and turned to radical— and sometimes, conservative —movements (see "Strikes and Unions"). Ethnic communities, marginalized by race or religious categorizations, sought out different strategies for economic and social survival. A new kind of civil rights activism became evident, especially in Seattle where it was centered in the African American and Filipino American communities and given voice in the Northwest Enterprise and Philippine-American Chronicle. Jewish organizations and activists played an important role in the civil rights struggles of the 1930s, as did the Communist Party and some left wing unions (see "Civil Rights").

Late in 1933, Utah ratified the 21st Amendment to the constitution, ending prohibition. The legal sale and consumption of alcohol and the reopening of bars and nightclubs changed the contours of everyday life in dramatic ways, bringing drinking out of the shadows, making it cheaper, safer, and more widespread. It was just one of the notable cultural changes of the Great Depression era. The repeal of prohibition changed how leisure was understood, while at the most intimate level, family relationships adapted to the new conditions of work and unemployment that the Depression brought.

Gender expectations were changing. Massive unemployment disrupted the husband-as-sole-breadwinner ideal. Women entered the paid labor force at higher rates than ever before, including married women and mothers. And some women reworked their understandings of their role in communities, in the nation, and in the world. This included female students at the University of Washington (see "Challenging gender stereotypes")

Copyright (c) 2019, James Gregory

Next: Culture and Arts During the Depression

Click on the links below to read illustrated research reports on everyday life during Washinton's Great Depression:

Bellingham Families during the Depression: Changes in Everyday Life by Annie Morro

Whatcom County residents developed new social and familial roles in response to economic hardship.

Life in Raymond Washington During the Early Years of the Great Depression, 1929-1933 by Jacob Monson

Like other resource dependent communities in Washington State, the town of Raymond struggled during the Great Depression. A local newspaper, the Raymond Advertiser, chronicled the challenges of the 1930's, while also striving to maintain optimism and consumer confidence among local residents.

The Town the New Deal Built: Mason City, Grand Coulee Dam, and Visions of New Deal America, by Allison Lamb

Mason City, WA was built by federal New Deal funds and private contractors to house the workers and families who were building the Grand Coulee Dam, and was consciously promoted as an example of the social vision, technological capacity, and high standard of living that New Deal America aspired to.

The 1932 Seattle Sports Scene: Helping the Emerald City through Hard Times, by Brian Harris

Seattle rallied around its sports teams and prospective Olympic athletes as a symbol of community life and leisure during the Depression, despite loss of funds for many sports programs.

Changing Advertising Trends in the Seattle Times During the Great Depression, by Yifeng Hua

A statistical sample of consumer advertising from 1928-1935 in the Seattle Times.

The Rainy City on the “Wet Coast”: The Failure of Prohibition in Seattle, by Kayta Katherine Samuels

Prohibition failed to control the production, consumption, and enjoyment of alcohol in Seattle and the entire “wet coast.”

Everyday Life during the Depression - Great Depression Project (8) Emerging Opportunities in Dark Times: Japanese Americans in the Northwest, 1933-1934, by Yukio Maeda

During the Depression, many Japanese Americans in the Northwest began to embrace both Japanese and American cultures, nurtured cross-cultural social life, carved out economic sectors for themselves, and created political organizations with active participation in local cities and towns

Responding to Anti-Semitism in the Jewish Transcript: Seattle's Jews during America's Great Depression, by Stephanie Fajardo

Seattle's Jewish community sought out several strategies for responding to Anti-Semitism during the Great Depression through their newspaper.

Murders, Gambling, and Suicides: Crime in Seattle during the Depression, by Sarah Lawrence

Crime was one way Seattle residents dealt with the Great Depression.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes during the Depression: Female Students at the University of Washington, by Nicolette Flannery

Female students in the 1930s challenged accepted ideas of women's education, participation in college athletics, and domestic and social responsibilities.

The Great Depression in Kitsap County, 1929-1932 , by Lauren Champa

During the early years of the Great Depression, many communities in Washington State and across the nation struggled to survive economically. In Kitsap County, however, residents were able to rely upon a network of strong local businesses as well as a productive agricultural sector to help weather the finacial storm.

The Banking Crisis of 1933: Seattle's Survival during the Great Depression Bank Closures, by Drew Powers

The nationwide banking crisis of 1933, brought on by corruption, customer loan defaults, and an unstable banking system brought first state-wide and then nation-wide bank closures in 1933. Seattleites developed different strategies for surviving without cash, while Roosevelt and Congress stabilized American capitalism and preserved public faith in American finance.

