Crew of the Flying Dutchman (2024)

"Part of the crew. Part of the ship."
―The crew of the Flying Dutchman[src]

The crew of the Flying Dutchman consisted of a large number of crewmen aboard Davy Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Davy Jones' monstrous crew is made up from the doomed sailors who have opted to serve one hundred years before the mast rather than face certain death at sea. With every year that passes, the crewmen become less human, their bodies taking on traits from the sea, until eventually they become part of the Flying Dutchman itself. After Jones' own death, the crew turned back to normal, with Will Turner as the new captain of the Dutchman.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Scourge of the Seven Seas
    • 1.2 Serving the East India Company
    • 1.3 A new captain
  • 2 Crew Member
    • 2.1 Major Crew Member
  • 3 Everyday life
  • 4 Behind the scenes
  • 5 Appearances
  • 6 Sources
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes and references


Scourge of the Seven Seas[]

"Once you've sworn an oath to the Dutchman, there's no leaving it. Not till your debt is paid. By then, you're not just on the ship, but of it. Why did you do it, Will?"
"I've sworn no oath."
"Then you must get away.
Bootstrap Bill Turner and Will Turner[src]

The Flying Dutchman must have already had a crew by the time Jones became her captain, but it is unknown of whom this crew consisted and whether or not he kept this crew when he abandoned his duty. However, over the years and decades Jones recruited a large number of crewmembers. On one occasion, Jones offered Jack Sparrow a proposal: in return for raising the Wicked Wench from the ocean floor, Jack would give Jones his soul after being captain for thirteen years. Two years later he recruited "Bootstrap Bill" Turner.[1]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (1)

When another eleven years passed, Jones demanded Sparrow's debt back. Bootstrap marked Sparrow with the Black Spot and the Kraken started hunting him. During a meeting near a scuttled ship, Jones and Sparrow agreed that Sparrow may pay his debt by recruiting 100 souls for Jones. Jones kept William Turner as a Good-faith payment aboard the Flying Dutchman.[1]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (2)

Sparrow and his crew however went to Isla Cruces in order to get the heart of Davy Jones which was buried there. As Jones was unable to go ashore, he sent a landing party led by Maccus to the island. The fish-people fought Sparrow and his mates and managed to get the Dead Man's Chest, not knowing that it was empty. They returned to their ship and the Dutchman attacked the Black Pearl. When the faster Black Pearl escaped, the crew rotated the Kraken Hammer and summoned the giant creature which dragged the ship along with its captain into Davy Jones' Locker. However, James Norrington stole Jones' heart and brought it to Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company, who was now able to control Jones.[1]

Serving the East India Company[]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (3)
"To arms! We give no quarter!"
Ian Mercer to the crew[src]

For the next few months, Beckett had Jones assist in exterminating pirates from the world. However, after the Flying Dutchman destroyed numerous pirate ships with no survivors, Beckett reinforced Jones' crew with a large number of EITC soldiers led by Admiral James Norrington.[2]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (4)

Following the skirmish off of the Black Sand Beach, the Dutchman followed the Empress, the ship of the Chinese Pirate Lord Sao Feng. Under Norrington's command, the crew successfully attacked and captured the Empress, killing Feng and several of his pirates in the process. However, when Norrington discovered that his former fiancée Elizabeth Swann was among Feng's crew, he helped them escape, an act which caused the Dutchman's crew member Bootstrap Bill Turner to kill him and propelled the rest of the crew to raise a mutiny against the contingent of EITC troops onboard. However, the mutiny was short-lived because Ian Mercer took Norrington's place as commander over the Dutchman.[2]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (5)

During the battle around Calypso's maelstrom, some of the Dutchman's crew boarded the Black Pearl while the rest had to defend their own ship against the attackers from the pirate vessel. Throughout the battle, Jones killed Mercer, many of the EITC Marines were killed by the pirates, and Morey was decapitated by Barbossa. Jones was ultimately killed by Will Turner, whose heart was cut out by his father and who became the new captain of the Dutchman. The surviving crewmen regained their humanity and helped the pirates in destroying the HMS Endeavour.[2]

