Dust Bowl | State Historical Society of Iowa (2024)

Table of Contents
Breadcrumb What was the impact of the Dust Bowl? Factors of the Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl and The Great Depression Conservation Efforts Supporting Questions What was the Dust Bowl? How did people respond to the Dust Bowl? How did the Dust Bowl affect Americans? Dust Storm in Baca County, Colorado, 1935 Description Dust Storm in Eastern Colorado, ca. 1936 Description Heavy Black Clouds of Dust Over Texas Panhandle, March 1936 Description Destroyed Orchard in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936 Description Dust Bowl Farmer in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936 Description Interview with Flora Robertson about Dust Storms in Oklahoma, August 5, 1940 Description Proposed Migrant Camps in California for Relocated Dust Bowl Families, 1935 Description Dust Storm in Amarillo, Texas, April 1936 Description Oklahoma Farm Family on Highway between Blythe and Indio, California, August 1936 Description Dust Bowl Family from Paris, Arkansas, Leaves on Highway No.1, June 1938 Description "Why We Come to California," 1940 Description "Dust Control Treatment of Center's Land Area Slated," June 3, 1943 Description "Dust Storm Headline Montage," between 1935 and 1942 Description "Migrant Mother" Florence Thompson with Her Children in Nipomo, California, February/March 1936 Description Farmer's Son Playing on a Large Soil Drift in Liberal, Kansas, March 1936 Description Manzanar Free Press Special Anniversary Edition, March 20, 1943 Description "Big Dust Storm Hits Project Sun. Afternoon" Newspaper Article, July 19, 1943 Description Iowa Public Television's "The Dust Bowl," 1979 Description Iowa Public Television's "The Depression, the Family Farm and the New Deal," April 28, 2015 Description Additional Resources Iowa Core Social Studies Standards (9-12th Grade) FAQs

Dust Bowl | State Historical Society of Iowa (1)

Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)

Dust Bowl | State Historical Society of Iowa (2)

US History

What was the impact of the Dust Bowl?

During the 1930s, the Midwest experienced so much blowing dust in the air that the region became known as the Dust Bowl. The term also refers to the event itself, usually dated from 1934 through 1940. The heart of the Dust Bowl was the Texas panhandle and western Oklahoma, but atmospheric winds carried the dust so far that East Coast cities sometimes found a powdery layer of dirt on windows, streets, sidewalks and automobiles. On the Great Plains, however, dust storms were so severe that crops failed to grow, livestock died of starvation and thirst and thousands of farm families lost their farms and faced severe poverty.

Factors of the Dust Bowl

Most authorities cite two factors as the cause of the Dust Bowl. In the 1920s, with the coming of tractors and mechanical farm implements, farmers on the Great Plains plowed up huge tracts of land once covered with grasses that held the soil in place and helped to keep in moisture in the topsoil. Without the grass cover, the wind could lift dirt particles into the atmosphere where they were carried east by the prevailing winds. During the summers of 1934, 1936 and 1939-40, little rain fell, creating drought conditions in Iowa and across the Midwest. Extreme high temperatures topped 100 degrees sometimes for weeks at a time. Crops withered in the field and again, the soil was left with no cover to prevent the topsoil from blowing into the air.

The result was that the huge clouds of dust formed, often so strong that they blocked the sun creating darkness and limited visibility even during the day. Even when families stuffed rags under the doors and around the windows, dust filtered into homes covering everything. One woman recalled that when she sat up in the morning, she could see the silhouette of her head outlined in dust on her pillow.

The Dust Bowl and The Great Depression

The extreme weather came on top of farmers struggling to survive during the Great Depression. Guaranteed high prices during WWI and government appeals to farmers’ patriotism encouraged many to expand their herds and their cropland. When the war ended and demand for extra production fell, farmers continued to produce at record levels. Surpluses developed, and farm prices fell sharply making many farmers unable to pay their mortgages. Farm foreclosures across the Midwest skyrocketed and the situation looked desperate. Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal boosted farm prices by paying farmers to limit production. While those programs were just beginning, however, the drought years of 1934 and 1936 made life even more difficult for farm families and the small towns that depended upon them. In Oklahoma and nearby regions, many families joined a mass migration to California, piling up whatever they could onto their automobiles. They became known as the "Okies."