Everyday Life during the Depression
     Great Depression Project (2024)


What was everyday life like during the Great Depression? ›

Factories were shut down, farms and homes were lost to foreclosure, mills and mines were abandoned, and people went hungry. The resulting lower incomes meant the further inability of the people to spend or to save their way out of the crisis, thus perpetuating the economic slowdown in a seemingly never-ending cycle.

What was life like for kids during the Great Depression? ›

Economically, many children worked both inside and outside the home; girls babysat or cleaned house, boys hustled papers or shined shoes, and both ran errands and picked crops. Yet the scarcity of jobs led record numbers of children to remain in school longer.

Were kids sold in the Great Depression? ›

Many people bought and sold these children, not as family, but to work almost like slaves with horrible living conditions and treatment.

What did people do during the Great Depression to survive? ›

Many families sought to cope by planting gardens, canning food, buying used bread, and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles. Despite a steep decline in food prices, many families did without milk or meat. In New York City, milk consumption declined a million gallons a day.

What was the daily reality for people living during the depression? ›

The poor congregated in cardboard shacks in so-called Hoovervilles on the edges of cities across the nation; hundreds of thousands of the unemployed roamed the country on foot and in boxcars in futile search of jobs. Although few starved, hunger and malnutrition affected many.

How did the Great Depression affect life today? ›

Among the legacies of the Great Depression were some durable innovations to make individual lives and many economic sectors less risky, including both the old-age pension and unemployment-relief features of the Social Security Act of 1935, federal programs to make mortgage lending and home-ownership more accessible, ...

What did people do for fun during the Great Depression? ›

Radio programs, music, dancing and dance marathons, and cinema were popular forms of entertainment during the Great Depression. Many people suffering from the effects of the economic downturn looked for inexpensive ways to pass the time and distract themselves from the challenging circ*mstances.

What was school life like during the Great Depression? ›

School. 1930s: School was considered a luxury for low- and middle-income children. Schools were overpopulated, underfunded, and an estimated 20,000 schools in America closed. Transportation was an issue—there were no buses or cars so children had to walk often long distances.

What was life like in cities during the Great Depression? ›

Many city dwellers often went hungry. Sometimes there were soup kitchens in larger cities that provided free meals to the poor. Winters were an especially hard time since many families had no money to buy coal to heat their houses. The government created programs to put Americans to work.

Who was the lady who sold her children? ›

4 Children for Sale is a photograph that depicts a mother, Lucille Chalifoux, hiding her head (presumably in shame) as her four children sit unwittingly beneath a sign that offers all of them for sale.

Why did kids run away during the Great Depression? ›

Some left to escape poverty or troubled families, others because it seemed a great adventure. At the height of the Great Depression, more than 250,000 teenagers were living on the road in America. Many criss-crossed the country by hopping freight trains, although it was both dangerous and illegal.

How did the depression hit families? ›

The hardships of the Great Depression threw family life into disarray. Both marriage and birth rates declined in the decade after the crash. The most vulnerable members of society—children, women, minorities, and the working class—struggled the most. Children, in particular, felt the brunt of poverty.

Who got rich during the Great Depression? ›

Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

How did depression affect schools? ›

Schools in the big cities were better off than rural schools during the Great Depression, but they still had problems. Schools had less money, which meant fewer teachers, and teachers were paid less. New supplies and books could not be bought for students, and classes like PE, art, and music were taken out of schools.

What jobs were safe during the Great Depression? ›

Industries that thrived during the Great Depression.
  • This has all happened before and it will all happen again.
  • Food. ...
  • Household products + essential consumables. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Communications. ...
  • Capital goods. ...
  • Security. ...
  • Anyone who keeps advertising & innovating.
Mar 20, 2024

What was the average life during the Great Depression? ›

Life expectancy at birth in 1930 was indeed only 58 for men and 62 for women, and the retirement age was 65.

What was the Great Depression like around the world? ›

International trade fell 30 percent as nations tried to protect their industries by raising tariffs on imported goods. "Beggar-thy-neighbor" trade policies were a major reason why the Depression persisted as long as it did. By 1932, an estimated 30 million people were unemployed around the world.

What was a popular activity during the Great Depression? ›

Radio programs, music, dancing and dance marathons, and cinema were popular forms of entertainment during the Great Depression. Many people affected by the economic downturn sought inexpensive ways to pass the time and distract themselves from the challenging circ*mstances.

Who suffered the most during the Great Depression? ›

The problems of the Great Depression affected virtually every group of Americans. No group was harder hit than African Americans, however. By 1932, approximately half of African Americans were out of work.

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