A new captain[]

"They know you're here... Get home to your mother. Leave now before it's too late."
Will Turner to Henry Turner[src]

Following the battle of Calypso's maelstrom, some of the now-free crew members decided to stay in the world of the living,[4] while the rest of the crew followed their new captain, Will Turner. With him in command the Dutchman returned to its original mission, the collecting of those who died at sea and ferrying of their souls to the afterlife.[2]

Approximately twelve years after the battle of Calypso's maelstrom, the Dutchman arose out of the sea off the coast of Jamaica, not far away from the house of Elizabeth Swann and her son Henry Turner, the boy who had deliberately jumped into the sea to end up on the Dutchman so he could be reunited with his father. The crew members were below deck when Will confronted his son on the main deck but they sensed that there was a stranger onboard and Will heard their voices. Afraid that the crew would attempt to force Henry to join them, Will ordered Henry to leave the ship and forget him.[3]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (6)

Nine years later, Henry broke the legendary Trident of Poseidon, successfully ending all curses of the sea. Will Turner steered the Dutchman back to his wife's home. Once the ship was anchored, the crew worked on lowering the sails, while Will left the ship and rowed ashore to be reunited with his family.[3] The crew's further fate is unknown.

Crew Member[]

"One hundred years before the mast. Losing who you were, bit by bit..."
"Bootstrap Bill" Turner to Will Turner[src]

The crew was subdivided into two main groups: crewmembers and slaves, although the distinction of these groups was fluid and not clearly visible.[5] However it is possible the slaves did not participate in fighting on Isla Cruces; in another words, those who fought on Isla Cruces are possibly crewmembers instead of slaves.

Coral-covered, weed-wrapped, polyp-pimpled grotesques, these terrifying creatures are more loyal members of Davy Jones' ruthless gang. While they are under the curse of the Flying Dutchman, they cannot be killed, and therefore, they know no fear. No murderous mission they undertake can be any more nightmarish and punishing than daily life on their own ship. Many regret choosing to serve their harsh captain, for as Jones points out – "life is cruel, why should the afterlife be any different?"[6][1][2]

Major Crew Member[]

The crew had a hierarchy similar to the ones on other ships, so some of the crewmembers had positions making them superior to others, these are:

Koleniko, Jimmy Legs and Maccus were in fact the ones who kept order on the ship on behalf of Captain Davy Jones.[7] Their rule was strict and backed up by harsh punishments such as whipping and locking into the Brig.

It is possible that Palifico was Jones' personal bodyguard.[citation needed]

Another distinctive group is the team of three elite fighters consisting of Cannon Arm, Morey and Quartermaster.[8]

Crew of the Flying Dutchman (7)

Everyday life[]

"Welcome to the crew, lad."
Davy Jones to Will Turner[src]

Jones recruited new crew members by offering dying sailors life in exchange for one hundred years of service aboard his ship. However, he did not tell them that during this time they would go through a painful transmutation turning them into fishmen and after one hundred years they would become a part of the ship itself, like Wyvern. In their leisure time the crewmen used to play Liar's Dice using years of service as bets since they had no other important possessions.

Unlike their captain, the crewmembers could go ashore every time when Jones allowed them to do it. They also had the possibility to mark any person with a Black Spot, though only Jones could remove it. It is unknown whether they also had the ability to teleport themselves or whether Jones could teleport them if he wanted to. However, the crew seemed to teleport to the deck after Will Turner killed Jones so it is likely they could teleport themselves.

Behind the scenes[]

"[Their goal] is to put the fear of God in you. They're of the sea, and I must say, they're a sight to behold. The hammerhead shark is delightfully malicious. These are wondrous creations. And as bad guys, they've such an enjoyably keen sense of menace, you can't help but admire them. For all of us, it's been fascinating to inhibit creatures of such danger."
Bill Nighy[src]


Crew of the Flying Dutchman (8)

The Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Crew of the Flying Dutchman.