Conservation Efforts

The Dust Bowl taught the United States to explore better approaches to land management. Western lands with too little rainfall to support grain crops like corn or wheat should be left as pasture to maintain a grass cover that can retain moisture and keep topsoil in place. The federal government began support for programs to plant trees as windbreaks, to terrace hillsides, and to implement other land management programs. It also produced a famous film, "The Plow That Broke the Plains," that dramatically illustrated the relationship between farming practices and the Dust Bowl.

Both weather and human efforts contributed to the Dust Bowl. Iowans who lived it remember the frightening appearance of dark clouds of descending dirt. They suffered through it but also learned some valuable lessons about the need to respect the natural environment.

Supporting Questions

What was the Dust Bowl?

  • Dust Storm in Baca County, Colorado, 1935 (Image)
  • Dust Storm in Eastern Colorado, c.a. 1936 (Image)
  • Heavy Black Clouds of Dust Over Texas Panhandle, March 1936 (Image)
  • Destroyed Orchard in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936 (Image)
  • Dust Bowl Farmer in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936 (Image)
  • Interview with Flora Robertson about Dust Storms in Oklahoma, August 5, 1940 (Audio)

How did people respond to the Dust Bowl?

  • Proposed Migrant Camps in California for Relocated Dust Bowl Families, 1935 (Map)
  • Dust Storm in Amarillo, Texas, April 1936 (Image)
  • Oklahoma Farm Family on Highway between Blythe and Indio, California, August 1936 (Image)
  • Dust Bowl Family from Paris, Arkansas, Leaves on Highway No.1, June 1938 (Image)
  • "Why We Come to California," 1940 (Document)
  • "Dust Control Treatment of Center's Land Area Slated," June 3, 1943 (Document)

How did the Dust Bowl affect Americans?

  • "Dust Storm Headline Montage," between 1935 and 1942 (Document)
  • "Migrant Mother" Florence Thompson with Her Children in Nipomo, California, February/March 1936 (Image)
  • Farmer's Son Playing on a Large Soil Drift in Liberal, Kansas, March 1936 (Image)
  • Manzanar Free Press Special Anniversary Edition, March 20, 1943 (Document)
  • "Big Dust Storm Hits Project Sun. Afternoon" Newspaper Article, July 19, 1943 (Document)
  • Iowa Public Television's "The Dust Bowl," 1979 (Video)
  • Iowa Public Television's "The Depression, the Family Farm and the New Deal," April 28, 2015 (Video)
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Dust Storm in Baca County, Colorado, 1935


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Thephotograph by J.H. Wardshows a dust storm moving in on a farm in Baca County, Colorado. Baca County is located in the southeasternmost part of the state.

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Dust Storm in Eastern Colorado, ca. 1936


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This J.H. Ward photographshows a huge dust storm moving toward a hill and through eastern Colorado.

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Heavy Black Clouds of Dust Over Texas Panhandle, March 1936


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This photograph by Arthur Rothstein in 1936 shows a very heavy black cloud of dust behind a single car that is driving on a country road. The image was taken in the "Texas panhandle," with is the straight and narrow top part of the state bordering Oklahoma and New…

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Destroyed Orchard in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936


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The1936 photograph by famed-American photographer Arthur Rothsteincaptures dry soil piling up high toward the top of dead trees in an orchard. The image was taken in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, which is the westernmost part of the state.

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Dust Bowl Farmer in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, April 1936


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The1936 photograph by Arthur Rothsteinshows a farmer digging up a fence and attempting to move it higher to prevent it from being buried in the dust that is accumulating around it. There is a young boy on his knees close by. This photo was taken in Cimarron…

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Interview with Flora Robertson about Dust Storms in Oklahoma, August 5, 1940


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Flora Robertsonis heard being interviewedabout dust storms in Oklahoma. Robertson lived in the state with her family during the Dust Bowl. In this audio file, she discusses the fear of being in a dust storm. Flora and her family ultimately moved to…

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Proposed Migrant Camps in California for Relocated Dust Bowl Families, 1935


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The map was designed to assist Dust Bowl families in relocating to migrant camps in California.It was created by theRural Rehabilitation Division to show areas where different crops are grown, proposed location of initial camps for migrants and routes of…

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Dust Storm in Amarillo, Texas, April 1936


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This Arthur Rothstein photographshows a parked car in the foreground of a town with a woman wearing a dress holding her hat on her head. A dust storm can be seen engulfing the town of Amarillo, Texas.

