Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (2024)


  • Detective Conan - Season 1

  • Episode 28

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Episode 01 Episode 02 Episode 03 Episode 04 Episode 05 Episode 06 Episode 07 Episode 08 Episode 09 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Episode 22 Episode 23 Episode 24 Episode 25 Episode 26 Episode 27 Episode 28

Kudou Shinichi is a famous 17-year-old high school detective who helps the police solve cases. While investigating a mysterious organization, he was knocked unconscious by them, and an experimental poison was forced down his throat. Then he didn't die but became a kid. To continues help police, he lived in his friend house.

Actors: Dana Schultes,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (41)

Dana Schultes

Mitsuo Iwata,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (42)

Mitsuo Iwata 31 July 1967, Saitama, Japan

Rumiko Varnes,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (43)

Rumiko Varnes

Hirohiko Kakegawa,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (44)

Hirohiko Kakegawa

Steve Cutter,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (45)

Steve Cutter

Rebecca Paige,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (46)

Rebecca Paige

Sakura Tange,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (47)

Sakura Tange 24 March 1973, Ichinomiya, Japan

Eric Vale,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (48)

Eric Vale 28 April 1974, Grand Prairie, Texas, USA

Tomohiro Tsuboi,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (49)

Tomohiro Tsuboi 30 September 1971, Saitama, Japan

Ricky Page,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (50)

Ricky Page

Naoko Matsui,

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (51)

Naoko Matsui 4 April 1961, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan


Genre: Comedy,Adventure,Fantasy,Animation

Director: Kodama Kenji

Country: Japan

Release: 1996

IMDb: 8.5


Duration: 25 min

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Detective Conan Movie 04: Captured in Her Eyes
Detective Conan Movie 05: Countdown to Heaven
Detective Conan Movie 13: The Raven Chaser
Detective Conan Movie 07: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital
Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky
Detective Conan Movie 09: Strategy Above the Depths
Detective Conan Movie 01: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper
Detective Conan Movie 02: The Fourteenth Target
Detective Conan Movie 19: Sunflowers of Inferno

Country: Genre: Play Now';

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (63)

CREATORS OF "Detective Conan - Season 1"

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (64)

Gosho Aoyama

21 June 1963, Hokuei, Japan

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (65)

ACTORS OF "Detective Conan - Season 1"

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (66)

Dana Schultes

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (67)

Mitsuo Iwata

31 July 1967, Saitama, Japan

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (68)

Rumiko Varnes

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (69)

Hirohiko Kakegawa

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (70)

Steve Cutter

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (71)

Rebecca Paige

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (72)

Sakura Tange

24 March 1973, Ichinomiya, Japan

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (73)

Eric Vale

28 April 1974, Grand Prairie, Texas, USA

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (74)

Tomohiro Tsuboi

30 September 1971, Saitama, Japan

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (75)

Ricky Page

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (76)

Naoko Matsui

4 April 1961, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (77)

Gara Takashima

2 March 1955, Tokyo, Japan

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HEROES OF "Detective Conan - Season 1"

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Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (80)

James Black

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (81)


Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (82)

Ai Haibara

Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (83)

Dr. Hershel Agasa

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Inspector Megure

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Kogoro Mouri

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Kazuha Toyama

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Sonoko Suzuki

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Shuichi Akai

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Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (90)

Jodie Saintemillion

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Detective Conan - Season 1 - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (2024)
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