See also[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  4. Wordplay Forums: Re: Extra green flash ... posted by Ted Elliott (June 15, 2007)
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean - Fluch der Karibik 2 ISBN 978-3802535413 (A German novelisation of Dead Man's Chest by Wolfgang and Rebecca Hohlbein.)
  6. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide, p. 68 "Shipmates"
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide, p. 66 "Davy Jones' Crew"
  8. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (video game)
  9. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (junior novelization), Chapter 16, p. 76
  10. Bring Me That Horizon: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean, pg.165
  11. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest DVD/BluRay release Meet Davy Jones featurette.

vdeCrew of the Flying Dutchman
Captain: Davy Jones
Flying Dutchman
HadrasHermanIgmarJellyJimmy LegsKolenikoMaccusManrayMoreyOgilveyOld Haddy
PalificoPenrodPiperQuittanceRatlinTwo Head

Captain: Davy Jones
Flying Dutchman
HadrasHermanIgmarJellyJimmy LegsKolenikoMaccusManrayMoreyOgilveyOld Haddy
PalificoPenrodPiperQuittanceRatlinBootstrap Bill TurnerTwo Head

Captain: Davy Jones
Flying Dutchman
HadrasHelmsmanHermanIgmarJellyJimmy LegsKolenikoMaccusManrayMoreyOgilveyOld Haddy
PalificoPenrodPiperQuittanceRatlinSailorBootstrap Bill TurnerWill Turner
Two HeadUrchinWheelbackWyvern

Captain: Davy Jones (controlled by Lord Cutler Beckett)
Flying Dutchman
Admiral James NorringtonAnglerBroondjongenClankerCrashFauntleroyFinneganGreenbeardHadrasHelmsmanHermanIgmarJellyJimmy LegsKolenikoMaccusManray
Ian MercerMoreyMullroyMurtoggOgilveyOld HaddyPalificoPenrodPiperQuittanceRatlinSailorBootstrap Bill TurnerTwo HeadUrchinWheelbackWyvern

Captain: Will Turner
Flying Dutchman
AnglerBroondjongenClankerCrashFauntleroyFinneganGreenbeardHadrasHelmsmanHermanIgmarJellyJimmy LegsKolenikoMaccusManrayMoreyOgilveyOld HaddyPalificoPenrodPiperQuittanceRatlinSailorBootstrap Bill TurnerTwo HeadUrchinWheelbackWyvern
Crew of the Flying Dutchman (2024)


Does the Flying Dutchman have a crew? ›

The Crew of the Flying Dutchman are men who have given their souls to Davy Jones, in exchange for avoiding the shadowy unknown that is death.

Who sailed the Flying Dutchman? ›

In real life the Flying Dutchman was a 17th century Dutch merchantman, captained by Captain Hendrick Van Der Decken, a skilled seaman but one of few scruples, and in 1680 was proceeding from Amsterdam to Batavia in the Dutch East Indies.

Are the crew of the Flying Dutchman immortal? ›

Davy Jones is the near-immortal god of passing to the afterlife and Jack Sparrow's and Will Turner's archenemy. He is the captain of the Flying Dutchman (based on the legendary ghost ship of the same name), whose crew consists of humans who traded 100 years of servitude for immortality, and master of The Kraken.

Why does the crew of the Flying Dutchman turn into fish? ›

They are men who have given their souls to Davy Jones, in exchange for avoiding death in service of one hundred-years aboard the Flying Dutchman, fusing with various sea creatures.

Who was Davy Jones' first mate? ›

Maccus served as the First Mate aboard The Flying Dutchman under the command of Davy Jones. He had a head like a hammerhead shark and used axes both in man-to-man combat and as ranged weapon.