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Oklahoma Farm Family on Highway between Blythe and Indio, California, August 1936


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This photograph is an example of self-resettlement in California. This Oklahoma farm family is waiting along a highway between Blythe and Indio. Forced by the drought of 1936 to abandon their farm, they set out with their children to drive to California. They picked cotton…

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Dust Bowl Family from Paris, Arkansas, Leaves on Highway No.1, June 1938


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This photograph, taken by famed-American photographer Dorothea Lange, shows a family that was from Paris, Arkansas, relocating during the Dust Bowl era. The title indicates they anticipate ending up in California one day as many families did.

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"Why We Come to California," 1940


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This document is a poem written in 1940 by a woman, Flora Robertson, who lived during the Dust Bowl in Oklahoma. Flora left her home and settled in a migrant camp in California.

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"Dust Control Treatment of Center's Land Area Slated," June 3, 1943


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The Topaz Times is a Japanese evacuation and relocation newspaper out of Utah. The article outlines how the public works division are treating the land in Utah to control the dust, since irrigation alone does not work.

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"Dust Storm Headline Montage," between 1935 and 1942


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The montageshows a collection of headlines from various newspapers that focus on the dust storms and the Dust Bowl.

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"Migrant Mother" Florence Thompson with Her Children in Nipomo, California, February/March 1936


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This photograph by Dorothea Lange is part of a well-known collection taken ofFlorence Thompson with several of her children during the Dust Bowl. The photo collection, known as the "Migrant Mother" series, shows Thompson with her children in a tent shelter in…

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Farmer's Son Playing on a Large Soil Drift in Liberal, Kansas, March 1936


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This photograph by Arthur Rothsteinshows a young boy holding what appears to be a football sitting on top of a very large dune of dust. The photo was taken in Liberal, Kansas, which is located in the southwest part of the state.

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Manzanar Free Press Special Anniversary Edition, March 20, 1943


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The Manzanar Relocation Center Administration and newspaper of Manzanar Community Enterprises is a publication of a Japanese Internment Camp. The front page of this edition highlights a piece of writing about how a year has gone by since the author has been at the…

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"Big Dust Storm Hits Project Sun. Afternoon" Newspaper Article, July 19, 1943


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This newspaper article from the The Daily Tulean Dispatch internment camp in California is written about a baseball game that was interrupted by a massive dust storm. It describes what the people in attendance did in response to seeing the dust cloud approaching.…

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Iowa Public Television's "The Dust Bowl," 1979


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This video, produced by Iowa Public Television, documents the impact of the Dust Bowl on Iowa farms.

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Iowa Public Television's "The Depression, the Family Farm and the New Deal," April 28, 2015


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This segment from Iowa Public Television's documentary, "The People in the Pictures: Stories from the Wettach Farm Photos," features original photography and first-person accounts of farm life in rural America during the Great Depression and early20th century.…

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Additional Resources

Iowa Core Social Studies Standards (9-12th Grade)

Listed below are theIowa Core Social Studies content anchor standardsthat arebest reflected inthis source set.The content standards applied to this set are high school-age level and encompass the key disciplines that make up social studies for 9th through 12th grade students.

No.Standard Description
SS-Geo.9-12.13.Employ maps to display and explain the spatial patterns of human and environmental characteristics.
SS-Geo.9-12.18.Evaluate the impact of human settlement activities on the environmental and cultural characteristics of specific places and regions.
SS-Geo.9-12.19.Analyze the reciprocal relationship between historical events and the spatial diffusion of ideas, technologies, cultural practices and the distribution of human population.
SS-Geo.9-12.21.Analyze how changes in the environmental and cultural characteristics of a place or region influence spatial patterns of trade and land use.
SS-Geo.9-12.23.Analyze the consequences of human-made and natural catastrophes on global trade, politics, and human migration.
SS-Geo.9-12.24.Identify and evaluate Iowans or groups of Iowans who have influenced Iowa’s environmental or cultural geography.
Dust Bowl | State Historical Society of Iowa (2024)


What caused the Dust Bowl answers? ›

Due to low crop prices and high machinery costs, more submarginal lands were put into production. Farmers also started to abandon soil conservation practices. These events laid the groundwork for the severe soil erosion that would cause the Dust Bowl.

What was the Dust Bowl US history quizlet? ›

A drought that lasted from 1930 to 1936, known as the Dust Bowl, aggravated the problems of the Great Depression. More than a million acres of farmland were rendered useless because of severe drought and years of overfarming, and hundreds of thousands of farmers joined the ranks of the unemployed.

Was Iowa affected by the Dust Bowl? ›

Iowa was never hit as hard by the Dust Bowl as Kansas and Oklahoma, but the clouds of dust that blocked out the sun and found their way through any cracks in the house around windows or doors left a lasting impression on those who lived through them. Times were tough through the entire decade of the 1930s.

What was the biggest cause of the Dust Bowl _____? ›

What circ*mstances conspired to cause the Dust Bowl? Economic depression coupled with extended drought, unusually high temperatures, poor agricultural practices and the resulting wind erosion all contributed to making the Dust Bowl.

Was the Dust Bowl Man made? ›

The Dust Bowl was the greatest man-made ecological disaster in American history. At the outbreak of WWI, the government encouraged farmers to grow wheat. Land was cheap and farmers plowed millions of acres of virgin land. They removed the native grasses that held the soil in place.

What caused the Dust Bowl DBQ online answers? ›

The Dust Bowl was caused by mechanization, drought, and a significant loss of grass. As the years went by, farmers gained more advanced machines to harvest their crops. When the farmers gained new machines, they ended up over farming their land because the machines could harvest more crops in shorter time.

What ended the Dust Bowl? ›

In the fall of 1939, after nearly a decade of dirt and dust, the drought ended when regular rainfall finally returned to the region. The government still encouraged continuing the use of conservation methods to protect the Plains' soil and ecology.

What states were hit the hardest by the Dust Bowl? ›

Flexi Says: The states most severely affected by the Dust Bowl were Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. However, the Dust Bowl was also felt in other adjacent regions. It was a severe period of dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage that occurred during the 1930s.

Could a Dust Bowl happen again? ›

The Return of the Dust Bowl

until 2021, when average temperatures reached 74 F (23.3 C). The third hottest summer on record was in 2022. Scientific studies predict dustbowl level temperatures are now two and a half times more likely to happen thanks to climate change.

What 3 problems did the Dust Bowl cause? ›

On the Great Plains, however, dust storms were so severe that crops failed to grow, livestock died of starvation and thirst and thousands of farm families lost their farms and faced severe poverty.

What did people eat during the Dust Bowl? ›

Many people turned to newly developed, mass-produced processed foods like canned meats, corn chips, and fruit-filled cakes [1].

How did people try to survive the Dust Bowl? ›

People tried to protect themselves by hanging wet sheets in front of doorways and windows to filter the dirt. They stuffed window frames with gummed tape and rags. But keeping the fine particles out was impossible.

What did the dust bowl cause? ›

On the Great Plains, however, dust storms were so severe that crops failed to grow, livestock died of starvation and thirst and thousands of farm families lost their farms and faced severe poverty.

What caused the Dust Bowl quizizz? ›

During the Great Depression, there was a severe drought in the Great Plains. Strong prairie winds picked up the topsoil and spread dust everywhere. Many farm families packed everything up and moved west.

What caused the Dust Bowl essay? ›

One major cause of that Dust Bowl was severe droughts during the 1930's. The other cause was capitalism. Over-farming and grazing in order to achieve high profits killed of much of the plain's grassland and when winds approached, nothing was there to hold the devastated soil on the ground.

What solved the Dust Bowl? ›

These so-called shelterbelts were critical to alleviating the conditions that created the Dust Bowl, and have helped stop them from coming back. Tree shelterbelts help farmers adapt to drought conditions by reducing soil erosion and keeping moisture in the soil.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.