What happens after 100 years on the Flying Dutchman? ›

Behind the scenes

With every year that passes, the crewmen become less human, their bodies taking on traits from the sea, until eventually they become part of the Flying Dutchman itself. After Jones' own death, the crew turned back to normal, with Will Turner as the new captain of the Dutchman.

Was the Black Pearl a real ship? ›

The Black Pearl (formerly known as the Wicked Wench) is a fictional ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. In the screenplay, the ship is easily recognized by her distinctive black hull and sails. Captained by Captain Jack Sparrow, the Black Pearl is said to be "nigh uncatchable".

What is the true story of the Flying Dutchman? ›

Lesson Summary. The Flying Dutchman is a European maritime legend about a phantom ship condemned to sail forever. Dutch folklore designates the captain as Hendrik Vander Decken, whose mission is to find the Cape of Good Hope. However, a freak storm thwarted the captain, and he could reach his destination.

Who ends up captain of the Flying Dutchman? ›

It first made appearances in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), captained by Davy Jones until his heart was stabbed by Will Turner, who became the new captain of the Dutchman.

Did Calypso betray Davy Jones? ›

As the series progresses, it is revealed that as Calypso, she became romantically involved with Davy Jones, and their mutual betrayal is what led to both of their transformations. Calypso had charged Davy Jones with ferrying souls of the dead, promising to meet with him again in ten years.

Why can't Davy Jones step on land? ›

Once a man, Jones was tasked by his lover, the goddess Calypso (or Tia Dalma), with ferrying the souls of those who died at sea to the afterlife. When he took on this task, he was forbidden from setting foot on land aside from every ten years, when he would finally be reunited with his love– but she never showed.

What happens if the captain of the Flying Dutchman stabs his own heart? ›

The person who stabs the heart must be the captain, and so if he stabs his own heart, there would be no captain. Will Turner is freed from the curse but it is heavily implied that Davy Jones has been ressurected to captain the Flying Dutchman.

Who was Davy Jones before he was an octopus? ›

Once a human pirate and a good man, Davy Jones was known to be a great sailor, Jones was originally a heroic man like Jack Sparrow before meeting Calypso. He fell in love with the sea goddess Calypso, who charged him with the duty to ferry souls who died at sea to the other side through the use of the Flying Dutchman.

What was Davy Jones' real name? ›

David Thomas Jones (30 December 1945 – 29 February 2012) was an English actor and singer. Best known as a member of the band The Monkees and a co-star of the TV series The Monkees (1966–1968), Jones was considered a teen idol.

Why did Davy Jones give Jack the Black Pearl? ›

After failing to rescue the Wench, Jack made a deal with Davy Jones, the ghostly captain of the Flying Dutchman. Jones raised Jack's beloved ship from the depths, giving Jack thirteen years as captain, in exchange for one hundred years of service aboard the Dutchman.

Does the Flying Dutchman need a captain? ›

Whoever stabs Jones' heart, theirs must take its place and captain the Flying Dutchman, as the ship must have a captain. The heartbroken and bitter Davy Jones abandoned his duty and returned to the seven seas. As a result, the Flying Dutchman itself became cursed, just as Jones was.

Is the Flying Dutchman a person or a ship? ›

The Flying Dutchman (Dutch: De Vliegende Hollander) is a legendary ghost ship, allegedly never able to make port, but doomed to sail the sea forever. The myths and ghost stories are likely to have originated from the 17th-century Golden Age of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and of Dutch maritime power.

Does the Flying Dutchman always need a captain? ›

After this betrayal, he carved out his heart, thereby leaving a geis cast upon it and the Dutchman: whoever stabs Jones' heart, theirs must take its place and captain the Dutchman, as the ship must have a captain. As a result, the Dutchman itself became cursed, just as Jones was.

Who is the main character in the Flying Dutchman? ›

The Flying Dutchman was a sea captain who once found himself struggling to round the Cape of Good Hope during a ferocious storm. He swore that he would succeed even if he had to sail until Judgment Day. The Devil heard his oath, and took him up on it; the Dutchman was condemned to stay at sea forever.

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